Class 9 Science Chapter 5 MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) of The Fundamental Unit of Life. All the questions are important and useful for clearing the doubts in chapter 5 of standard 9 science. These questions provide a perfect practice for the preparation of school unit tests or terminal exams. These questions take less time to revise and provide maximum result in exams. So, practice here with MCQs and get good marks in exams.

Class 9 Science Chapter 5 MCQ Online Tests for 2024-25

Class: 9Science
Chapter: 5The Fundamental Unit of Life
Contents:MCQ Online Tests with Answers

Class 9 Science Chapter 5 MCQ with Answers for 2024-25

Class 9 Science Chapter 5 MCQ Online Test contains about 75 questions in all with answers and explanation. New questions will be added time to time to increase the question bank. All the questions are taken from NCERT Books for 9th Standard Science issued for academic session 2024-25.


Which of the following statement is or are correct?

[A]. The vacuolar membrane is typically a single unit member and is often associated with the maintenance of water balance or ingestion of nutrient material.
[B]. In plant cells, the vacuoles are large, distinct and permanent.
[C]. Peroxisomes are specialized for carrying out some oxidative reactions, such as detoxification or removal of toxic substances from the cell.
[D]. All the above.

Consider the following statements and choose the incorrect one:

[A]. Stroma are stacks of membrane bounded flattened discoid sacs containing the molecules of chlorophyll.
[B]. Granum is the site of light reactions during photosynthesis, while stroma former is the site of dark reaction during photosynthesis.
[C]. Chromoplasts impart various colors to flowers to attract insects for pollination.
[D]. Leucoplasts store food in the form of carbohydrates (starch), fats and protein.

Cell theory was given by

[A]. Schleiden and Schwann
[B]. Virchow
[C]. Hooke
[D]. Haeckel

Kitchen of the cell is

[A]. Mitochondria
[B]. Endoplasmic reticulum
[C]. Chloroplast
[D]. Golgi apparatus

Recently, in a science class test, you are asked a question where you have to say whether the statements are correct or not?

[A]. Cell wall permits the plant cell to become turgid.
[B]. In plant cells, there occurs a rigid cell wall which lies outside the plasma membrane.
[C]. The plant cell wall, thus, consists of tiny cellulose fibres called microfibrils.
[D]. The cell walls of adjacent cells are glued together by the plasmodesmata.

Which of the following statement is or are incorrect?

[A]. The shell of an egg is made up mainly of calcium bicarbonate which is a thick outer skin, called cell membrane.
[B]. Unicellular freshwater organisms and the most plant cells tend to gain water through osmosis.
[C]. Absorption of water by plant roots or by root hairs is an example of osmosis.
[D]. In diffusion semi permeable membrane is required.

Rahul is doing his homework which is given by his teacher. Would you help him to choose the incorrect sentences?

[A]. The prokaryotic cells usually range between 1 to 10 micrometers (μm).
[B]. The largest size of an elephant is due to the larger cells present in its body.
[C]. Amoeba proteus is biggest among the unicellular organisms.
[D]. The smallest cells are those of mycoplasma gallisepticum, an organism intermediate between virus and bacteria.

In the last year board examination, Rahul were asked a question where he had to choose the statement which was/were incorrect? Will you be able to answer this question?

[A]. Non-cellular organisms that do not contain any cell in their body organisms, example viruses.
[B]. Cellular organisms that contain either one or more cells in their bodies example bacteria.
[C]. Nuclear material of a prokaryotic cell consists of a single chromosome which is in direct contact with cytoplasm.
[D]. In prokaryotic cell membrane bound cell organelles such as mitochondria and plastids endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus etc. are present.

Find out the false sentences

[A]. Golgi apparatus is involved with the formation of lysosomes
[B]. Nucleus, mitochondria and plastid have DNA; hence they are able to make their own structural proteins
[C]. Mitochondria is said to be the power house of the cell as ATP is generated in them.
[D]. Cytoplasm is called as protoplasm

Which of the following can be made into crystal?

[A]. A Bacterium
[B]. An Amoeba
[C]. A Virus
[D]. A Sperm
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Last Edited: June 10, 2023