Class 8 Science Chapter 9 MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) of Friction updated for academic session 2024-25 CBSE and state board students free to use. All the contents are prepared from latest NCERT Textbooks issued for session 2024-25. Every topic given in chapter 9 of class 8 science is covered in the format of MCQ quiz with suitable answers and explanation. Practice with these questions to score better in exams.

Class 8 Science Chapter 9 MCQ

Class: 8Science
Chapter: 9Friction
Contents: MCQ Online Tests

MCQ Tests with Answers for Class 8 Science Chapter 9


A boy runs his toy car on dry marble floor, wet marble floor, newspaper and towel spread on the floor. The force of friction acting on the car on different surfaces in increasing order will be:

[A]. Wet marble floor, Dry marble floor, Newspaper, Towel
[B]. Newspaper, Towel, Dry marble floor, Wet marble floor
[C]. Towel, Newspaper, Dry marble floor, Wet marble floor
[D]. Wet marble floor, Dry marble floor, Towel, Newspaper

Whenever the surfaces in contact tend to move or move with respect to each other, the force of friction comes into play:

[A]. Only if the objects are solid.
[B]. Only if one of the two objects is liquid.
[C]. Only if one of the two objects is gaseous.
[D]. Irrespective of whether the objects are solid, liquid or gaseous.

A big wooden box is being pushed on the ground from east to west direction. The force of friction due to ground will act on this box towards:

[A]. North direction
[B]. South direction
[C]. East direction
[D]. West direction

A toy car released with the same initial speed will travel farthest on:

[A]. Muddy
[B]. Polished marble surface
[C]. Cemented surface
[D]. Brick surface

If we apply oil on door hinges, the friction will:

[A]. [A] Increase
[B]. Decrease
[C]. Disappear Altogether
[D]. Will remain unchanged

The friction between two surfaces does not depend on one of the following. This one is:

[A]. Amount of surface area of the two objects which is in contact with each other
[B]. Weight of the object which tends to move on the surface of other object
[C]. Degree of smoothness of surfaces of two objects in contact with each other
[D]. Degree of roughness of surfaces of two objects in contact with each other

A boy rolls a rubber ball on a wooden surface. The ball travels a short distance before coming to rest. To make the same, ball travel longer distance before coming to rest, he may:

[A]. Spread a carpet on the wooden surface.
[B]. Cover the ball with a piece of cloth.
[C]. Sprinkle talcum powder on the wooden surface.
[D]. Sprinkle sand on the wooden surface.

Which of the following is not an advantage of fiction?

[A]. It enables drawing to be made on paper
[B]. It enables fallen things to be picked up
[C]. It enables rubber pads to be rubbed off
[D]. It enables vehicles to move on ground

In a large commercial complex, there are four ways to reach the main road. One of the path has loose soil, the second is laid with polished marble, the third is laid with bricks and the fourth has gravel surface. It is raining heavily and Paheli wishes to reach the main road. The path on which she is least likely to slip is:

[A]. Loose soil
[B]. Polished marble
[C]. Bricks
[D]. Gravel

If the static friction between two surfaces X and Y is found to be 20 N, then the rolling friction between these two surfaces should be most likely be:

[A]. 25 N
[B]. 20 N
[C]. 5 N
[D]. 50 N

Priya is writing some statements, choose the correct statement and help her:

[A]. Higher speed of an object moving through a fluid, greater will be the frictional force. Acting on it.
[B]. Larger the size of an object moving through a fluid, greater will be the frictional force acting on it.
[C]. Higher the viscosity or thickness of fluid, greater will be the frictional force or drag acting on an object moving through it.
[D]. All the above.

Which of the following statement is or are incorrect?

[A]. Friction can never be entirely eliminated.
[B]. Dolphins are streamlined body by nature to reduce friction with water.
[C]. The use of ball bearing makes the wheel roll smoothly over the axle.
[D]. None of the above.

Consider the following statements and choose the correct one:

[A]. Friction can be reduced by making the surfaces smooth by polishing.
[B]. Friction can be reduced by applying lubricants to the rubbing surfaces
[C]. Friction can be reduced by using wheel to move objects
[D]. All the above.

Read the following sentences carefully, and choose the incorrect one:

[A]. Grooves are made in the soles of shoes to increase friction and prevent slipping.
[B]. Spikes are provided in the shoes of player and athletes to increase friction and prevent slipping.
[C]. Machines belts are made of special materials to increase friction and drive machines wheels properly.
[D]. None of the above.

The weight of an object can be measured by a:

[A]. Beam balance
[B]. Analytical balance
[C]. Spring balance
[D]. Physical balance

Which of the following statement is or are correct?

[A]. We are able to walk on ground because friction between the sole of our shoes and ground prevents us from slipping over the ground.
[B]. Walking on slippery ground is difficult because the frictional force on slippery ground is much less which may not be sufficient to prevent us from sleeping.
[C]. When we accidentally step on a banana peel thrown on the road, we usually slip and fall down.
[D]. All the above.

In a science quiz competition, Payel is asked a question where she had to choose the statement which was/were incorrect?

[A]. The brakes of a car and bicycle work by friction.
[B]. The friction between brake pad and rim prevents the wheel from moving ahead.
[C]. If there were no friction, then once a vehicle started moving it would never stop.
[D]. None of the above

A body shape which offers very little resistance to the flow of air (or water) around it is called:

[A]. Trimlined shape
[B]. Steamlined shape
[C]. Streaklined shape
[D]. Streamlined shape

Which of the following should be used to reduce friction on a carrom board?

[A]. A lubricating oil
[B]. A dry lubricant
[C]. A layer of grease
[D]. A ball bearing

In a quiz competition, you are asked a question where you have to choose the statement which is/ are incorrect?

[A]. Nails and screws are also held in wood by friction.
[B]. Friction enables knot to be tied in strings or ropes etc.
[C]. Friction enables a person to climb a tree or pole.
[D]. Friction does not help a ladder to be leaned against the wall.

A person has applied some mustard oil on his hands. Which of the following objects will become most difficult for him to hold in his hand?

[A]. Earthen cup (kulhar)
[B]. Thermocol tumbler
[C]. Glass tumbler
[D]. Wooden cup

Which of the statements is or are correct about “Friction”?

[A]. Friction force can only slow things down
[B]. Friction is force that only occurs when an object moves.
[C]. Friction is force that only occurs on rough surfaces.
[D]. Friction is force that only occurs between solids

Final examination in the last year, Rahul were asked a question where he had to choose the statement which was/were incorrect? Will you be able to answer this question?

[A]. When the oil is poured the marble floor, it decreases the irregularities.
[B]. When an object is pulled by a spring it decreases the friction.
[C]. Wrapping of polythene sheet makes the surface of bricks smooth due to which the friction with floor decreases
[D]. Wrapping of jute clothes make the surface of brick more-rough due to which the friction with floor decreases.

Recently, in a science class test, you are asked a question where you have to say whether the statements are correct or not?

[A]. The force of friction acts in the direction opposite to the direction of motion of an object.
[B]. When the motion of the book is towards right side then the force of friction acts on it towards the left side.
[C]. Friction is caused by the interlocking of irregularities in the surfaces of the two objects which are in contact with each other.
[D]. All the above

Ball bearing is a device which usually converts:

[A]. Rolling friction into sliding friction
[B]. Static friction into sliding friction
[C]. Sliding friction into rolling friction
[D]. Rolling friction into static friction

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According to CBSE latest pattern of question papers, in every subject MCQ with four options will be asked. These MCQ help to revise the chapter as well as provide a perfect way for quick revision.

Last Edited: June 12, 2023