Class 8 Science Chapter 7 MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) of reaching the Age of Adolescence updated for academic session 2024-25. All the MCQs are important for the school unit tests as well as terminal or periodic exams. Practice here MCQ online test with answers and explanation of each questions to prepare the chapter and become confident in all topics of chapter 7 of class 8 science. These MCQ quiz covers the complete chapter 7 reaching the Age of Adolescence from CBSE class viii science.
Class 8 Science Chapter 7 MCQ
Class: 8 | Science |
Chapter: 7 | Reaching the Age of Adolescence |
Contents: | MCQ Online Test with Explanation |
Session: | 2024-25 |
MCQ Tests with Answers for Class 8 Science Chapter 7
The belief that the mother is completely responsible for the sex of the child is wrong because the child:
[A]. Gets sex chromosome only from the mother.
[B]. Develops in the body of the mother.
[C]. Gets one sex chromosome from the mother and the other from the father.
[D]. Gets sex chromosome only from the father.
AIDS can spread from an infected person to another person through:
[A]. Sharing food
[B]. Blood transfusion
[C]. Sharing comb
[D]. A mosquito bite
The most conspicuous visible change that occurs in boys during puberty is:
[A]. Development in the voice box.
[B]. Increase in height.
[C]. Production of sperms.
[D]. Increased sweating.
Structures present in a cell which is responsible for determination of the sex of a baby is:
[A]. Cytoplasm
[B]. Cell membrane
[C]. Nucleus
[D]. Chromosome
Consider the following statements and choose the incorrect one:
[A]. In females, the uterine wall thickens to receive the fertilised egg.
[B]. Endocrine glands release hormones directly into blood stream for transportation to the target site.
[C]. The sex hormones, adrenaline and oestrogen are responsible for the development of sexual characters.
[D]. Release of sex hormones is under the control of a hormone secreted from the pituitary gland.
The right meal for adolescents consists of:
[A]. Chips, noodles etc.
[B]. Chapati, dal, vegetables.
[C]. Rice, noodles, burger
[D]. Vegetable cutlet, puri, cold drink
Reproductive phase in females is form the age of:
[A]. 10 – 12 years to 40 – 45 years.
[B]. 18 – 21 years to 30 – 35 years.
[C]. 21 – 23 years to 40 – 45 years.
[D]. 25 – 30 years to 40 – 45 years.
Secondary sexual characters not present in male:
[A]. Growth of facial hair
[B]. Hair grows under the arms
[C]. Hair grows in the region above thighs
[D]. Development of breasts
Priya is writing some statements, choose the correct statement and help her:
[A]. In a frog, metamorphosis is brought about by thyroxine hormone.
[B]. The production of thyroxine hormone requires the presence of iodine in water.
[C]. All the amphibians need thyroxine hormone to undergo metamorphosis and change from larva into adults.
[D]. All the above.
Payel is completed her science chapter where she wrote some statements. She wants to know whether the statements are correct or not? Payel wants to take help from you:
[A]. Thyroid is a large endocrine gland in the neck.
[B]. Thyroid gland makes a hormone called thyroxine which contains iodine.
[C]. The deficiency of thyroxine hormone causes a disease known as “goitre”.
[D]. People are advised to take iodised salt which contains appropriate amount of sodium chloride.
Badal appeared in class test but he confused to know the correct statement. Would you help him to know that?
[A]. AIDS virus can be transmitted to an infant or small baby from the infected mother through her milk.
[B]. AIDS virus can be transmitted to a healthy person through sexual contact with a person infected with HIV.
[C]. AIDS virus can pass from an infected person to a healthy person by the selling of syringes used for injecting drugs.
[D]. All the above.
The sex of a child is determined by:
[A]. The presence of an X chromosomes in egg (or ovum)
[B]. The presence of a Y chromosomes in sperm
[C]. The egg of father and mother
[D]. The length of the mother’s pregnancy
Adolescents should be careful about what they eat because adolescents should be careful about what they eat because:
[A]. Proper diet develops their brains
[B]. Proper diet is needed for the rapid growth taking place in their body
[C]. Adolescents feel hungry all the time
[D]. Taste buds are well developed in teenagers
Puja is writing some statements but she confused to know whether the statements are correct or not? If you know the answer to this question, then tell her:
[A]. Regular physical exercise in fresh air keeps the body fit.
[B]. Regular physical exercise also improves the mental health.
[C]. Physical exercise builds and maintains healthy muscles, bones and joints.
[D]. All the above.
Some of the problems brought about by early marriage in girls. Choose the incorrect one(s):
[A]. The girls younger than 18 years of age are not prepared for motherhood.
[B]. Early marriage and motherhood cause health problems in the mother.
[C]. Early marriage and motherhood reduces the chances of higher education for girls.
[D]. None of the above.
In a quiz competition, you are asked a question where you have to choose the statement which is/ are correct?
[A]. A gland which secretes its product into a duct is called an exocrine gland.
[B]. Sweat glands and sebaceous glands or oil glands are exocrine glands.
[C]. A gland which does not have a duct and secretes its product directly into the blood stream, is called an endocrine gland.
[D]. All the above.
Estrogen hormone performs the following function. Choose the correct functions of this hormones:
[A]. Estrogen hormone produces female secondary sexual characteristics in girls at puberty (i.e., development of breast, broader hips).
[B]. Estrogen hormone causes the growth and development of female sex organs at puberty.
[C]. Estrogen hormone brings about the monthly preparation of uterus for pregnancy.
[D]. All the above.
The dramatic changes in body features associated with puberty are mainly because of the secretions of:
[A]. Thyroxine and Estrogen
[B]. Estrogen and Adrenaline
[C]. Thyroxine and Adrenaline
[D]. Estrogen and Testosterone
Which of the following endocrine gland does not occur as a pair in the human body?
[A]. Adrenal
[B]. Pituitary
[C]. Testis
[D]. Ovary
The various changes which occur in boys during puberty is or correct:
[A]. Testis and penis become larger
[B]. Chest and shoulders of boys broaden or become wider
[C]. Hair grows in armpits and in pubic regions or genital area between the thighs.
[D]. All the above.
Which of the following statement is or are correct?
[A]. A young human being below the age of full physical development is called a child.
[B]. A mature human being who is fully grown and developed is called an adult.
[C]. The transitional period of physical and mental development which occurs between childhood and adulthood, is called adolescent.
[D]. All the above.
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Last Edited: June 12, 2023