Class 8 Science Chapter 1 MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) of Crop Production and Management. These MCQs includes all the questions given as intext questions, Exercise questions and other questions related to Chapter 1 science of grade 8 Science for new academic session 2024-25. There are about 100 MCQs related to chapter 1 of Class 8 Science for better understanding the concepts about Crop Product and its Management.

Class 8 Science Chapter 1 MCQ

Class: 8Science
Contents:Chapter 1 MCQ Tests

Class 8 Science Chapter 1 MCQ for CBSE Exams

Class 8 Science Chapter 1 MCQ are given below in the form of sets. There are total 10 sets of questions. Each set has ten questions with answer and explanation. The button to start a new test is given just below the end of test. Prepare form NCERT Textbooks Class 8 Science Solutions and get ready for MCQ tests.


Which of the following is not true for fertilizers?

[A]. They increase the yield.
[B]. Their excessive use disturbs the balance of nutrients in soil..
[C]. They are generally used in small quantity
[D]. They are environment friendly.

Boojho wants to know that which activity promotes the growth of microbes in the field.

[A]. Watering in the soil.
[B]. Adding manure in the soil.
[C]. Adding fertilizers in the soil.
[D]. Ploughing and adding manure.

Which of the following condition is not essential to grow maize?

[A]. High temperature
[B]. Humidity
[C]. Low temperature
[D]. Rainfall

Which of the statement is or are correct?

[A]. Using good quality of seed is the only criterion to get high yield.
[B]. Mustard crops are harvested at the end of October November.
[C]. Growing different crops in different seasons in the same field will be deplete the soil nutrients.
[D]. None of the above.

The use of manure (which is not correct)

[A]. Enhances the water holding capacity of the soil
[B]. Improve soil texture
[C]. Increases the number of friendly microbes
[D]. Also become a source of water pollution

Read the statements carefully and choose which option is or are not associated with seed drill?

[A]. By seed drill, seeds are sown at a uniform distance.
[B]. Seed drill covered the seeds by soil and depth to avoid overcrowding.
[C]. Seed drill improves the ratio of crop yield by as much as nine times.
[D]. None of the above.

The organic manure is considered better than fertilizers, because

[A]. It enhances the water holding capacity of the soil.
[B]. It makes the soil porous.
[C]. It improves the texture of the soil.
[D]. All the above.

The term used for the process of separation of grains from chaff is

[A]. Sieving
[B]. Winnowing
[C]. Threshing
[D]. Hand picking

In which of the statement is or are incorrect?

[A]. Living components like microbes’ earthworms etc. helps in growth of crops.
[B]. Non-living components support the living component.
[C]. Seed drill saves time and labor.
[D]. None of the above.

Which of the following statement is or are incorrect about weeding?

[A]. Weeding is best done during tilling itself.
[B]. Weeding is the process of removal of weeds.
[C]. Weeding is the process of growing weeds.
[D]. Weeding is usually done manually or by using weedicides.

Choose combination of statements which indicate need to irrigate crops

[A]. Seeds require moisture for germination and plants can absorb nutrients in dissolved form.
[B]. Seeds require moisture for germination, plants can absorb nutrients in dissolved form, irrigation protect crops from frost and hot air currents.
[C]. Seeds require moisture for germination, plants can absorb nutrients in dissolved form, irrigation protect crops from frost and hot air currents and irrigation improves soil texture.
[D]. Seeds require moisture for germination and irrigation protect crops from frost and hot air currents.

The soil fertility can be replenished

[A]. By repeated growing of crops
[B]. By using chemical fertilizers
[C]. By practicing crop rotation
[D]. All the above

What do you mean by “Nitrification”?

[A]. Conversion of air nitrogen into nitrites and nitrates by nitrogen microbes,
[B]. Conversion of dead decaying matter into ammonia and then into nitrites and nitrates by nitrifying microbes,
[C]. Conversion of nitrites and nitrates from decaying organic matter into gaseous nitrogen by denitrifying microbes,
[D]. All the above

Word agriculture has come from two latin words, their meaning is

[A]. Cultivation
[B]. Crops
[C]. Farming
[D]. Production

Good quality seeds are important for better yield. Choose the incorrect one, about seeds

[A]. Solid and free from fungal spores or insects.
[B]. For better breed hybrid seeds are selected.
[C]. Healthy seeds are separated and dried before sowing.
[D]. Seeds placed deep into the soil.

Given below are statements about the harmful effects of weeds on crop plants and choose the correct combination

[A]. They interfere in harvesting, they compete with crop plants for water, nutrients, space and light, they effect the plant growth.
[B]. They compete with crop plants for water, nutrients, space and light.
[C]. They compete with crop plants for water, nutrients, space and light and they affect the plant growth.
[D]. They interfere in harvesting, they help crop plants to grow healthily, they compete with crop plants for water, nutrients, space and light, they effect the plant growth.

Why levelling is done in soil preparation?

[A]. It helps in sowing the seeds and uprooting the weeds
[B]. This makes the soil fertile and increase airy space
[C]. It helps uniform distribution of soil nutrients
[D]. It helps sowing as well as for irrigation.

The process of loosening and turning of soil is called

[A]. Irrigation and manuring
[B]. Digging and winnowing
[C]. Tilling and ploughing
[D]. Harvesting and storage

In which of the statement is or are correct?

[A]. Growing different crops in different seasons in the same field will deplete the soil of nutrients.
[B]. Chain pump is the traditional method of irrigation.
[C]. Leguminous plant can fix nitrogen.
[D]. None of the above.

What is the first step before growing a crop?

[A]. Select a field for crop production
[B]. Removing weeds from the field
[C]. Watering on a given field
[D]. Turn and loosen the soil

Despite favorable climatic conditions, a farmer’s crop failed to give good yield. Possible reasons may include

[A]. The soil was plough and irrigated
[B]. Not using good quality and healthy seeds
[C]. Manure or fertilizers were not properly applied
[D]. All the above

The monsoon season in our country is during the months

[A]. April to December
[B]. June to September
[C]. November to March
[D]. January to May

Paheli wants to know that what is the full form of NPK

[A]. Nitrogen
[B]. Phosphorous
[C]. Potassium
[D]. All the above

“The animals or livestock in animals’ husbandry practices include many activities”. Which is the following statements is or are not associated with it?

[A]. Provide appropriate shelter, food and water facilities.
[B]. Provide good hygienic practices.
[C]. Provide time to time medical facilities
[D]. None of the above

The system of irrigation where water is supplied drop by drop near the roots of plants, is called

[A]. Pulley System
[B]. Drip System
[C]. Sprinkler System
[D]. Lever System

Important Terms 8th Science Chapter 1

Some main points related to Class 8 Science Chapter 1 are given below. Keep it in mind for the exams.

    • The crops grown during the monsoon are called Kharif crops.
    • The crops grown in winter are called Rabi crops.
    • Animals are major sources of food for human beings.
    • Nitrogen fixation is a process by which atmospheric nitrogen is converted into nitrates utilized by plants.
    • The atmosphere contains 78% of nitrogen.
Summer Crops

Crops such as rice, maize, pulses, potato, groundnut, etc. are grown in places where the water supply is adequate and soil fertility is good. These are called Summer Crops. The season for these crops extends from March to June.

Types of Crop Plants in India
Cereals:Rice, wheat, maize, oat, barley.
Pulses:Gram, pea, bean, arhar, soyabean.
Oilseeds:Mustard, groundnut, sunflower.
Sugar crops:Sugarcane, beetroot.
Plantation crops:Tea, coffee, rubber.
Fibre crops:Cotton, jute, coconut.
Flax:Fibre, linseed oil.

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Class 8 Science Chapter 1 Extra Questions

What do you understand by levelling?

After ploughing the soil is still in large clumps. The large clumps of the soil are broken and the soil is pressed to make it even. This is called levelling.

Why should we not sow seed too deep?

If the seeds are sown too deep, they will not get enough air for respiration. Germination will be adversely affected, because the shoots will have to struggle hard through the layers of soil to reach sunlight and fresh air.

What is meant by transplanting?

Seeds of rice and many vegetables such as tomatoes, chillies and onions are not sown directly in the soil. Instead, they are first sown in a nursery and allowed to grow into small plants called seedlings. Healthy seedlings are then picked out and transferred to the field. This is called transplanting.

What is irrigation?

Irrigation is the most important activity in crop production. Water is necessary for the survival and proper development of crop plants. The supply of water to crops at different intervals is called irrigation.

Last Edited: June 12, 2023