Class 8 English Grammar Chapter 13 The Article. Articles are Demonstrative Adjectives linked to Nouns. They have a grammatical function of identifying the noun as noun rather than describing it. A, an and the are articles. A and An are called Indefinite Articles and the is called the Definite Article. The Indefinite Articles: a or an is a weakened form of one and it is called Indefinite because it does not refer to any particular person or thing. I saw a girl in the street. (Any girl = not definite). She gave me a banana and an apple. (Any banana and any apple = not definite).

Chapter 13 of Class 8 English Grammar, available through comprehensive resources such as Tiwari Academy’s NCERT Solutions, delves deeply into the realm of ‘Articles’. These seemingly small words carry significant weight in the English language, providing clarity and specificity to our sentences.

At their core, articles are essentially demonstrative adjectives that tie themselves to nouns. Their primary function isn’t to describe the noun per se, but rather to identify it in its role as a noun. Among the articles, we have ‘a’, ‘an’, and ‘the’. The distinction between them is crucial for students to grasp. While ‘a’ and ‘an’ are termed as Indefinite Articles, ‘the’ stands out as the Definite Article.

Class: 8English Grammar
Chapter: 13The Article
Academic Session:2024-25
Study Material:Textbook and Revision Notes

The Uses of the Indefinite Article

Use of A or An: The choice between A or An is determined by sound. A is used before words beginning with a consonant sound and Countable Noun or Adjective and an is used before words beginning with a vowel sound.
Use of A: Consonants with consonant sound: a boy, a pen, a hen. a poor boy, a man, a heavy blow, a European, a uniform, a one-rupee note etc.
Use of An: An is used before nouns beginning with a vowel sound as,
An ass, an active, an ant, an arrow, an M.A, an M. P., an hour, an honour

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What does the term “indefinite” signify in this context? Let’s explore. The Indefinite Articles – ‘a’ or ‘an’ – derive from a weakened form of the word “one”. Their usage is labeled as “indefinite” primarily because they don’t pinpoint any specific entity. Consider the sentence, “I saw a girl in the street.” Here, the article ‘a’ doesn’t indicate a particular girl; it could be any girl, making the reference non-specific or “indefinite”. Similarly, in the statement, “She gave me a banana and an apple,” the fruits mentioned aren’t unique or particular; they represent any banana or apple.

A or An is used

A An
She bought a dozen apples. Ram has an ulcer on his arm.
A stitch in time saves nine. An old man had seven sons.
My elder brother is a doctor. Sudha’s father is an engineer.
Sh. Sukhi Ram is a professor. Her uncle is an I.A.S. Officer.
Use of The

When we speak of a particular person or thing as,
1. The book you want is not printed this year.
2. Let us go to the park.
3. The cow is a domestic animal.
The Definite Article with Proper Nouns: As a general rule the should not be placed before a “Proper Noun”, but the following exceptions may be carefully noted:
1. The French defeated the Germans
2. The Indians are a very brave people.
3. The English often fought the French.

Before Proper Noun when it is qualified by an Adjective or an Adjective Phrase as,
1. Kalidas is the Shakespeare of India.
2. Japan is the Great Britain of the East.
3. Sardar Patel is the Bismark of India.
4. Kashmir is the Switzerland of India.

Repetition of Article
Non repeated articleRepeated Article
She has a black and white dog. She has a black and a white dog.
The horse and Tonga is at the gate. The horse and the Tonga are at the gate.
The poet and painter was honoured. The poet and the painter were honoured.

On the flip side, the Definite Article ‘the’ works differently, and students will delve into its specifics as they progress in the chapter. In essence, articles may seem straightforward, but their strategic placement in sentences ensures precision and clarity in communication. As Class 8 students immerse themselves in the intricacies of English grammar, understanding the nuanced role of articles becomes paramount. With platforms like Tiwari Academy offering in-depth explanations and examples, students are poised to master the art of using articles with confidence and flair.

Omission of Article

1. Honesty is the best policy.
2. Where are the children?

Class 8 English Grammar Chapter 13 The Article
Class 8 English Grammar The Article
Class 8 English Grammar Article
Class 8 English Grammar Kinds of Articles
Class 8 English Grammar Use of Articles
Class 8 English Grammar Types of Articles
Class 8 English Grammar Articles Exercises
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Class 8 English Grammar Articles Notes
Class 8 English Grammar Articles Types
Class 8 English Grammar Articles Filling
Class 8 English Grammar Fill Articles
Class 8 Grammar Articles
Class 8 English Grammar Articles Revision Book
Class 8 English Grammar Articles Notes
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Class 8 English Grammar Articles Worksheets
Last Edited: October 25, 2023