Class 8 English Grammar Chapter 12 Interjections. An Interjection is a word which is used to express a sudden feeling of joy or sorrow or emotion of the mind. It is not a part of speech because it does not enter into the structure of a sentence. It stands independently. Ah and Ah me are used for both sorrow and joy. For example, Ah me! What a bloody deed. (Sorrow). Ah! Your mother has died. (Sorrow). Ah! I have stood first in the class. (Joy).

Chapter 12 of the Class 8 English Grammar curriculum introduces students to the vibrant world of ‘Interjections’. With platforms such as Tiwari Academy providing comprehensive NCERT Solutions, the study of interjections has become a captivating journey for eager learners.

An ‘Interjection’, as the term suggests, interjects our speech or writing to convey spontaneous emotions or sentiments. It’s a burst of emotion, often erupting when we least expect it, capturing feelings like excitement, sadness, surprise, or a plethora of other sentiments. Unlike most other elements of the English language, an interjection stands out because it doesn’t directly fit into the grammatical structure of a sentence. Instead, it exists in its own right, acting as an isolated expression, independent of clauses or phrases around it.

Class: 8English Grammar
Chapter: 12Interjections
Study Material:Textbook and Revision Book

Interjection words for Joy

Words: Hurrah! Ha! Ha! Ah!, Aha!. Ha! etc.

    1. Hurrah! I have passed.
    2. Ha! Ha! Sweets will be distributed in the school.
    3. Ah! My brother has got first division.
    4. Aha! Ha! My brother is laughing.
    5. Aha! Papa has come back.

Complete App for Class 8

Interjection words for Sorrow

Words: Alas! Ah! Ah me! Ha! Sorry! etc.

    1. Alas! I am ruined.
    2. Ah! He fell from the roof.
    3. Ah me! What a nasty deed.
    4. Ha! You had a nasty fall.
    5. Sorry! I cannot lend you my book.

Interjection words for Surprise

Words: What! Oh! Good Heavens! Good God! etc.

    1. Oh! You came back.
    2. What! Did he fail?
    3. Oho! So strangely is she dressed.
    4. Good Heavens! The car is missing.
    5. Good God! She has won the lottery twice.

Interjection words for Attention

Words: Lo! Hush! Behold! Listen! Look! Hark! etc.

    1. Lo! He is here again.
    2. Hush! The child is sleeping.
    3. Behold! Someone is coming.
    4. Listen! You have to deliver my message to Sita.
    5. Look! Never go outside in the dark.
    6. Hark! Someone is knocking at the door.

Consider the multifaceted interjection ‘Ah’. It’s fascinating how this simple utterance can convey contrasting emotions based on the context in which it’s used. In the exclamation, “Ah me! What a bloody deed,” the emotion conveyed is one of profound sorrow or distress. In stark contrast, when someone says, “Ah! I have stood first in the class,” the same ‘Ah’ bubbles with elation and joy. Similarly, the mournful declaration, “Ah! Your mother has died,” showcases the depth of grief.

While they may seem simple on the surface, interjections play a crucial role in adding depth and layers to our spoken and written expressions. They serve as the emotional seasoning, adding flavor to our conversations and writings. It’s a tool that allows us to wear our hearts on our sleeves, showing raw and genuine emotions without the need for elaborative sentences.

Interjection words for Calling or Addressing

Words: Ho! Holla! Hallo! Hello! etc.

    1. Ho! Come here, Mohan.
    2. Holla ! Let us go out for a tour.
    3. Hallo! Start the race.
    4. Hellow! Where are you coming from ?
    5. Hallow! How do you do?
Interjection words for Approval

Words: O.K.!, Well done!, Bravo! Splendid! Back up! etc.

    1. O.K. I shall see you tomorrow.
    2. Well done! You have caught the thief.
    3. Bravo! You have played well.
    4. Splendid! You have won the war.
    5. Back up! You are nearing the goal.

In conclusion, as Class 8 students delve deeper into the realm of English grammar, interjections emerge as an intriguing topic. It’s a lesson on how the English language, in all its vastness, has a dedicated space for pure, unadulterated emotion. As they continue their educational journey, students are sure to appreciate the beauty and expressiveness that interjections bring to the table, especially with platforms like Tiwari Academy guiding them every step of the way.

Interjection words for Shame

Words: For shame!, Fie!, Fie, Fie! etc.

    1. For shame! Your sister has run away from home.
    2. Fie! Fie! She has not repaid your loan.
    3. Fie! A teacher and afraid of students.
    4. Fie upon you for doing it!
    5. Fie! Untidy! Throw it away.
Parts of speech as Interjections
Noun InfinitiveTo think of him as a friend!
Noun A horse! My Kindom dukedom for a horse.
Pronoun What a beautiful sight it is!
VerbHear Hear! (Applause)
AdverbHow charming the voice is!
Conjunction If only I could see my father again!
Phrases can be used as Interjections

Dear me!, Cheer up!, Good Gracious!, God knows!, Good bye!, Farewell!, O Death!, Welcome!, Thank God!, My foot!, My son!, My God! etc.

Class 8 English Grammar Chapter 12 Interjections
Class 8 English Grammar Interjections
Class 8 English Grammar Chapter 12 Interjections Revision Book
Last Edited: October 25, 2023