NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Honeydew Chapter 4 Bepin Chaudhury’s Lapse of Memory and Poem 4 The Last Bargain with Hindi Translation, Summary in Hindi and English modified for session 2024-25. Get here, all the question answers related to CBSE chapter 4 English of standard 8, working with the text, working with language, speaking and writing skills, working with the poem, etc. All the contents are revised on the basis of new NCERT books issued for academic year 2024-25 exams.

Class 8 English Honeydew Chapter 4 Question Answers

Class: 8English
Textbook:English Reader – Honeydew
Chapter: 4Bepin Chaudhury’s Lapse of Memory
Contents:NCERT Solutions, Translation and Summary
Content Type:Images, Videos and Text Format
Academic Session:2024-25

Comprehension Check on Page 61

Why did the man stare at Bepin Babu in disbelief?

The man stared at Bepin Babu in disbelief because Bepin Babu did not identify him despite the fact that he was sure that he knew him and had met him in Ranchi.

Where did Bepin Babu say he went in October’ 58?

Bepin Babu said that he had spent the Puja holidays in October’58 with a friend in Kanpur.

Mention any three (or more) things that Parimal Ghose knew about Bepin Babu.

Parimal Ghose knew the following things about Bepin Babu:
That he had slipped near Hudroo falls and injured his leg.
That he had stayed in a bungalow because he favoured food made by a bawarchi/cook
That his wife was no more. She had died 10 years ago.

Comprehension Check on Page 64

Why did Bepin Babu worry about what Parimal Ghose had said?

Bepin Babu was constantly worried about what Parimal Ghose had said because he had been able to tell him many personal facts about him. He was aware of the bag which had books, his wife’s death and his brother’s mental illness. Knowing that Parimal Ghose knew so much about him, he couldn’t say with assurance that he was making a mistake about the Ranchi trip.

How did he try to decide who was right-his memory or Parimal Ghose?

He tried to decide whether his memory was right or Parimal Ghose by looking at his right knee which Parimal claimed had a cut. There was surely a mark of an old cut on his right knee. But still, he was not able to decide if the cut was because he had fallen in Ranchi or due to some other happening when he was a child. Then, he thought of asking Dinesh Mukherjee, who as per Parimal Ghose was with him in Ranchi. He thought that asking him would make the things clear and put an end to this doubt.

Why did Bepin Babu hesitate to visit Mr Mukerji? Why did he finally decide to phone him?

Bepin Babu was hesitant to visit Mr Dinesh Mukerji because he was afraid of the heartless behaviour and sarcastic comments he would have to face on asking him. He thought if the entire story about Ranchi would be false, then Mr Mukerji would think that he was insane.
Being continuously disturbed by the event at the bookshop and having no other source to verify whatever Primal Ghose had spoken, he finally decided to talk to Mr Mukerji. However, he decided to call him up rather than asking face to face as he didn’t want to show his discomfort.

What did Mr Mukerji say? Did it comfort Bepin Babu, or add to his worries?

Mr. Mukerji checked his diary and told him that they had visited Ranchi in October’58. This further added to his worries as he could not make out how he could have forgotten about the trip.

Comprehension Check on Page 67

Who was Chunilal? What did he want from Bepin Babu?

Chunilal was his old school friend. He had been having a tough time of late and wanted to see Bepin Babu for a job.

Why was Dr Chanda puzzled? What was unusual about Bepin Babu’s loss of memory?

Dr Chanda was puzzled because he had never come across such a case like that of Bepin Babu’s. It was out of his league.
The odd thing about Bepin Babu’s case was that he remembered the things that had happened in the past barring one particular incident. Dr Chanda said that he must have been to Ranchi but for some unknown reason, the entire incident had got wiped out of his memory.

Comprehension Given on Page 69

Comprehension Check on Page 69

Had Bepin Babu really lost his memory and forgotten all about a trip to Ranchi?

No, Bepin Babu had actually not lost his memory but he had forgotten everything about the Ranchi trip. It was a trick played by Chunilal.

Why do you think Chunilal did what he did? Chunilal says he has no money; what is it that he does have?

Chunilal did all this because Bepin Babu had not helped him at that time when he was in need and had no money. He was badly in need of a job. He had approached Bepin Babu for help but he did not do anything for him. So just to punish him and to make him realise this , he rekindled unforgettable memory of whatever had happened near Hudroo.
Chunilal was a good writer with very rich thoughts. That is what he thought would help him to come over his bad phase of life.

Working with the Text

The author describes Bepin Babu as a serious and hardworking man. What evidence can you find in the story to support this?

The author has described Bepin Babu as a serious and hardworking man. The evidences which support this statement are that he worked daily in his office which was a big firm .He was sincere in his work and was dependable worker. He had been with this firm for twenty-five years. He had a good standing for being a diligent, hard-working worker.

Why did Bepin Babu change his mind about meeting Chunilal? What was the result of this meeting?

Bepin Babu changed his mind about meeting Chunilal because he felt that there was a possibility that Chunilal would remember something about the Ranchi trip. When Chunilal confirmed that Bepin Babu had visited Ranchi, Bepin Babu decided to consult a professional doctor.

Bepin Babu lost consciousness at Hudroo Falls. What do you think was the reason for this?

Bepin Babu had lost consciousness at Hudroo Falls due to the fall. He had broken his hip because of this accident.

How do you think Bepin Babu reacted when he found out that Chunilal had tricked him?

When Bepin Babe would have realized that Chunilal had tricked him, he would have felt bad and might have been filled with guilt for his unsympathetic conduct towards his old friend when he needed his help the most. He would have understood that he had certainly been a victim of absent-mindedness as he had forgotten the meaning of true friendship in the time of need.

Working with Language

Working with Language Question 1

Fill in the blanks below using “had to”/ “have to”/ “has to”.

    • (i) I ________________ cut my hair every month.
    • (ii) We ________________ go for swimming lessons last year.
    • (iii) She ________________ tell the principal the truth.
    • (iv) They ________________ take the baby to the doctor.
    • (v) We ________________ complain to the police about the noise.
    • (vi) Romit ________________ finish his homework before he could come out to play.
    • (vii) I ________________ repair my cycle yesterday.
Working with Language Answer 1
    • (i) I have to cut my hair every month.
    • (ii) We had to go for swimming lessons last year.
    • (iii) She has to tell the principal the truth.
    • (iv) They had to take the baby to the doctor.
    • (v) We have to complain to the police about the noise.
    • (vi) Romit had to finish his homework before he could come out to play.
    • (vii) I had to repair my cycle yesterday.
Working with Language Question 2

Study the sentences in the columns below.

I saw this movie yesterday.I have seen this movie already.
Bepin Babu worked here for a week last year.Bepin Babu has worked here since 2003.
Chunilal wrote to a publisher last week.Chunilal has written to a publisher
I visited Ranchi once, long ago.I have visited Ranchi once before.

Compare the sentences in the two columns, especially the verb forms. Answer the following questions about each pair of sentences.
(i) Which column tells us that Bepin Babu is still working at the same place?
(ii) Which column suggests that Chunilal is now waiting for a reply from the publisher?
(iii) Which column suggests that the person still remembers the movie he saw?
(iv) Which column suggests that the experience of visiting Ranchi is still fresh in the speaker’s mind?

Working with Language Answer 2

(i) Column B
(ii) Column A
(iii) Column B
(iv) Column B

Working with the Poem

Who is the speaker in the poem?

The speaker in the poem is a man who is looking for work.

“The king, sword in hand” suggests (i) wealth (ii) power (iii) more power than wealth. Mark the appropriate item in the context of stanza 1.

(ii) Power

The old man offered the speaker a lot of money. Why did he turn down the offer?

The old man offered the speaker a lot of money. However, he turned it down because he realised that money cannot give him what he actually wishes. He had not till then realised that what he actually wanted was happiness and not just money. When the old man was counting the gold coins, he realised that once the money would end or the work the old man wanted to give him would be over, then he would again be without any work. More than that, he would be bound in this deal. It did not give him a feeling of satisfaction and therefore, he turned it down.

How did the speaker feel after talking to the child on the beach?

After talking to the child on the beach the speaker felt extremely happy, satisfied and contented.

Question 4:
Find in the poem, lines that match the following. Read both one after another.
(i) I have nothing to give you
except goodwill and cheer.
(ii) Her happiness was no more
than sorrow in disguise.
(iii) The king’s might was not worth much.
Answer 4:
(i) “I hire you with nothing”.
(ii) “Her smile paled and melted into tears”.
(iii) “But his power counted for naught”.

Reference to Context – 1

Every Monday, on his way back from work, Bepin Choudhury would drop in at Kalicharan’s in New Market to buy books. Crime stories, ghost stories, and thrillers. He had to buy at least five at a time to last him through the week. He lived alone, was not a good mixer, had few friends, and didn’t like spending time in idle chat. Today, at Kalicharan’s, Bepin Babu had the feeling that someone was observing him from close quarters. He turned around and found himself looking at a round-faced, meek-looking man who now broke into a smile. “I don’t suppose you recognise me.” “Have we met before?” asked Bepin Babu. The man looked greatly surprised. “We met every day for a whole week. I arranged for a car to take you to the Hudroo falls. In 1958. In Ranchi. My name is Parimal Ghose.” “Ranchi?”
Answer the following questions:

    1. What did Bepin do every Monday?
    2. Why was Bepin engrossed in reading?
    3. What was Bepin Babu suspicious of?
    4. What did Parimal tell about himself?
    5. Choose a word/ phrase from the passage which means ‘direst and close contact’.
Reference to Context – 2

Was he losing his mind? But how could that be? He was working daily in his office. It was a big firm, and he was doing a responsible job. He wasn’t aware of anything ever going seriously wrong. Only today he spoke for half an hour at an important meeting. And yet… And yet the man knew a great deal about him. How? He even seemed to know some intimate details. The bag of books, wife’s death, brother’s insanity… The only mistake was about his having gone to Ranchi. Not a mistake; a deliberate lie. In ’58, during the Pujas, he was in Kanpur at his friend Haridas Bagchi’s place. All Bepin Babu had to do was write to — no, there was no way of writing to Haridas. Bepin Babu suddenly remembered that Haridas had left with his wife for Japan some weeks ago, and he didn’t have his address.
Answer the following questions:

    1. What was the conflict in Bepin Babu’s mind?
    2. Where was Bepin Babu in October 1958?
    3. Why did Bepin say ‘No, there was To Haridas’?
    4. What were the ‘intimate details’ that Parimal Ghose was aware of?
    5. Explain ‘losing his mind’.
Reference to Context – 3

Doubtless, it was Bepin’s condition that made Chunilal leave without mentioning anything about a job. Paresh Chanda was a young physician with a pair of bright eyes and a sharp nose. He became thoughtful when he heard about Bepin Babu’s symptoms. “Look, Dr. Chanda,” said Bepin Babu desperately, “You must cure me of this horrible illness. I can’t tell you how it’s affecting my work.” Dr. Chanda shook his head. ‘You know what, Mr. Choudhury,” he said. “I’ve never had to deal with a case such as yours. Frankly, this is quite outside my field of experience. But I have one suggestion. I don’t know if it’ll work, but it’s worth a try. It cannot harm.” Bepin Babu leaned forward anxiously.
Answer the following questions:

    1. What did Chunni Lai come for?
    2. Describe the appearance of Paresh Chanda.
    3. Why was Bepin Babu desperate?
    4. What was the analysis of Dr. about the mental condition of Bepin Babu?
    5. What was the suggestion of his doctor?
Reference to Context – 4

Getting off the train at Ranchi next morning, he realised at once that he had never been there before. He came out of the station, took a taxi, and drove around the town for a while. He realised that the streets, the buildings, the hotels, the bazaars, the Morabadi Hill – with none of these had he the slightest acquaintance. Would a trip to the Hudroo Falls help? He didn’t believe so, but, at the same time, he didn’t wish to leave with the feeling that he hadn’t tried enough. So he arranged for a car and left for Hudroo in the afternoon. At five o’clock the same afternoon in Hudroo, two Gujarati gentlemen from a group of picnickers discovered Bepin Babu lying unconscious beside a boulder. When he came round, the first thing Bepin Babu said was, “I’m finished. There’s no hope left.”
Answer the following questions:

    1. How was he sure that he had not visited Ranchi before?
    2. Why did the trip to the Hudroo Falls plan?
    3. What had happened to Bepin Babu in Hudroo?
    4. Why do you think Bepin said ‘I’m finished’?
    5. Why was ‘no hope left’ for Bepin Babu?
Answers of Reference to Context – 1

1. Bepin Choudhary bought books of crime stories, ghost stories, and thrillers from Kalicharan’s Newmarket every Monday.
2. Bepin lived alone in his house. He was not a good mixer. He had only a few friends and didn’t like spending time in idle chat.
3. Bepin Babu felt that somebody was keeping at an eye on him who was observing him.
4. Parimal Ghose revealed that he met him every day during his stay in Ranchi in 1958. He had arranged a car for him to take him to the Hudroo falls.
5. Close quarters.

Answers of Reference to Context – 2

1. Bepin Babu was working in the office and he was performing his duties with responsibility. He spoke for half an hour at an important meeting. Yet he was not sure of his mental state.
2. Bepin Babu was in Kanpur in October 1958 at his friend Haridas Bagchi’s place.
3. Bepin wanted to contact Haridas, then he remembered that Haridas had left with his wife for Japan some weeks ago.
4. Parimal Ghose knew about the intimate details about the bag of books, his wife’s death, brother’s insanity, etc.
5. Bepin was initially confident that Parimal mistook him for someone else. But his lie shook him. He started doubting himself.

Answers of Reference to Context – 3

1. Chunni Lai visited Bepin’s place to take his help in finding a suitable job for him.
2. Paresh Chandra was a young physician with a pair of bright eyes and a sharp nose.
3. Bepin Babu was desperate to get a cure for his horrible illness of forgetfulness.
4. Bepin Babu visited the doctor to analyze the medical condition and he could not find anything suspicious in him.
5. The doctor suggested him to visit Ranchi. Once again to get the real experience he could make out if he had visited those places.

Answers of Reference to Context – 4

1. Bepin Babu visited Ranchi by hiring a taxi. He realized that the streets, the buildings, the hotels, the bazaars, etc were not familiar at all.
2. Bepin Babu was sure that he had not visited the place before. But he did not want to take a chance so he went to Hudroo Falls.
3. Bepin Babu was lying unconscious beside a boulder. Two Gujarati gentlemen found him.
4. Bepin visited Ranchi with the hope to remember any incident or place to relate his previous trip to Ranchi. But he couldn’t relate anything. He was thus in a state of shock that he had lost his memory.
5. Bepin Babu lost faith in his memory. He was devastated. He worked hard and managed solutions by engaging himself in reading books. The false story had so much impact on his mind that he lost all his hope of leading a normal life.

Can we cover chapter 4 fo class 8th English Honeydew in just one day?

I think the story is long and it can take time but it is important to cover it in one day because every aspect and part of the story has significant importance in the story.

What do you learn in chapter 4 of 8th English?

I think the story is about a child who is playing outside as a worker. Everyone mistook it as real labor and tried to hire him but he refused after bargain with them and when another child came and tried to hire him with nothing as he was also playing outside with seashells. He went along with the child.

Which section of the story you like the most in chapter 4 of 8th English?

The part where a man came to hire the child with the power of his money and the child weighted his money and refused to be sold for the money was the favorite part I like.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Honeydew Chapter 4 Bepin Chaudhury Lapse of Memory
Class 8 English Honeydew Chapter 4 Bepin Chaudhury Lapse of Memory
Class 8 English Honeydew Chapter 4 Bepin Chaudhury
Class 8 English Honeydew Chapter 4 Answers
Class 8 English Honeydew Chapter 4 Question Answers
Class 8 English Honeydew Chapter 4 Guide
Class 8 English Chapter 4 Solutions
Class 8 English Chapter 4 Summary in English
Class 8 English Chapter 4 Summary in Hindi
8th English Chapter 4 English to Hindi Translation
8th English Chapter 4 Hindi Translation
Class 8 English Chapter 4 Hindi Translation
Class 8 English Chapter 4 Hindi Version
Class 8 English Chapter 4 Hindi Medium
Class 8 English Chapter 4 in Hindi
Class 8 English Chapter 4 in Hindi Translation
Class 8 English Chapter 4 Hindi Anuwad
Class 8 English Chapter 4 Hindi Me
Class 8 English Chapter 4 Hindi Book
Class 8 English Chapter 4 Hindi Conversion
Class 8 English Chapter 4 Hindi story
Class 8 English Chapter 4 Hindi
Last Edited: July 2, 2023