Class 7 Science Chapter 2 MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) of Nutrition in Animals. Students can use these questions for the preparation for class tests or examination for new academic session 2024-25. All the questions are taken from Class 7 Science NCERT Book Chapter 2. If you have done the MCQ test once, you can see the answers and explanation of each answer.

Class 7 Science Chapter 2 MCQ for 2024-25

Contents:Multiple Choice Questions – MCQ Tests

Class 7 Science Chapter 2 MCQ for Exams

Class 7 Science Chapter 2 MCQ are given below with answers and explanation. Attempt at least 5 tests to test your exam preparation based on Class 7 Science Chapter 2. There are 24 sets of MCQ tests for practice containing more than 120 questions. These test will provide a complete revision for second chapter of grade 7 science.


Cellulose rich food substances are good sources of roughage in human being because

[A]. Human beings do not have cellulose digesting enzymes.
[B]. Cellulose gets absorbed in the human blood and converts into fibres.
[C]. The cellulose digesting bacteria convert cellulose into fibres.
[D]. Cellulose breaks down into smaller components which are egested as roughage.

Choose the correct order of terms that describe the process of nutrition in ruminants

[A]. Swallowing → partial digestion → chewing of cud → complete digestion
[B]. Chewing of cud → swallowing → partial digestion → complete digestion
[C]. Chewing of cud → swallowing → mixing with digestive juices → digestion
[D]. Swallowing → chewing and mixing → partial digestion → complete digestion

Read the sentence which is related to digestive system and choose the word for it. “Transport of digested and soluble food from the intestine to blood vessels”.

[A]. Large intestine
[B]. Absorption
[C]. Assimilation
[D]. Digestion

Digestion of food starts in which parts of our digestive system?

[A]. Stomach
[B]. Small intestine
[C]. Liver
[D]. None of the above

The enzymes present in the saliva convert

[A]. Fats into fatty acids and glycerol.
[B]. Starch into simple sugars.
[C]. Proteins into amino acids
[D]. Complex Sugars into simple sugars

Paheli wants to know the name of the teeth, which helps to “piercing and tearing” the food?

[A]. Molar
[B]. Premolar
[C]. Incisors
[D]. Canines

The pancreatic juice which is secreted by pancreas, it acts on

[A]. Carbohydrates
[B]. Proteins
[C]. Fats
[D]. All the above

Read the following statement with reference to the “Villi” of small intestine and choose the correct option.

[A]. They have very thin walls, they have a network of thin and small blood vessel close to the surface and they are finger like projections.
[B]. They have a network of thin and small blood vessel close to the surface, they have small pores through which food can easily pass and they are finger like projections.
[C]. They have small pores through which food can easily pass and they are finger like projections.
[D]. They have very thin walls and they are finger like projections.

There are given some parts of our body, choose the odd one out

[A]. Tongue
[B]. Absorption
[C]. Taste
[D]. Swallow

The acid present in the stomach

[A]. Kills the harmful bacteria that may enter along with the food
[B]. Protects the stomach lining from harmful substances
[C]. Digest starch into simpler sugars
[D]. Make the medium alkaline

Read the following sentences and choose which of the statement is or are incorrect?

[A]. The liver is situated in the upper part of the abdomen on the left side.
[B]. The stomach is situated in the middle part of the abdomen on the right side.
[C]. The pancreas is a cream coloured gland located just below the liver.
[D]. All the above

The finger-like outgrowth of “Amoeba” helps to ingest food. However, the finger-like outgrowths of human intestine helps to

[A]. Digest the fatty food substances.
[B]. Make the food soluble.
[C]. Absorb the digested food.
[D]. Absorb the undigested food.

In which of the statements is or are incorrect about “Amoeba”?

[A]. It pushes out finger like pseudopodia which engulf the prey.
[B]. Lysosome secretes digestive enzymes in the food vacuole.
[C]. Prey is digested and the undigested material is expelled out by the vacuole.
[D]. None of the above.

The swallowed food moves down-words in the alimentary canal because of

[A]. Force provided by the muscular tongue.
[B]. The flow of water taken with the food.
[C]. Gravitational pull.
[D]. The contraction of muscles in the wall of food-pipe.

Which of the statement is or are incorrect about “teeth”?

[A]. Premolar are four in numbers and help in chewing and grinding the food.
[B]. Canine are four in numbers and help in piercing and tearing of food.
[C]. Incisors are two in numbers and help to cut and bite food.
[D]. None of the above.

Read carefully the terms given below. Which of the following set is the correct combination of organs that do not carry out any digestive functions?

[A]. Oesophagus, large intestine, rectum
[B]. Buccal cavity, oesophagus, rectum
[C]. Buccal cavity, oesophagus, large intestine
[D]. Small intestine, large intestine, rectum

Read the following sentences carefully and choose which of the statements is or are incorrect?

[A]. The digestion of food starts in stomach and the digestion is complete in large intestine.
[B]. The stomach is widest part of alimentary canal.
[C]. The HCL kills many bacteria and makes the medium in the stomach acidic and help in digest.
[D]. When we swallow food, the epiglottis flattens backward to cover the entrance to our larynx and prevent food from entering the lungs and windpipe.

Which of the following pair of teeth differ in structure but are similar in functions?

[A]. Canines and incisors
[B]. Molars and premolars
[C]. Incisors and molars
[D]. Premolars and canines

Boojho asked a question to Paheli that how many types of taste buds found in our tongue?

[A]. Two
[B]. Four
[C]. Six
[D]. Eight

Which of the pairs will give blue-black colour when tested with iodine?

[A]. Boiled and mashed potato glucose, glucose solution.
[B]. Boiled and mashed potato, a slice of bread.
[C]. Glucose solution, a slice of bread.
[D]. A slice of bread, mustard oil.

Which of the following statements is or are incorrect, about “human digestive system”?

[A]. Food is pushed into the stomach by the peristaltic movement.
[B]. In humans, the small intestine is about 6 metre and large intestine is about 1.5 metre long.
[C]. The villi increase the surface area for absorption of the digested food.
[D]. None of the above.

There are given some parts of digestive system, choose the odd one out.

[A]. Liver
[B]. Salivary gland
[C]. Starch
[D]. Gallbladder

Read the statement which is related to digestive system and choose a word for it: “Transportation of absorbed food of different parts of body and their utilization”.

[A]. Assimilation
[B]. Absorption
[C]. Respiration
[D]. Digestion

In which of the statements is or are incorrect about “Amoeba”?

[A]. It pushes out finger like pseudopodia which engulf the prey.
[B]. Lysosome secretes digestive enzymes in the food vacuole.
[C]. Prey is digested and the undigested material is expelled out by the vacuole.
[D]. None of the above.

In which of the following statements is or are incorrect?

[A]. The saliva breaks down the food into sugars.
[B]. The digestive juices (present in the stomach) breaks down the fat into simpler substances.
[C]. The bile juice plays an important role in the digestion of proteins.
[D]. All the above.

Class 7 Science Chapter 2 Extra Questions

What are the different parts of Human Digestive System?

Human digestive system consists of mouth, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum and anus.

How many type of teeth are there in Human being?

There are four types of teeth found in human being. These are incisors, canines, premolars and molars.

Where is the digested food absorbed in Human being?

The digested food is absorbed at illum of small intestine by finger like structures called villi.

What is absorbed in large intestine?

In large intestine, most of the water is reabsorbed.

True or False Questions

1. Parasites are Autotrophs.
2. Amoeba ingest food by Pseudo podia.
3. Milk teeth are replaced by permanent teeth in human.
4. Nutrition is not necessary for all organisms.
5. Large intestine is the longest part of digestive system of human.
6. Digestion of food starts from mouth.
7. A butterfly uses its feeding tube to suck nector from flowers.
8. Ruminants have four chambers of stomach.

Answers of True or False Questions

1. False
2. True
3. True
4. False
5. False
6. True
7. True
8. True

Last Edited: January 27, 2022