Class 7 Science Chapter 10 MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) of Electric Current and Its Effect with answers and explanation for current academic session 2024-25. All the questions are important for exams. In all subjects MCQs are asked in question papers. All the topics are covered in the form of objective MCQs with answer and explanation. Students are required to study the chapter and go through these objective MCQ tests to be confident in exams.

Class 7 Science Chapter 10 MCQ for 2024-25

Class: 7Science
Chapter: 14Electric Current and Its Effect
Contents:MCQ Onlne Test with Answers

MCQ Tests with Answers for Class 7 Science Chapter 14


Consider the following statements and choose the correct one:

[A]. Electricity is a form of energy.
[B]. The flow of electricity through a conductor is called electric current.
[C]. Electricity is useful because it can run many appliances in our day-to-day life which make our work easier.
[D]. All the above

The filament of an electric bulb is made of a thin wire of:

[A]. Copper
[B]. Aluminium
[C]. Nichrome
[D]. Tungsten

The element of an electric iron is made of:

[A]. Iron
[B]. Nickel
[C]. Nichrome
[D]. Tungsten

Arjun appeared in class test but he confused to know the incorrect statement. Would you help him to know that?

[A]. Improper handling of electricity can cause fires.
[B]. The electricity produced by portable electric generators and inverters is equally dangerous.
[C]. We can use electric cell to obtain electricity that is safe for performing science experiments.
[D]. Portable generators as well as inverters has very low voltage of 110 volts.

Read the following sentences carefully, and choose the incorrect one:

[A]. Electric current is actually a flow of charged particles called electrons in a conductor.
[B]. A cell or battery is a source of electric current but this current not flow out on its own.
[C]. A continuous conducting path between the two terminals of a cell of battery along which an electric current flow, is called a circuit.
[D]. None of the above

An electric fuse works on the:

[A]. Chemical effect of current
[B]. Magnetic effect of current
[C]. Lighting effect of current
[D]. Heating effect of current

In a quiz competition, you are asked a question where you have to choose the statement which is/ are incorrect?

[A]. A cell having a positive terminal and negative terminal.
[B]. If we open the switch, so that it comes in the off position, then a gap is created between the two end of the copper wire or connecting wires.
[C]. When the switch in the circuit is closed, then the switch is said to be in the on position.
[D]. None of the above

Circuit Breaker Device which can be used in place of fuse in domestic electric wiring is called:

[A]. CBD
[B]. DCB
[C]. MCD
[D]. MCB

Start to your left side, three bulbs A, B, C are connected in a circuit with the help of wire, switch and three cells. There are no defected pieces of anything. If switch is ON position:

[A]. Bulb C will glow first.
[B]. Bulb B and C will glow simultaneously and bulb A will glow after sometime.
[C]. All the bulbs A, B and C will glow at the same time.
[D]. The bulbs will glow in order A, B and C.

Nichrome wire is used in:

[A]. CFL
[B]. Electric fuse
[C]. Hair dryer
[D]. MCB

In a filament type bulb, a lot of electric energy is wasted in the form of:

[A]. Magnetism
[B]. Sound
[C]. Light
[D]. Heat

An MCB which cuts off the electricity supply in domestic circuit in case of short circuiting and overloading works on the:

[A]. Chemical effect of current
[B]. Heating effect of current
[C]. Magnetic effect of current
[D]. Lighting effect of current

The magnetic effect of electric current was discovered by:

[A]. Maxwell
[B]. Darwin
[C]. Oersted
[D]. Newton

Which of the following does not work on the heating effect of current?

[A]. Electric bulb
[B]. Miniature circuit breaker
[C]. Electric fuse
[D]. Immersion rod

The compact fluorescent electric lamp has:

[A]. Nichrome filament
[B]. Chromium filament
[C]. Tungsten filament
[D]. No filament

Recently, in a science class test, you are asked a question where you have to say whether the statements are correct or not?

[A]. The fluorescent tube lights and compact fluorescent lamps do not have filaments.
[B]. Fluorescent tube lights and compact fluorescent lamps do not work on the heating effect of current.
[C]. The fluorescent tube light on lamp contains mercury vapor, which is a kind of gas.
[D]. The fluorescent tube light on lamp contains silver gas, due to these, they are more expensive.

Due to this, the filament of electric bulb gets heated to a very high temperature and starts glowing:

[A]. Light
[B]. Magnetic field
[C]. Resistance
[D]. Nichrome wire

In a quiz competition, you are asked a question where you have to choose the statement which is/ are incorrect?

[A]. A fuse works on the heating effect of current.
[B]. A fuse consists of a short length of a thin, tin-plated copper wire having low melting point.
[C]. A fuse is a safety device which prevents electric fires and damage to electrical appliances due to excessive flow of current.
[D]. None of the above

Choose the combination of correct answer from the following:

[A]. Circuit is open and no current flows through it .
[B]. Current flows after sometime.
[C]. Circuit starting from positive terminal of the cell stops at the switch and circuit is open.
[D]. All are correct

Which of the following statement is or are correct?

[A]. The touching of live-wire and neutral wire directly is known as short circuit.
[B]. When a short circuit or overloading occurs, the fuse wire blows out cutting off the electricity supply.
[C]. The flow of excessive current and torn wire in the household circuit is the other reason for the short circuit.
[D]. All the above.

Tanupriya is writing some statements, choose the incorrect statement and help her:

[A]. MCB stand for miniature circuit breaker.
[B]. MCB works on the magnetic effect of current.
[C]. MCB does not work on the heating effect of current.
[D]. None of the above

Which of the following statement is or are incorrect?

[A]. The magnetic effect of current was discovered by scientist named Hans Christian Oersted.
[B]. When electric current passes through a wire, the current-carrying wire behaves like a magnet.
[C]. It is this magnetic field produced by the current carrying wire which exerts of force on the compass needle and deflects it.
[D]. None of the above

Shreya is writing some statements but she confused to know whether the statements are correct or not? If you know the answer to this question, then tell her:

[A]. Electromagnets are used in the construction of a large number of devices like electric bells, loudspeakers, electric motors etc.
[B]. The electromagnets which are used for loading and unloading heavy iron and steel objects are fitted on cranes.
[C]. Electromagnets are used by doctors to remove tiny iron particles from the eyes of a person (which may have fallen into the eyes accidentally).
[D]. All the above

Vishvas is doing his homework which is given by his teacher. Would you help him to choose the incorrect sentences?

[A]. The electric bell works on the heating and magnetic effect of current.
[B]. The electric bell has a U-shaped electromagnet.
[C]. The electric bell uses an electromagnet to pull that clapper on to a metal bell called gong.
[D]. None of the above

Consider the following statements and choose the incorrect one(s):

[A]. The electromagnet loses its magnetism for a moment and the armature is no longer attracted by it.
[B]. After getting magnetized the electromagnet attracts the iron armature towards itself.
[C]. When we press the switch, the electric circuit of the bell is completed and the current passes through the coil of the electromagnet and it gets magnetized.
[D]. None of the above

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Last Edited: June 13, 2023