Class 7 Science Chapter 1 MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) of Nutrition in Plants. All the MCQs are selected form the Class 7 Science NCERT Book Chapter 1 only including all the important topics, main questions, keywords based questions and short questions from exercise. Answers and Explanation of each question is given along with the question. Important questions related to chapter 1 of 7th science are also given for revision.

Class 7 Science Chapter 1 MCQ for 2024-25

Contents:Multiple Choice Questions – MCQ Tests

Class 7 Science Chapter 1 MCQ for Exams

Class 7 Science Chapter 1 MCQs are given below with answers and explanation of each answer. There are over 10 set of papers each containing 10 questions for practice. All the questions are prepared from NCERT textbook and exemplar books only. All the questions are confined to CBSE Syllabus 2024-25.


What would happen, if a goat eats away all the leaves of a small plant

[A]. Plant will no more.
[B]. Remaining leaves and branches will help to sustain the plant.
[C]. The small plant survived on the food stored in the stem and roots.
[D]. Soil nutrients will help to survive the plant once again.

“Leaves are the food factories of plant”. But, how does cactus (desert plants) carry out photosynthesis?

[A]. Roots
[B]. Spines
[C]. Stems
[D]. Green leaves

Which part of the plant gets carbon dioxide from the air for photosynthesis?

[A]. Root hair
[B]. Stomata
[C]. Leaf veins
[D]. Sepals

Two organisms are good friends and live together. One provides shelter, water and nutrients while the other three prepares and provides food. Such an association of organisms is termed as: saprophyte parasite autotrophs Symbiosis

[A]. Saprophyte
[B]. Parasite
[C]. Autotrophs
[D]. Symbiosis

The cell is enclosed by a thin outer boundary, called

[A]. Cell membrane
[B]. Chromatin
[C]. Cytoplasm
[D]. Nucleus membrane

A parasitic plant with yellow, slender and tubular stem

[A]. Cuscuta
[B]. Pitcher plant
[C]. Golden roads
[D]. All the above

Which of the statements is or are incorrect?

[A]. Mushroom grows on dead and decaying organic matter.
[B]. Pitcher plant shows saprotrophic nutrition as their leaves trap the insect.
[C]. Cuscuta does not have chlorophyll.
[D]. Algae contain chlorophyll and they prepare their own food.

In non-green plants and animals, their mode of nutrition is

[A]. Saprophytic
[B]. Parasitic
[C]. Heterotrophic
[D]. Autotrophic

The term that is used for the mode of nutrition in yeast, mushrooms and bread mould is: autotrophic insectivorous saprophytic parasitic

[A]. Autotrophic
[B]. Insectivorous
[C]. Saprophytic
[D]. Parasitic

The term that is used for the mode of nutrition in yeast, mushrooms and bread-mould is

[A]. Autotrophic
[B]. Insectivorous
[C]. Saprophytic
[D]. Parasitic

Pitcher plant traps insects because it

[A]. Is a heterotroph
[B]. Grows in soils which lack in nitrogen
[C]. Does not have chlorophyll
[D]. Has a digestive system like human beings

About “photosynthesis”, which of the statements is or are incorrect?

[A]. The Solar Energy is captured by the leaves and stored in the form of food.
[B]. Later on carbohydrate ultimate get converted into chlorophyll.
[C]. The synthesis prepare of food occurs in the presence of only sunlight.
[D]. In this process solar energy is converted into chemical energy.

Paheli wants to know that some plants have deep red, violet or brown colored leaves but can these leaves perform the process of photosynthesis?

[A]. Yes, because they have different coloured as they trapped more solar energy.
[B]. No, because green pigment is not present in different coloured pigment.
[C]. Yes, because chlorophyll is hiding with leaf colour.
[D]. No, because they get nutrients from the soil and different colour attracts many organisms.

Which of the following statement is or are correct?

[A]. All green plants can prepare their own food and oxygen is liberated during photosynthesis.
[B]. Most animals are autotrophs.
[C]. Most animals are autotrophs and carbon dioxide is not required for photosynthesis
[D]. All green plants can prepare their own food and most animal are autotrophs.

The tissue responsible for the transportation of food in plants

[A]. Xylem
[B]. Phloem
[C]. Stomata
[D]. Root hair

When we observe the lower surface of a leaf through a magnifying lens, we see numerous small openings. Which of the following is the term given to such openings?

[A]. Stomata
[B]. Lamina
[C]. Mid rib
[D]. Veins

Green plants obtain their food from

[A]. Photosynthesis
[B]. Saprotrophic process
[C]. Heterotrophic process
[D]. Symbiotic process

In the absence of which of the following will photosynthesis not occur in leaves?

[A]. Guard cells
[B]. Chlorophyll
[C]. Vacuole
[D]. Space between cells

Photosynthesis requires chlorophyll and a few other raw materials as

[A]. H2O
[B]. Solar energy
[C]. CO2
[D]. All the above

Which of the following equations is correct about “photosynthesis”?

[A]. Carbon dioxide + Water + (Sunlight and Chlorophyll) → Carbohydrates + Ozone
[B]. Carbon dioxide + Hydrogen + (Sunlight and Chlorophyll) → Carbohydrates + Oxygen
[C]. Nitrogen dioxide + Water + (Sunlight and Chlorophyll) → Carbohydrates + Ozone
[D]. Carbon dioxide + Water + (Sunlight and Chlorophyll) → Carbohydrates + Oxygen

What would happen, if a goat eats away all the leaves of a small plant

[A]. Plant will no more.
[B]. Remaining leaves and branches will help to sustain the plant.
[C]. The small plant survived on the food stored in the stem and roots.
[D]. Soil nutrients will help to survive the plant once again.

Algae and fungi are

[A]. Autotroph and Parasite
[B]. Heterotroph and Saprotroph
[C]. Heterotroph and Parasite
[D]. Autotroph and Saprotroph

Why insectivorous plants trap insects?

[A]. They can’t get sufficient nutrients, as nitrogen, from soil.
[B]. They want to take sometimes different nutrition as juices of insects.
[C]. They are autotrophs and some autotrophs are not able to make food.
[D]. Once in a week, they used their digestive system.

Which of the following statement is or are incorrect about the growing crops inside green-houses?

[A]. A Greenhouse is built of any material through which sunlight can’t pass.
[B]. The air continues to heat up because it gets confined within the greenhouse.
[C]. To provide warmer temperature for growing fruit and vegetable plants.
[D]. Green-house also protect it from high blowing wind and rodents.

Choose the incorrect statements, what happened when wheat dough left in the open, after a few days

[A]. It starts to emit a foul smell.
[B]. It starts growth of saprophytic fungi and yeast.
[C]. Carbohydrate in wheat breakdown into carbon dioxide.
[D]. It is the place where rhizobium bacteria grow.

Important Questions from Chapter 1 of 7th Science?

Why do all living being need food?

All living organisms require food for cellular activities like growth, development and physical activities.

Who are Autotrophs?

Organisms which make their own food are called Autotrophs like plants.

What do you mean by Photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis is the process by which plants make their own food.

How do green plants prepare their food?

Green plants use water, carbon dioxide and sunlight to prepare their food by the process of photosynthesis.

Chlorophyll and Photosynthesis

When we see around us, we find that most of the plant leaves are green in colour. It is because leaf cells contain green pigments called Chlorophyll. The photosynthesis happens at this site of leaf’s cell. Chlorophyll helps in trapping of sun light energy. Water is absorbed by the root hairs from the soil and carbon dioxide coming from atmosphere is taken in through the stomata of leaf. Water and carbon dioxide combine in presence of sunlight trapped by chlorophyll and produces glucose and releases oxygen into the atmosphere. This complete process is called Photosynthesis.

Currently in Class test of standard 7 or school exams, MCQs are compulsory in each subject. These MCQs will help the students to understand the concepts given in Chapter 1 of Class 7 Science. Definitions, keywords and all extra questions are included in the form of multiple choice questions to provide a better practice for grade 7 student.

Last Edited: January 27, 2022