Class 6 Science Chapter 6 MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) of the Living Organisms and their Surroundings. All the MCQ questions are important for class unit tests as well school terminal exams. Practice here with MCQ Online tests series free to score good marks in exams and clear your doubts in standard 6 science chapter 6. Answers and explanations of each question is given just below the question.

Class 6 Science Chapter 6 MCQ Tests for 2024-25

Class: 6Science
Chapter: 6The Living Organisms and their Surroundings
Contents:MCQ Online Tests with Answers

Class 6 Science Chapter 6 MCQ Online Tests with Answer


Which of the following statement is or are correct?

[A]. Those things which need food, water and air for their survival are called living things.
[B]. Those things which do not need food, water and air for their survival are called non-living things.
[C]. The study of living things or organisms is called biology.
[D]. All the above.

Consider the following statements and choose the incorrect one:

[A]. Living things have a definite life-span after which they die.
[B]. Living things can reproduce and they can have young ones.
[C]. Living things excrete or get rid of waste materials from their body. living things cannot respond to stimuli.
[D]. Living things cannot respond to stimuli.

Which of the following is not associated with reproduction?

[A]. A New leaf coming out of a tree branch
[B]. A Dog giving birth to puppy
[C]. A seed growing into a plant
[D]. Chick hatching from an egg

Read the following sentences carefully, and choose the correct one:

[A]. All the living (plants and animals) need food to stay alive.
[B]. The young ones of all the living things grow and become bigger in size with the passing of time.
[C]. Animals can move from one place to another or they can move their body parts.
[D]. All the above.

Choose the set that represents only the biotic components of a habitat:

[A]. Tiger, deer, grass, soil
[B]. Rocks, soil, plants, air
[C]. Sand, turtle, crab, rocks
[D]. Aquatic plant, fish, frog, insect

Choose the odd one out from below with respect to reproduction:

[A]. Eggs of hen
[B]. Seeds of plants
[C]. Buds of potato
[D]. Roots of mango tree

Vihhu is doing his homework which is given by his teacher. Would you help him to choose the incorrect sentences?

[A]. All the living things respond to changes around them.
[B]. The living things show response to external stimuli such as heat, light, touch, sound, smell, taste, water and chemicals.
[C]. If we see our favourite food, our mouth starts watering which is not associated with stimulus.
[D]. If a bare-footed man steps on a sharp object like a thorn or a nail, he quickly pulls away his foot from the sharp object.

If you happen to go to a desert, what changes do you expect to observe in the urine you excrete? Which of the above would hold true?

[A]. Excrete small amount of urine and Excrete concentrated urine
[B]. Excrete large amount of urine and Excrete very dilute urine
[C]. Excrete small amount of urine and Excrete very dilute urine
[D]. Excrete small amount of urine and Excrete large amount of urine

Badal appeared in class test but he confused to know the incorrect statement. Would you help him to know that?

[A]. Every leaf of a plant has a large number of tiny pores or holes called stomata on its surface.
[B]. The exchange of gases oxygen and carbon dioxide in plants during respiration take place through the tiny pores.
[C]. The carbon dioxide produced during respiration is also uses by the body of the earthworm.
[D]. The plants give out carbon dioxide, produced in respiration only at night time.

Pooja is writing some statements but she confused to know whether the statements are correct or not? If you know the answer to this question, then tell her:

[A]. Photosynthesis in plants take place only during day time when sunlight is available but respiration in plants take place during day time as well as at night time.
[B]. The removal of waste substances from the body of a living organisms is called excretion.
[C]. Some plants store some of their waste products in the body parts (likes leaves, bark and fruits) in a way that they do not harm the plant as a whole.
[D]. None of the above.

Which of the following is an incorrect statement about excretion?

[A]. Excretion takes place in plants.
[B]. Excretion takes place both in plants and animals.
[C]. Excretion is the process of getting rid of excess water only.
[D]. Secretion is one method of excretion.

Consider the following statements and choose the incorrect one:

[A]. Every living thing has a limited lifespan on the earth after which it dies.
[B]. A small part of a plant which is removed by making a cut with a sharp knife is called a cutting.
[C]. The time period for which a living thing remain alive is called its lifespan.
[D]. None of the above.

Riya is writing some statements, choose the incorrect statement and help him:

[A]. A man has an average lifespan of 60 to 70 years.
[B]. The lifespan of some insects in during rainy season is of only a few hours.
[C]. Another characteristic of living things is that they ultimately die.
[D]. None of the above.

Which of the following are characteristics of living beings?

[A]. Respiration, reproduction and excretion
[B]. Respiration and reproduction
[C]. Reproduction and excretion
[D]. Respiration, reproduction, adaptation and excretion

In a science quiz competition, Kruti is asked a question where she had to choose the statement which was/were incorrect?

[A]. The place or surroundings where a plant or animal lives is called its habitat.
[B]. The plants and animals which live on land are said to live in a terrestrial habitat.
[C]. Respiration is a life process which take place in dry, stored seeds even when other usual life processes are not observed.
[D]. The only characteristic of living things shown by wheat seeds is reproduction.

Earthworms breathe through their:

[A]. Skin
[B]. Gills
[C]. Lungs
[D]. Stomata

Recently, in a science class test, you are asked a question where you have to say whether the statements are correct or not?

[A]. The presence of specific body features which enable a plant or an animal to live in a particular habitat is called adaptation.
[B]. The process of becoming accustomed to a different environment over short periods is called acclimatisation.
[C]. The non-living things in a habitat called biotic component.
[D]. None of the above.

Which of the following statement is or are correct?

[A]. The deer has big ears for good hearing.
[B]. The deer has eyes on the sides of its head which enables it to see in all direction at the same time.
[C]. The speed of deer helps it to run away from the predators which try to catch it.
[D]. All the above

Naman is doing his homework which is given by his teacher. Would you help him to choose the incorrect sentences?

[A]. The lion is a strong fast and agile animal which can hunt and kill its prey like deer.
[B]. The lion has eyes in the front ofThe light brown colour h its head which enable it to have a correct idea of the location of its prey.
[C]. The light brown colour helps the lion to hide in dry grassland when it hurts for prey.
[D]. None of the above.

Which of the following statement is or are incorrect?

[A]. Many sea animals have streamlined bodies to help them move in sea water easily.
[B]. Most of the sea animals have gills which enable them to use oxygen dissolved in water for breathing.
[C]. Dolphin and whales breathe in air through nostrils which are located on the upper parts of their heads.
[D]. None of the above.

The word “habitat” means:

[A]. The community to which an organism belongs.
[B]. The conditions under which an organism lives.
[C]. The food that an organism feed on
[D]. The place where an organism lives

When Anushka tried to grow a new rose plant from a stem cutting, she was not successful. What could be the likely reason?

[A]. A cutting needs strong sunlight to grow.
[B]. Rose plants cannot be propagated by cuttings.
[C]. There were no buds on the cutting.
[D]. There were no leaves on the cutting

Which of the following cannot be reproduced through cutting?

[A]. Sugarcane plants
[B]. Wheat plants
[C]. Rose plants
[D]. Cactus plants

Which one of the following is true about both plants and animals?

[A]. They can make their own food.
[B]. They need sunlight for energy.
[C]. They can move from one place to another.
[D]. They need water to live.

Dry wheat seeds packed in a gunny bag are lying in a go-down. Which one of the following characteristics of living things will be exhibited by these seeds?

[A]. Excretion
[B]. Growth
[C]. Respiration
[D]. Reproduction

What do understand by photosynthesis in 6th Science Chapter 9?

Plants prepare their food with the help of sunlight carbon dioxide, water and chlorophyll. This process of food manufacture is called photosynthesis.

Why are plants called Autotrophs in Class 6 Chapter 9?

Plants are called autotrophs because they make their own food.

Who are heterotrophs in standard 6 Science Chapter 9?

Animals and human beings who depend on plants and other animals for food are called heterotrophs.

What is the need of food according to Class 6 Science Chapter 9?

All living beings need food. Food provides us energy to perform various activities. It also helps in body growth as well as its maintenance and repair.

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Last Edited: April 21, 2023