Class 6 Science Chapter 5 MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) of Body Movements. Practice here with MCQs and prepare the complete chapter 5 of grade 6 Science for school tests and terminal exams. All the questions are prepared from NCERT Textbooks only and answers also confined to course textbooks. These MCQs ensure the scoring good marks in exams.

Class 6 Science Chapter 5 MCQ Online Test for 2024-25

Class: 6Science
Chapter: 5Body Movements
Contents:MCQ Online Tests with Answers

Class 6 Science Chapter 5 MCQ Free OnlineTest

Class 6 Science Chapter 5 MCQ Online Test with answers and Explanation. Once read NCERT Book for the preparation of chapter 5 of 6th Science and then use these MCQs to revise the whole chapter. These MCQ tests covers all important questions in the form of objective questions quiz.


Consider the following statements and choose the incorrect one:

[A]. Fish is adapted to move in water by having a streamlined shape, flexible backbone, powerful body muscles and fins.
[B]. The powerful body muscles of the fish on both sides help in moving its tail on both sides.
[C]. The fins help in fish in steering, balancing and stopping in water.
[D]. When an object pushes water in the backward direction with a certain force, then water pushes that object in the back direction with an equal force.

Which of the following is not an arm bone in the human skeleton?

[A]. Humerus
[B]. Ulna
[C]. Femur
[D]. Radius

Read the following sentences carefully, and choose the incorrect one:

[A]. The head of snail has two pairs of tentacles for catching prey.
[B]. Shell is the outer skeleton of snail but it is not made of bones.
[C]. The foot of snail is large, flat and disc-shaped, which is made of strong muscles.
[D]. Snail have four sets of muscles in the foot of snail which contract and expand alternately, producing a kind of wave effect.

Priya is writing some statements, choose the incorrect statement and help him:

[A]. Snails are “gastropods” which means false feet.
[B]. The equal and opposite reaction force of air forces the bird up and forward, and makes it fly.
[C]. While bringing the wings of during upstroke, the bird partly folds its wings so that the effect of air is reduced.
[D]. An earthworm moves by lengthening and shortening its body alternately by using the circular muscles and longitudinal muscles, respectively.

Read the following sentences carefully, and choose the correct one:

[A]. Human beings walk by contracting and relaxing muscles in their legs in a coordinated manner.
[B]. Every animal has to put something “backwards” with its body part to be able to move “forward”.
[C]. The cockroach flies in air by moving its wings up and down rapidly with the help of flight muscles.
[D]. All the above.

Consider the following statements and choose the incorrect one:

[A]. The ball of thigh bone can rotate freely in the socket of hip bone so that the ball and socket joint at the hip allows the leg to be moved in all directions.
[B]. A pivot joint exists between our skull and the top vertebra of backbone.
[C]. In the forearm, the pivot joint makes the radius and ulna bones to twist around each other.
[D]. The plate type bones of our skull are held together by socket joints and cannot move at all.

The two bones of the lower arm are:

[A]. Tibia and fibula
[B]. Femur and humerus
[C]. Ulna and radius
[D]. Humerus and radius

Consider the following statements and choose the incorrect one:

[A]. The knee joint is an example of ball and socket joint.
[B]. In a hinge joint, the movement of bones is restricted to one direction by the shape of the ends of the bones which form the joint.
[C]. The lower end of upper arm bone is in the shape of a knob and the upper end of lower arm bones is in the shape of a cup.
[D]. The ligaments hold the upper arm bone and lower arm bones together at the elbow joint.

Which of the following are ball and socket joints?

[A]. Elbow joint and Shoulder joint
[B]. Shoulder joint and Knee joint
[C]. Elbow joint and Knee joint
[D]. Shoulder joint and Hip joint

The delicate internal organ which is not protected by the rib cage is:

[A]. Heart
[B]. Brain
[C]. Liver
[D]. Lungs

Priya is writing some statements, choose the incorrect statement and help him:

[A]. The hip bone is also known as pelvic bone.
[B]. The hip bone encloses the portion of our body below the stomach.
[C]. The thigh bones of our legs are joined to the hip bone by the ball and socket joints.
[D]. The longest bone in human body is tibia.

In a science quiz competition, choose the statement which was/were incorrect?

[A]. There are 12 pairs of ribs in the chest of our body.
[B]. The rib cage protects the delicate internal organs like heart, lungs and liver.
[C]. The upper arm fits into the socket of collar bone forming ball and socket joints.
[D]. There are two shoulder bones as collarbone and shoulder blade.

Man can stand straight because of the:

[A]. Blood flowing in the body
[B]. Internal skeleton
[C]. Digestive system
[D]. Presence of muscles

Read the following sentences carefully, and choose the incorrect one:

[A]. The two arms are attached to the shoulder blade of the skeleton by ball and socket joints.
[B]. The upper arm consists of a single bone called humerus.
[C]. The lower arm is made up of two bones collar bone and shoulder blade.
[D]. The upper arm bone is connected to lower arm bones by a hinge joint at the elbow.

Recently, in a science class test, you are asked a question where you have to say whether the statements are correct or not?

[A]. The bony framework inside our body is called skeleton.
[B]. The bones of skeleton provide a framework which holds our body together.
[C]. Bones are hard and tough but cartilage is softer than bones.
[D]. There are 306 bones in the human skeleton or human body.

In a quiz competition, you are asked a question where you have to choose the statement which is/ are correct?

[A]. Our skeleton has movable joints between various bones which allowed the muscles to move the head, shoulders, arms, legs and other parts of the body.
[B]. The X-ray images show the shape and number of bones in the various parts of our body.
[C]. The scientific name of collar bone is clavicle and that of shoulder blade is scapula.
[D]. All the above.

Nakul appeared in class test but he confused to know the incorrect statement. Would you help him to know that?

[A]. The backbone is a long, hollow, rod-like structure running from the neck to the hips, inside our body.
[B]. The scientific name of backbone is vertebral column
[C]. Backbone is made up of 36 small bones placed one over the other.
[D]. There are top 7 vertebrae of backbone from our neck.

Read the following sentences carefully, and choose the correct one:

[A]. Backbone provides main support to the body.
[B]. Backbone attaches shoulder bones, ribs and hip bone.
[C]. Backbone protects the spinal cord.
[D]. All the above.

An animal having hollow and light bones is:

[A]. Fish
[B]. Bird
[C]. Snake
[D]. Cockroach

With which of the following animals the terms “Slither” is associated:

[A]. Snake
[B]. Snail
[C]. Fish
[D]. Earthworm

Which of the following is a “gastropod”?

[A]. Earthworm
[B]. Snake
[C]. Fish
[D]. Snail

Which of the following occurs when we straighten our arm?

[A]. Both biceps and triceps contract
[B]. Both biceps and triceps relax
[C]. Biceps contracts but triceps relaxes
[D]. Triceps contracts but biceps relaxers

How many muscles work together to move a bone?

[A]. One
[B]. Two
[C]. Three
[D]. Four

Underwater diver wear fin-like flippers on their feet to:

[A]. Swim easily in water
[B]. Look like a fish
[C]. Walk on water surface
[D]. Walk over the bottom of the sea (sea bed).

Tanya is writing some statements, choose the correct statement and help him:

[A]. The joint where our neck joins the head is a pivotal joint.
[B]. There are some bones in our head that are joined together at some joints, called fixed joints.
[C]. The head and tail of the fish are smaller than the middle portion of the body the body tapers at both ends, called streamlined.
[D]. All the above.

What is pivotal joint in Class 6 Science Chapter 8?

The joint where our neck joins the head is a pivotal joint. It allows us to bend our head forward and backward and turn the head to our right or left.

What are fixed joints in 6th Science Chapter 8?

There are some bones in our head that are joined together at some joints. The bones cannot move at these joints. Such joints are called fixed joints.

What is skeleton accordingto 8th chapter of Class 6 Science?

The bones in our body form a framework to give a shape to our body, which is known as the skeleton.

What do you know about rib cage in 6th Science Chapter 8?

They join the chest bone and the backbone together to form a box. This is called the rib cage.

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Last Edited: April 21, 2023