Class 6 Science Chapter 4 MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) of Getting to Know Plants. Practice here with MCQ online tests and evaluate yourself for the preparation of school exams. These MCQs provide a perfect preparation for all school assessment or class debates based on chapter 4 of grade 6 students. Not only the answers but the explanation also are given with each question. A student who practice with these questions score better than ever in school exams.

Class 6 Science Chapter 7 MCQ Tests for 2024-25

Class: 6Science
Chapter: 7Getting to Know Plants
Contents:MCQ Online Tests with answers

Class 6 Science Chapter 7 MCQ Test Free

Class 6 Science Chapter 7 MCQ Online Tests help to improve the concepts related to this chapter. Questions as well as answers are prepared from latest NCERT Books only issued for academic session 2024-25. There are given more than 90 questions for a perfect practice of the chapter 7 of class 6 Science.


Which of the following statement is or are correct?

[A]. The small green leaves at the base of flowers are known as sepals.
[B]. The young unopened flower is termed as bud.
[C]. Stamen has two parts called anther and filament.
[D]. All the above.

Paheli is writing some statements. She wants to know in which of the following statements is or are correct?

[A]. The swollen basal part of the pistil is the ovary which bears the ovules.
[B]. Root is the first part that comes out of a seed and provides anchorage to plant.
[C]. The leaf which has reticulate venation, the veins in leaf occur in an irregular way forming a net like structure.
[D]. All the above

Paheli is writing some statement which is given by her teacher. Would you help him to choose the correct statements?

[A]. Creepers, plants that are weak and spread on the ground.
[B]. Ovules are present in the ovary.
[C]. Anther is the part which attached to the tip of filament.
[D]. All the above

Consider the following statements and choose the incorrect one:

[A]. Herbs are small plants, having a soft and delicate stem.
[B]. Shrubs have so many branches near ground level and rising just above the ground.
[C]. Trees are tall and big plants with hard and thick woody stem.
[D]. The herbs are bigger than shrubs but smaller than trees.

In which of the following statements is or are correct?

[A]. Shrubs are medium sized plants with hard and woody stem, branching out near the base.
[B]. Trees are tall and big plants with hard and thick woody stem.
[C]. Climbers having thin, long and weak stem which cannot stand upright but readily climbs up a neighboring support.
[D]. All the above.

Paheli is writing about the function of root of a plant. Choose the correct one(s):

[A]. Roots anchor the plant to the soil.
[B]. Roots absorbs water and minerals from the soil.
[C]. Roots help in holding the soil together.
[D]. All the above.

Which of the following statement is or are incorrect?

[A]. Taproot is a straight tapering root which grows vertically down into the soil.
[B]. The fibrous roots spread out the soil and gives a film support to the plant.
[C]. Stem is the part of a plant which rises vertically up from the ground.
[D]. The root of a tree is the strongest part of the tree and it is known as trunk.

Payel is writing some sentences about leaves and choose the correct one(s) and help her:

[A]. The leaves make food for the plant by photosynthesis.
[B]. The leaves get rid of excess water from the plant by transpiration.
[C]. The leaves carry out the process of respiration in plants.
[D]. All the above.

Consider the following statement and choose the correct one:

[A]. A fruit is that part of a plant which contains the seeds.
[B]. The transfer of pollen grains from anther of a stamen to the stigma of a pistil is called, pollination.
[C]. The joining together of male sex cells is called fertilization.
[D]. All the above.

Boojho appeared in class test where he wrote some statements but he confused to know the correct statement. Would you help him to know that?

[A]. The fruits and seeds are formed from flowers by the process of pollination and fertilization.
[B]. Pollination is done by insects, winds and water.
[C]. After fertilization, the ovules grow and become seeds.
[D]. All the above.

Read the statements carefully and choose which of the following statements is or are incorrect?

[A]. The flowers that part of a plant which contains the reproductive organs.
[B]. The green, leaf like part in the outermost circle of a flowers are called sepals.
[C]. The number of petals and sepals in flower is not always equal.
[D]. The stamen is the female part of flower.

Consider the given statements and choose the incorrect one:

[A]. The sepals protect the flower when it is in the form of a bud in the initial stage.
[B]. The petals are the most attractive part of a flower.
[C]. The number of petals is equals to the number of sepals in many flowers.
[D]. The pollen grains contain female sex cells of a plant.

Paheli is taking preparation for her final examination. She is writing some statements, but she confused to know whether the statements are correct or not? Would you help her?

[A]. The ovary contains tiny egg like structure called ovules.
[B]. The swollen part at the bottom of the pistil is called ovary.
[C]. The ovules contain male sex cells of a plant.
[D]. The female part of a flower called “pistil” is also known as carpel.

Which of the following is not a correct match?

[A]. Petiole: Attaches leaf to steam
[B]. Lamina: Green flat part of leaf
[C]. Margin: Gives safe to the leaf
[D]. Veins: Transpiration

In which of the following statement is or are incorrect?

[A]. The plants having leaves with reticulate venation have tap roots.
[B]. The plant having leaves with parallel venation have fibrous roots.
[C]. The simplest food prepared by the leaves by photosynthesis is glucose.
[D]. During transpiration, the water present in the air is taken as water vapour.

Boojho is writing some statements about herbs, shrubs and trees. In which of the following statements is or are incorrect? Help him.

[A]. Herbs are non-woody plants and they do not grow more than one metre height.
[B]. Sunflower, cabbage, ginger, turnip, mustard are the examples of herbs.
[C]. Shrubs are medium-sized plants with a hard and woody stem branching out near the base.
[D]. Lemon, tomato, tulsi are the example of shrubs.

Consider the following statements and choose the incorrect statement(s):

[A]. Herbs may live for only one or two seasons.
[B]. Shrubs may live many years, but it is less than that of trees.
[C]. The coconut tree is a type of palm tree.
[D]. The trees have one main stem called “anchor”, which usually gives out branches and leaves.

Paheli went to a botanical garden and after returning she asked some statements to her uncle. Choose the incorrect sentence(s) told by Paheli.

[A]. Palm trees is a special tree which have many branches near the ground level.
[B]. Bamboo is an example of grass.
[C]. A climber plant has special organs for climbing, called tendrils.
[D]. Climber and creepers are different type of plant from each other.

In which of the following statement is or are incorrect?

[A]. Taproots itself is quite thick but its branches are much thinner.
[B]. The fibrous roots spread out in the soil but cannot given firm support to the plant.
[C]. Some of the plants store food in their roots that we eat as a food.
[D]. Carrot, radish, potato are the examples of root.

Which of the following statement is or are incorrect?

[A]. Taproot is a straight tapering root which grows vertically down into the soil.
[B]. The fibrous roots spread out the soil and gives a film support to the plant.
[C]. Stem is the part of a plant which rises vertically up from the ground.
[D]. The root of a tree is the strongest part of the tree and it is known as trunk.

Consider the given statements and choose the incorrect one:

[A]. The sepals protect the flower when it is in the form of a bud in the initial stage.
[B]. The petals are the most attractive part of a flower.
[C]. The number of petals is equals to the number of sepals in many flowers.
[D]. The pollen grains contain female sex cells of a plant.

Which of the following is the correct match between the characteristics of stem and the category of plant?

[A]. Weak stem which cannot stand upright: Creeper
[B]. Green tender stem: Shrub
[C]. Thick, hard stem with branching near the base: Tree
[D]. Thick, hard stem with branches high on the plant: Herb

Which of the following statements is or are correct?

[A]. Stems absorb water and minerals from the soil.
[B]. Stems conduct water from roots to the leaves.
[C]. Stems conduct food from roots to various parts of the plant.
[D]. None of the above

Read the following sentences about photosynthesis and choose the correct pair of sentences that is true?

[A]. Leaves carry out photosynthesis and proteins are made during photosynthesis.
[B]. Sunlight, carbon dioxide, chlorophyll and water are necessary and leaves carry out photosynthesis.
[C]. Oxygen is absorbed and proteins are made during photosynthesis.
[D]. Sunlight, carbon dioxide, chlorophyll and water are necessary and proteins are made during photosynthesis.

In a final examination, you are given some statements in science paper where you have to choose incorrect statements:

[A]. The leaves make food for the plant by the process of photosynthesis.
[B]. The leaves of plants contain a green coloured pigment called chlorophyll.
[C]. There are minute pores on the surface of a leaf called stomata.
[D]. None of the above.

What is meant by secretion in 7th Chapter of Class 6 Science?

Plants excrete water vapour and carbon dioxide from small pores called stomata. They get rid of their waste by secreting substances which are not required. This process is known as secretion.

What are unicellular organisms in Class 6 Science Chapter 7?

Some plants and animals consist of single-cell and are called unicellular organisms. Examples: Amoeba,
parameci, bacteria and yeast.

What are multicellular organisms in 6th Science Chapter 7?

Some animals and plants have as many as billion of cells. They are known as multicellular organisms. Examples: Man, cat, dog, pine, rose plant etc.

What is meant by stimulus in Class 6 Science Chapter 7?

All living things respond to their surroundings. External factors like light and temperature make living being react to them. The change that produces a response in an organism is known as stimulus.

The differences between living and non-living things
    • Living things need food but non-living things do not need food.
    • Living things need a habitat but nonliving things do not need a particular habitat.
    • Living things are made of cells while non-living things are made of atoms.
    • Living thins reproduce while nonliving things cannot reproduce.
    • Living things grow and develop while non-living things do not grow and develop.
    • Living things have a definite life span while the life span of non-living things depend on maintenance and other factors.
Last Edited: April 21, 2023