Class 6 Science Chapter 2 MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) of Sorting Materials into Groups are given below. These MCQs are prepared for session 2024-25 by the expert teachers following the latest NCERT Book 2024-25. The set of 20 papers containing 10 questions each are given below. This sets of MCQ tests provide a perfect practice for the school test or exams.

Class 6 Science Chapter 2 MCQ with Answers

Class: 6Science
Topic:Sorting Materials into Groups
Contents:Multiple Choice Questions – MCQ Tests
Mode of Content:Online Text format
Academic Session:CBSE 2024-25

Class 6 Science Chapter 2 MCQ Tests

Class 6 Science Chapter 2 MCQ tests are given below. There are total of 25 tests containing 5 questions each test. To be confident in Class 6 Science Chapter 2, one must do these tests and improve his knowledge. At the end of the test, Start a New Test button is given for new test. Anyone can give many tests as per requirement, there is not any specific limit for these tests.


Which of the following statements is incorrect?

[A]. Dividing materials into groups make it convenient to study their properties
[B]. Materials are grouped together on the basis of only similarities
[C]. Different types of materials have different properties
[D]. Objects around us made up of a variety of materials

The space between particles is maximum in

[A]. Solids
[B]. Liquids
[C]. Gases
[D]. Both solids and liquids

While doing an activity in class, the teacher asked Paheli to handover a translucent material. Which among the following materials will Paheli pick and give her teacher?

[A]. Glass tumbler
[B]. Mirror
[C]. Muslin cloth
[D]. Aluminum foil

Which of the following does not belong to the group?

[A]. Ink
[B]. Milk
[C]. Honey
[D]. Oil

The property of a substance that decides whether it will float or sink in water is

[A]. Volume
[B]. Density
[C]. Refractive index
[D]. Viscosity

Wood is used as a fuel. Which property makes it suitable for this purpose

[A]. Combustibility
[B]. Density
[C]. Viscosity
[D]. Immiscibility

Shopkeeper usually prefer to keep the materials in

[A]. Translucent container
[B]. Opaque container
[C]. Transparent container
[D]. Wooden rack

Which among the following are commonly used for making a safety pin?

[A]. Wood and glass
[B]. Plastic and glass
[C]. Leather and plastic
[D]. Steel and plastic

Those substances or materials through which things can be seen are called

[A]. Shiny material
[B]. Mirror
[C]. Transparent
[D]. Translucent

In appearance, materials have different properties like

[A]. Colour and shape
[B]. Lustre and dull
[C]. Hard and soft
[D]. All of these

Pick one material from the following, which is completely soluble in water

[A]. Chalk powder
[B]. Tea leaves
[C]. Glucose
[D]. Sawdust

Materials through which objects can be seen, but not clearly are known as

[A]. Transparent
[B]. Opaque
[C]. Translucent
[D]. Optical

Our palm is a example of

[A]. Opaque
[B]. Transparent
[C]. Translucent
[D]. Semi translucent

Which of the following materials is not lustrous?

[A]. Gold
[B]. Silver
[C]. Wood
[D]. Diamond

There are given some name of the objects. Pick out the odd ones

[A]. Apple
[B]. Orange
[C]. Tomato
[D]. Basketball

Given below are the names of some objects, pick out the odd-ones

[A]. Aluminum
[B]. Sulphur
[C]. Iron
[D]. Copper

Given below are the names of some objects, pick out the odd ones

[A]. Salt
[B]. Sand
[C]. Copper sulphate
[D]. Sugar

Find the odd-one out from the followings

[A]. Tawa
[B]. Spade
[C]. Pressure cooker
[D]. Eraser

Paheli asked a question to Boojho, that name the property of substances which allows the heat to pass through it?

[A]. Lustre
[B]. Conductor
[C]. Opaque
[D]. Insulator

Why clay is used for making pots and bricks?

[A]. Malleability
[B]. Opaque
[C]. Non-conductor
[D]. Solubility

Which type of the following materials is used for making the front glass (windscreen) of a car?

[A]. Transparent
[B]. Translucent
[C]. Opaque
[D]. All of these

1 kg of oil occupies more space compared to 1 kg of water. Why?

[A]. Water has less density than oil
[B]. Oil has less density than water
[C]. Oil has more concentration than water
[D]. Both have same density

Which of the following is correct about pure water?

[A]. It is good conductor of electricity
[B]. It is a bad conductor of electricity
[C]. It is a semi-conductor of electricity
[D]. It behaves like superconductor

Boojho wants to know the name of the instrument, which is used to measure the density of liquids?

[A]. Hydrometer
[B]. Barometer
[C]. Hygrometer
[D]. Ammeter

Which of the following statements is not true?

[A]. Materials are grouped for convenience
[B]. Materials are grouped to study their properties
[C]. Materials are grouped for fun
[D]. Materials are grouped according to their uses

Multiple Choice Questions are now compulsory in class test, FA and final Exams. It also provide a good understanding the concepts of chapter. So, more and more these MCQs to be confident in chapter 2 of Class 6 Science. If you find any mistake, take a screen shot or not down the questions and report us. This will help all the users whoever will do the test in coming days. If you need any other help or you have any suggestion, please contact us via message or call or WhatsApp.

How do I prepare MCQ in chapter 2 of Class 6 Science?

First of all just read chapter 2 from Science NCERT Book. Try to understand the meaning of all the keywords. After complete reading, now do all exercises questions given at the end of the chapter. At the end, try these MCQs.

How many MCQs are sufficient for the practice of Class 6 Science Chapter 2?

At least 20 MCQs should be done for practicing each chapter in Class 6 Science.

Is Class 6 Science Chapter 2 important as per MCQ point of view?

MCQs are selected randomly by teachers during the preparation of questions papers. So, it may come from any chapter.

Can End exercise questions be asked as MCQ in Class 6 Science Chapter 2?

It depends on question, whether it is short or long. Short questions, fill in the blanks, true false may come in the form of MCQ.

Last Edited: April 21, 2023