NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 1 Ice-cream Man and Wonderful Waste of Marigold book updated for academic session 2024-25. All the question-answers, fill in the blanks and other contents are given with answers and explanation. Download App for Class 5 all Subjects.

Summary of the Chapter – The Ice Cream man

The Poet of the story Rachel Field Describes beautifully the happiness that Ice cream gave them during the Hot summer Holiday times and the excitement, the children feel when they hear the sound of the Ice Cream cart from far away coming (Trundling).
As per him during summer everyone’s favorite person is Ice cream man as he bought ice cream that everyone loves.

The Poet further describes that during the summertime in cities when the houses are really hot (Brick’s a blaze of heat), The Ice-cream man with his little cart carrying ice creams roam around. His little cart coming making sounds to attract children in the streets.
Under the umbrella he has mounted on the ice-cream cart children can see it and burst with happiness as this means their favorite Ice-cream man is coming. And seeing he is serving the different flavors like chocolate (Brown), Vanilla (White) of ice-creams in cones for them that scene is so joyful.

He says the Ice cream man not only have ice-creams but he also has cold (Chilly) drinks in chocolate, Vanilla, strawberry flavors and that is from glass bottles that have small bubbles that make Fizz noise when opening it.

He describes beautifully that children are like Honey Bees and attracted toward his cart as it is like a flower bed and sweet peas with lots of flowers. Honey bees look for flowers to eat and produce honey. Children Resemble as they walk and roam around the cart impatiently waiting for their flavor Ice cream to be served.

New Words and Meanings

BlazeBright flames
TrundlingRunning in small wheels
MoundsHeap, scoop, shapes like mountain
Frosty-fizzIce-cold bubbly drink, e.g. Coca-cola
Cluster A bunch, Group of things e.g. a bunch of Grapes

Reading is Fun

In which season is ice cream popular?

In Summer.

Who feels joyful on seeing the Ice-cream Man?

Children feels Joyful seeing Ice cream man.

Name the different flavors of ice cream the Ice-cream Man has in his cart.

Vanilla, Chocolate, and Strawberry flavor ice-cream man has in his cart.

What are the two things that the Ice-cream Man is selling?

Ice-cream man selling two things:
a) Ice-cream
b) Frosty-Fizz.

What is the ice-cream cart compared to in the poem?

Ice-cream cart is being compared to flower bed of roses and sweet peas.

Let’s Write

Having an ice cream on a hot summer day is exciting and enjoyable.

Write about some of the exciting and enjoyable things that one can do in the winter season.

The exciting and enjoyable things that one can do in the winter season:

    1. Hot Chocolate.
    2. Hot Soup
    3. Milk
    4. Tea
    5. Coffee

List as many summer activities as you can.

Summer Activities:

    1. Playing Outdoor games.
    2. Watching T.V.
    3. Flying Kites.
    4. Go to Park.
    5. Swimming in pools, ponds.
    6. Cycling.
    7. Skipping.

Now group these activities into indoor and outdoor activities.

Indoor and Outdoor activities:

    • Playing Outdoor games – Outdoor
    • Watching T.V. – Indoor
    • Flying Kites. – Outdoor
    • Go to Park. – Outdoor
    • Swimming in pools, ponds. – Outdoor
    • Cycling. – Outdoor
    • Skipping. – Outdoor.

Wonderful Waste – Summary

This is the story of the origin of one of the iconic dishes from southern Indian state Kerala,
When The Ruler of Travancore announced a Grand feast in his palace. He went to the royal kitchen to see if things are going all well. He saw the pile of vegetables remaining and peels.

So, he called the Royal cook and questioned it. Cook informed that by pointing towards the garbage box that he is going throw it away as he used the main art of the vegetable.
The Maharaja ordered to find out the way for use the remaining and reduce the waste and told him ‘He can’t waste all these bit and pieces of vegetables.’

Confused and scared cook now started to think how to use it and suddenly came up with the idea to use the remaining vegetable pieces. He cut them in strips and put it inside the big pot and put it on fire to cook it. Meanwhile he prepared the spices, grated fresh coconut, chilies and garlic and mixed it together and add it in the pot.

A pleasing aroma started to come out of the pot. So, he whipped fresh curd and added with the vegetable and before serving it he added dashes of coconut oil.
In dinner when guest had the new dishes, they complimented he cook for the new dish and asked the name so he told them ‘Avial’.
This is how the dish from a remaining of vegetable bits became famous with little creativity of cook.
Even now this dish is being served in feasts.

New Phrases
In a fix Stuck in a situation
Flash across the mind Suddenly came to mind
Lo and beholdExpression e.g., surprise
Traditional feastPeople gathered for dinner or lunch on the cultural occasion
Reading is Fun

Reading is Fun – Question Answers

What were the preparations in the palace for?

The preparation in the palace was for the traditional feast.

Why did the Maharaja go into the kitchen in the afternoon?

The Maharaja went to the kitchen to survey the preparations.

What had the cook planned to do with the vegetable scraps?

The cook planned to throw the vegetable scraps in garbage bin.

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Last Edited: January 27, 2022