NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Chapter 14 Basva’s Farm in Hindi and English Medium for academic session 2024-25 updated according to latest CBSE Syllabus. Along with the NCERT Solutions, some extra questions based on NCERT Textbook are also given here. These extra questions are quite important to understand the complete chapter and to prepare for the school exam. All the solutions and question answers given on our website are free to use without any formal registration.

NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Chapter 14

Class 4 EVS Chapter 14 Question Answers Set 1

In Basva’s area an implement called Khunti is used to loosen the soil. What is this kind of implement called in your area?

In our area this is called Kudal and it used to dig and loosen soil.

Find out from a farmer or some elders in your family, what kinds of crops are grown in your area?

Wheat, rice, maize, sugarcane, mustard, vegetables, etc. are some crops grown in my area.

What other ways could be used to plough the fields instead of animals. Discuss.

Instead of animals, tractors can be used to plough the fields.

Basva helps his father in the field. Do you help the elders in your family in their work? What do you help with?

yes, I help the elders in my family in their work. I help my mom to clean and arrange the house. I help my father while purchasing the essentials for our house.

Do you enjoy doing that work?

Yes, I enjoy doing all these works.

Class 4 EVS Chapter 14 Question Answers Set 2

Why is Basva not able to attend school for some days?

Basva is unable to attend school for some days because he has to help his father in collecting onions from the field.

Are there any fields near your house? What is grown there?

Yes, there is a field near my house. different type of vegetables like green vegetables, tomatoes, mint, green chillies and onions, garlic etc. are grown in that field.

Basva’s Appa takes the onions to the market in a truck. Think, how would fruits and vegetables be taken to another place, if there were no proper roads.

If there were no proper roads, then fruits and vegetables would be taken to another place by rickshaw, cycle, bullock cart, mule, etc.

What kind of vehicles are used to carry fruits and vegetables? Draw a picture of one of these vehicles in your notebook.

Vehicles like tempo, tractor, trucks, thela, rickshaw, etc. are used to carry fruits and vegetables.

Some implements used by Basva’s family, write the names of the implements. Also write what these are called in your area? What work are they used for?

Name (in this chapter): Kurige
Name in your area: Hal
Work: plough field and sprinkling the seeds.

Class 4 EVS Chapter 14 Question Answers Set 3

Illige used by Basva’s family write what this is called in your area? What work is this used for?

Name (in this chapter): Illige
Name in your area: Daranti
Work: It is used to cut vegetables.

Many steps are needed to grow crops. Write down in correct order.

There are several steps to grow a crop, here are steps for growing wheat crop:
(a) Soil is cultivated with the plough.
(b) Seeds are sown in the soil manually or by sees drill.
(c) Manure and fertilizers are added to the soil.
(d) Soil is irrigated properly.
(e) Weeds are removed.
(f) Crop is cut using a combine.
(g) Wheat seeds are packed and stored properly.

Find out about a crop that is grown in your area. Also find out the steps that are part of this work.

Wheat is grown in our area on large scale. Steps involved in growing this crop are given as follows:
(I). First, the manures and fertilisers are added to the soil for the proper growth of the crop.
(II). Soil cultivation is done by using tractor or bulls.
(III). Seeds of wheat are then sprinkled or sown in the soil using a seed drill.
(IV). Wheat seeds are then sufficiently covered with soil to prevent them from drying or eaten by birds.
(V). The fields are then properly irrigated (2−3 times in a month).
(VI). Weeds that grow along with the wheat plants should be removed because they are unwanted plants and can harm the yield of the crop.
(VII). Crop is cut using a combine.
(VIII). Wheat seeds are packed and stored properly.

Basva’s family use Khunti, write what this is called in your area? What work is this used for?

Name (in this chapter): khunti
Name in your area: Kudal
Work: digging soil and soften it.

Class 4 EVS Chapter 14 Extra Question Answers Set 1

Who was Basva?

Basva was a boy whose father was a farmer. They lived in Belvanika village in Karnataka.

Which crop was his father going to grow?

As usual in the month of July, like every year, Basva’s father was preparing the field to sow the onion crop. There were so many things to be done at this time. Basva too had to go to the field with Appa.

What was his father using to dig the soil?

In the last few days, his father had been using the Khunti (an iron rod) to dig the soil, loosen it and make it soft.

Why was Basva’s family happy this year?

Basva’s family was happy because the onions that had grown in their fields were big and healthy. They took the onions in the truck to sell it in the big market.

What are the conditions that a seed needs to grow properly?

The following conditions are required by the seed to grow properly-
• Proper space to grow
• Warmth of the sunlight
• Water and nutrients from the soil
• Air from the atmosphere through the roots

What is seed germination?

The process in which a seed grows into a young plant (seedling) is called seed germination.

Explain the various steps involved in the process of farming

The various steps involved in the process of farming are-
• Preparing the soil by ploughing the fields
• Sowing or sprinkling of seeds
• Watering the plants regularly
• Removing the weeds from the crops
• Adding minimum amount of fertilizers and spraying insecticides
• Harvesting the crops
• Storing it properly to be taken to the market for selling to earn money

Class 4 EVS Chapter 14 Extra Question Answers Set 2

What are weeds?

Weeds are the unwanted plants that grow on their own between the crops in the fields.They are not good for the crops being grown.

Why do we need to remove the weeds from the fields?

We need to remove the weeds from the fields as they take up the water and nutrients from the soil and reduce the growth of the actual crop. They may also attract pests or insects causing diseases to the crops.

How are the seeds sown?

When the seeds are sown in the field s, the bullocks help in pulling the Kurige and the farmer walks behind them, sprinkling the seeds.

Why would Basva not go to school for next few days?

As the onion plants were now tall enough and reached his knees. The leaves had started turning yellow and drying up which meant that the onions were ready to be taken out. As his father would be needing help from him so he may not go to school for the next few days.

Why did Basva’s father did not allow him to sprinkle the seeds?

Basva’s father did not allow him to sprinkle the seeds for sowing because seeds have to be dropped at the right amount at a right distance and as Basva was small, he could have dropped them together or without proper distance.

What did Amma and aunt do when the onions were ready?

Amma and aunty used the illige to cut the dried leaves from the top of the onions. The illige is sharp and you have to be careful not to cut your fingers.

Class 4 EVS Chapter 14 Extra Question Answers Set 3

How do farmers transport their goods?

For distribution of agricultural produce, road transport has a very important role because it is the major means of transporting agricultural produce from the farms to the markets as well as to various urban communities

How was the work divided amongst Basva and his family?

The work was divided amongst all the family members of Basva’s family in the following ways-
• Digging the soil and sowing the seeds was done by Basva’s Appa
• Removing of weeds was done by Amma, uncle and Basva
• The job of taking out the onion from the soil was done by amma,Uncle and Basva
• Removing the dry leaves from onion was done by amma and aunt
• Taking the onions to the market was done by Appa

What do the other family members do when they are not needed on the farms?

The family members do their own work when they are not needed to work on the farm which means that the female members of the house do their household work and take care of their families while the children go to school and study.

Who helps the farmers if they do not have big family to support them in their work?

If the farmers do not have big family to support them in their work, then they hire some workers from outside or use some machines to help them in their work.

Write the steps involved in growing the onion plant.

The steps involved in the growing of the onion plant are-
• First the seeds are sown in the soil in the field
• The sprouts start coming after some days
• The plant starts growing and once it grows properly, onions are taken out from the ground
• After the onions are taken out, the leaves are separated from them
• Then they are kept in sacks and taken out for selling in the market.

What did his Appa and uncle do after that?
His Appa and Uncle filled the sacks with onions. Appa would now take them in a truck to sell in the big market.

How farming is an important part of EVS class 4 Chapter 14.

Farming is an essential part of the environment as most of the crops are coming from farming. Farming is the main occupation the human civilization is based upon. Farming is also important to provide food on the plate to the mass and development that suits the farming and land is important. This is how it makes farming an important part of the environment.

How do you think chapter 14 of class 4 will serve its purpose of giving the knowledge about the environment?

The previous chapter already shed the light on a few of the important points of the environment. This chapter shares the process of farming which also tells us how the water is important and if we club all the information we can come to the conclusion that to keep the food safe the environment safety is also is required.

Do you think chapter 14 of class 4 EVS contains enough knowledge for farming?

The story about the farming given in chapter 14 of class 4 EVS is not enough as sustainable organic farming is a vast subject itself. However, the branches of the other subject of science are related in this chapter too.

How do you suggest completing this chapter 14 of class 4 of EVS NCERT?

The chapter is made in the form of the story and shared the information and also the process of farming. The best part is the language is easy to understand. So one doesn’t require to take adult supervision to help with the chapter but might require with the other doubts. Besides, the chapter explained the steps and the importance of the steps too.

NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Chapter 14 Basva’s Farm
Class 4 EVS Chapter 14 Basva’s Farm
NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Chapter 14
NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Chapter 14 in English Medium
NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Chapter 14 guide
Last Edited: August 13, 2022