NCERT Solutions for Class 4 English Grammar Chapter 14 Prepositions in PDF file format free to use online or download for offline updated for session 2024-25. As you know that Preposition is a word placed before a noun (or a pronoun) that shows the relation in which one person or thing stands to another person or thing. Learn here with proper examples and assignments.

Class 4 English Grammar Chapter 14 Prepositions

Class: 4English Grammar
Chapter: 14Prepositions

What is a Preposition?

The words in bold in each of the following sentences show the position of something with respect to the other or the relation between one object with the other. They are called Prepositions.

    • Raja is sitting near Manu.
    • Neelam is sitting far away from Soni.
    • The snake is lying around the tree.
    • Aniket is between his father and mother.
    • The fan is above the table.
    • The train is passing through the tunnel.
    • I brought this pen for you.
    • Priya is sitting among boys.

The words in, on, under, of at with, near, from, around, through, for, among and above in each of the following sentences show the position of something with respect to the other or the relation between one object with the other. They are called Prepositions.

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Use of preposition in each of the following sentences:

1. He lives in New Delhi.
2. He lives at Kautilya Marg.
3. Cow lives on grass.
4. He is not at home.
5. He is in his room.
6. The house on fire.
7. The incident occurred on 25 July at 3 o’ clock.
8. He is an expert in this game.

9. I do not believe in what you say.
10. I am interested in singing.
11. He is ashamed of himself.
12. I am not afraid of death.
13. I do not agree with you.
14. The lion jumped into the well.
15. He felt sorry for you.
16. Smoking is injurious to health.

17. I prefer tea to coffee.
18. I am grateful to you.
19. He is addicted to alcohol.
20. I will talk to you later.
21. He laughed at me.
22. I was surprised to what he said.
23. I congratulate you on your success.

Revision of Preposition
A. Put the right preposition at the right place:

1. I was born February 25, 2009 New Delhi (in, on).
2. I will go a walk you (with, for).
3. The house fire was doused water (with, on).
4. The train arrived the station time (at, on).
5. I agree you some point (on, with).
6. He stays London Crescent road (in, at).
7. Jack sat a chair a corner (on, in).

8. I congratulate you your success the exam (in, on)
9. Your thoughts differ mine several respects (from, in).
10. I am thankful you your kindness (to, for).
11. They fought each other trifle matter (over, with).
12. He write pen the paper (on, with).
13. They fought themselves bread (for, among)

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions from the bracket:

1. I agree….. you (to/with).
2. My brother lives….. Paris (in/at).
3. I am thankful……. you (to/with).
4. She poured the milk….. the jug (in/into).
5. I was not……. home when he came….. (at/in).
6. Be kind…….. poor people (to/with).
7. I came here…………. Sunday (in/on).

8. Amit has two other cars……….. this (beside/besides).
9. The dog sat………. the master (beside/besides).
10. The car stood…………… their door (by/at).
11. Beauty does not last ……….ever (for/from).
12. The river flows…………. (under/below) the bridge.
13. He wore a cap…………. his head (on/over).
14. He carried an umbrella ……………his head (over/on).

What is preposition in Class 4 English Grammar Chapter 14?

Preposition is a word placed before a noun (or a pronoun) that shows the relation in which one person or thing stands to another person or thing.
1. The apples are in the plate.
2. The book is on the table.

How will you complete sentence with the right preposition at the right place. 1. I will go a walk you (with, for). 2. He stays London Crescent road (in, at). in 4th English Grammar?

1. I will go for a walk with you.
2. he stays in London at Crescent road.

Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions from the bracket. 1. Amit has two other cars……….. this (beside/besides). 2. Beauty does not last ……….ever (for/from). according to Class 4 English Grammar?

1. Amit has two other cars besides this.
2. Beauty does not last forever.

Class 4 Grammar Chapter 14 Prepositions
Class 4 English Grammar Chapter 14 Prepositions Types
Class 4 English Grammar Chapter 14 Prepositions Exercises
Class 4 English Grammar Chapter 14 Prepositions Assignments
Class 4 English Grammar Prepositions
Class 4 English Grammar Prepositions Revision Book
Class 4 English Grammar Kinds of Prepositions
Class 4 English Grammar Prepositions Assignments
Class 4 English Grammar Prepositions Exercises
Last Edited: July 18, 2023