NCERT Solutions for Class 4 English Grammar Chapter 12 Adverb and their uses updated for academic session 2024-25 for CBSE, UP Board, MP Board and other state boards. We know that an adverb is a word which modifies the meaning of a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. An adverb tells how, when, where, how often or why an action takes place.

Class 4 English Grammar Chapter 12 Adverb

Class: 4English Grammar
Chapter: 12Adverb

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Types of Adverbs

Consider the following examples:
The teacher is speaking loudly.
The old man walks slowly.
The word loudly in first sentence shows how the teacher is speaking. In the second sentence, the word slowly shows the manner how the old man walks. So, the word loudly and slowly are adverbs. Adverbs are of six kinds as given below:

    • 1. Adverb of manner
    • 2. Adverb of place
    • 3. Adverb of time
    • 4. Adverb of frequency
    • 5. Adverb of degree
    • 6. Adverb of reason

Adverb of Manner

When an adverb tells us how an action has been performed, it is known as Adverb of Manner.
(a) Nightingale sings sweetly.
(b) Soldiers fight bravely.
(c) Swati runs fastly.
(d) Roshni writes neatly.

Adverb of place

When an Adverb tells us ‘where’ the action has taken place; it is known as Adverb of place.

    • (a) Sit here.
    • (b) Go there.
    • (c) Please come in.
    • (d) The Indian Army marched forward.

Note: Adverb of Place asks the question Where?

Adverb of time

When an Adverb tells us ‘when’ the action has taken place, it is known as Adverb of time.

    • (a)The bus arrived late.
    • (b) I woke up early today.
    • (c) Please go home now.
    • (d) My brother will come soon.

Note: Adverb of Time answers the question when?

Adverb of Frequency

When an Adverb shows how often an action has been done, it is known as Adverb of Frequency.
(a) He makes the mistake again and again.
(b) Gayatri falls ill often.
(c) Jugs never tells lies.
(d) The servant is paid monthly.

Note: Adverb of Frequency answers the question how often?

Adverb of Degree

When an Adverb shows “How much” and what extent a thing is done, it is known as Adverb of Degree.

    • (a) The glass is nearly full.
    • (b) I was very exhausted.
    • (c) Your logic is entirely wrong.
    • (d) The mangoes are almost ripe.

Adverb of reason

When an adverb shows why an action is performed, it is known as Adverb of reason.
(a) Malini therefore left him.
(b) He is hence unable to survive.

Adjectives Adverbs
slow slowly
beautiful beautifully
quick quickly
brave bravely
quiet quietly
wise wisely
Adjectives Adverbs
polite politely
wide widely
true truly
foolish foolishly
kind kindly
heavy heavily
ready readily
Adjectives Adverbs
happy happily
single singly
extreme extremely
possible possibly
nice nicely
whole wholly
extensive extensively
Revision of Adverbs

A. Pick out the adverbs in the following sentences:

    1. We are leaving for Chandigarh tomorrow.
    2. Mr. Pal pays his tax regularly.
    3. The train will arrive in the evening.
    4. Mohan has gone downstairs.
    5. The boy finished the work quickly.
    • 6. She worked hard on the subject.
    • 7. The sun was shining brightly.
    • 8. I have written well in the examination.
    • 9. Sandeep has read the book before.
    • 10. Her mother was quite happy.
B. Fill in the blanks with suitable adverbs:

1. Shweta wakes up….. .
2. The room is large …….. to accommodate you all.
3. The wind blew ……..
4. Aniket …….skips dinner.
5. Dipika …… waiting for you.

6. The plane is flying ……….
7. Please wait …….here.
8. I will ………….follow your instructions.
9. She throws rubbish …………
10. ……………….is your brother?

C. Rewrite the following sentences using the adverbs given in the brackets at proper place:
    • 1. He goes for a morning walk. (always)
    • 2. Rohan begins his office work at ten o’clock. (never)
    • 3. The freedom fighter worked for our nation. (truly)
    • 4. Alisha does her work. (neatly)
    • 5. Smeera drives her car fast. (often)
    • 6. Ashoka was known for his kindness. (widely)
    • 7. The thief entered the house last night. (quickly)
    • 8. Ruchira smiles these days. (seldom)
D. Form adverbs from these adjectives:

1. obedient =
2. bold =
3. proper =
4. sad =
5. pure =
6. merry =
7. lazy =

8. true =
9. easy =
10. foolish =
11. single =
12. ready =
13. responsible =
14. extreme =

What is an adverb in Class 4 English Grammar Chapter 12?

An adverb is a word which modifies the meaning of a verb, an adjective or another adverb. An adverb tells how, when, where, how often or why an action takes place.
1. The teacher is speaking loudly.
2. The old man walks slowly.

What is adverb of maaner according to Chapter 12 of 4th English Grammar?

When an adverb tells us how an action has been performed, it is known as Adverb of Manner.
(a) Nightingale sings sweetly.
(b) Soldiers fight bravely.

What do you know about Adverb of reason in Class 4 English Grammar Chapter 12?

When an adverb shows why an action is performed, it is known as Adverb of reason.
(a) Malini therefore left him.
(b) He is hence unable to survive.

Class 4 Grammar Chapter 12 Adverb
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Class 4 English Grammar Adverb
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Class 4 English Grammar Adverb Revision Book
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Class 4 English Grammar Adverb Question Bank
Class 4 English Grammar Adverb Assignments
Last Edited: July 18, 2023