NCERT Solutions for Class 4 English Grammar Book all chapters updated for CBSE and State Board Syllabus academic session 2024-25 free to use online or download in PDF file format. Chapters are prepared to standard 4 students using simple sentences and examples. The contents given in English Grammar is also helpful to explore the chapters of Class 4 English Book Marigold.
Class 4 English Grammar Book

Chapter 1. The Sentence
Chapter 2. Parts of a Sentence
Chapter 3. Kinds of Sentence
Chapter 4. Part of Speech
Chapter 5. The Noun and its Kinds
Chapter 6. The Noun: Gender
Chapter 7. Personal Pronoun
Chapter 8. The Tense
Chapter 9. Adjective and their Kinds
Chapter 10. Adjective
Chapter 11. Articles
Chapter 12. Adverb
Chapter 13. Modals
Chapter 14. Prepositions
Chapter 15. Conjunctions
Chapter 16. the Interjection
Chapter 17. Letter and Application Writing
Chapter 18. Essay Writing
Chapter 19. Story Writing

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Learning English Grammar in Class 4 can be an enjoyable and enlightening experience if approached with the right strategies. Before diving into more complex topics, it’s crucial to revisit and strengthen foundational concepts. Begin by reviewing what was learned in previous classes, ensuring that basics like nouns, pronouns, basic tenses, adjectives, and sentence structures are firmly grasped. Utilize simple worksheets, flashcards, or interactive online quizzes to test and solidify this foundational knowledge. This step is like building a strong foundation for a house; it ensures that subsequent learning is stable and effective. Reviews help ensure that study materials align with the curriculum or educational standards of the target audience, whether it’s a school curriculum, standardized test, or professional certification.

Class 4 English Grammar Book all chapters

Merely understanding a grammatical rule isn’t enough for learning grammar in class 4; it’s essential to know how to apply it in real-world contexts. Encourage regular writing exercises, whether they are simple diary entries, short stories, or descriptive paragraphs. This practice not only reinforces grammar concepts but also boosts creativity and expression. Similarly, engage in conversations in English, allowing for the practical application of grammatical structures and vocabulary in real-time. It aids in improving fluency and confidence.

The digital age offers a plethora of resources tailored for educational purposes. Explore educational apps like Tiwari Academy, online games, interactive websites, and video lessons that focus on Class 4 English grammar. These resources often present information in engaging and interactive ways, catering to various learning styles, whether auditory, and visual. Animated videos explaining complex topics, for instance, can make learning more relatable and less intimidating.

Class: 4English Grammar Book
Contents:4th Grammar All Chapters Exercises

Regular practice is the key to mastering any skill, including grammar. Dedicate a portion of daily study time to grammar exercises, ensuring a mix of reading, writing, listening, and speaking activities. Regularly review topics covered in the past to ensure retention. Periodic assessments, either through school tests or self-assessment tools, can provide insights into areas of strength and those that require further attention. Celebrate progress and milestones achieved, and remember that the journey of learning grammar is as significant as the destination. Incorporating these steps, while maintaining a positive and curious attitude towards the language, can make the process of learning English grammar in Class 4 both effective and enjoyable.

Class 4 English Grammar can initially seem challenging to some students as it delves deeper into the complexities of the language compared to previous grades. This level introduces more nuanced grammatical structures, advanced tenses, and a wider range of vocabulary. However, it’s essential to remember that the curriculum is designed keeping in mind the cognitive development of students at this age. With the right approach, consistent practice, and effective teaching methods, students can grasp and master the concepts introduced in Class 4. Like any new skill or subject, the perceived difficulty often diminishes as students familiarize themselves with the topics and engage in regular practice.

Class 4 English Grammar Chapter wise Syllabus

Class 4 English Grammar contains Sentence, parts of Sentences and kinds of Sentences. It also includes Parts of Speech, Noun and its Kinds, Gender, Pronouns as Personal Pronoun, use of Tense, Adjective and their Kinds with Comparison. Students will learn here about Articles, Adverb, Modal, Prepositions, Conjunctions and Interjection. In writing section revised the section of Letter and application Writing, Essay Writing with Story Writing.

Studying English Grammar in Class 4 offers numerous advantages that go beyond mere linguistic proficiency, paving the way for holistic academic and personal growth. By Class 4, students have already been introduced to the rudiments of English grammar. Advancing their studies at this stage helps solidify their foundational knowledge, allowing them to construct more complex sentences and express themselves more articulately. This enhanced linguistic foundation ensures that as they progress to higher grades, they are well-equipped to grasp more intricate grammatical concepts, making language learning seamless and effective.

Class 4 English Grammar chapters

Sentence and its parts

What to study in Class 4 English Grammar Book

    • The Sentence: What is a sentence and how to make a sentence using words? How to correct a sentence by rearranging the words?
    • Parts of Sentences: How Subject and Predicate help to form a sentence. Which part of the sentence is call SUBJECT and which one PREDICATE.
    • Kind of Sentences: There is the discussion about all five types of sentences like Assertive, Interrogative, Imperative, Exclamatory, and Optative sentences.
    • Parts of Speech: Know the use of eight part of speech in English with suitable examples and explanation. Know what the role of part of speech in making sentences.

    A good grasp of grammar plays a pivotal role in both comprehension and expression. When students understand the structural rules of the language, they can decode written texts more efficiently, leading to better reading comprehension. Similarly, a solid grammatical foundation enables them to articulate their thoughts, ideas, and emotions clearly and confidently, whether in written assignments or verbal discussions.

Noun, Pronoun and Tense
    1. The Noun and Its Kinds: We already know that what is Noun. Here we will learn about the kinds of Noun. Learn about five types of Noun namely Proper Noun, Common Noun, Collective Noun, Abstract Noun, and Material Noun.
    2. The Noun: Know here about the gender of noun. Learn the basic idea about Masculine, Feminine, Common, and Neuter gender.
    3. Pronouns: A brief description about pronoun and its kinds. There are eight kinds of pronoun, Personal Pronoun, Reflexive Pronoun, Demonstrative Pronoun, Relative Pronoun, Interrogative Pronoun, Indefinite Pronoun, Emphatic Pronoun and Reciprocal Pronoun, are discussed here.
    4. The Tense: Learn about present, past and future tenses and their examples. How to form a present tense sentence into past or future tense.

    English grammar isn’t just about memorizing rules; it’s about understanding patterns, analysing sentence structures, and applying concepts in various contexts. This analytical process sharpens cognitive skills, enhancing critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. As students discern grammatical patterns and relationships between different parts of speech, they inadvertently hone their analytical and logical reasoning capabilities, skills that are transferable to other academic subjects and real-life situations.

Class 4 English Grammar book
Adjective, Articles, Adverb and Modals
    • Adjective and their Kinds: Learn here how adjectives modify the meaning of a noun. Know the kinds of adjectives and their uses.
    • Adjective: The three degrees of comparison – positive, comparative, and superlative degrees. Examples of word in three degrees.
    • Articles: Know, how the use articles – a, an and the. Practice here with the examples and assignments given in the book.
    • Adverb: There are many examples to show how adverbs change the meaning of verb. Here you will learn to put adverb in simple sentences.
    • Modal: Learn here how change the meaning of a sentence but Modals do not convey any meaning of their own.
    • Prepositions: This chapter tells you how to use preposition in sentences perfectly. There are assignments at the end of the chapter which provides better practice in preposition.

    English, being a predominant medium of instruction and communication in many educational systems, is central to most academic subjects. A strong grasp of grammar in Class 4 ensures that students can tackle future academic challenges more effectively. Whether it’s writing essays, comprehending complex texts, participating in debates, or even studying other languages, a solid understanding of English grammar lays the groundwork for academic excellence across various disciplines. In essence, studying English grammar in Class 4 offers multifaceted benefits, equipping students with the linguistic prowess and cognitive skills essential for their future academic and personal endeavours.

Conjunctions and Writing
    1. Conjunctions: Students can learn here how conjunctions make two or more simple sentences into one sentence.
    2. The Interjection: Learn here how interjection words are used to express sudden feelings or emotions.
    3. Letter and application writing: Know here that how letter and application are useful to send your message to others.
    4. Essay Writing: This chapter tells you to write an essay on any given topic.
    5. Story Writing: Learn here to write a story using hints. Some stories are given as sample.
Last Edited: October 12, 2023