NCERT Solutions for Class 4 English Unit 3 Chapter 1 Run and Unit 3 Chapter 2 Nasruddin’s Aim Marigold with new word meaning, summary of chapters and complete sets of questions answers, fill in the blanks, matching and other exercises questions. Contents are prepared for CBSE Session 2024-25 and free to download in PDF. For mobile use, please download Class 4 Mobile App free.

NCERT Solutions for Class 4 English Unit 3

Class 4 English Unit 3 Chapter 1 Run – Summary

Mary Daunt encourages children with her thoughtful poem to run. Run to the sun and away from the cities, Run under the raindrops, run under the trees, run with each breath. Run is very important to grow fast and for being fast. The more one person runs the active he gets and the faster he becomes. The poet Mary also asks the children to play under the tree as playing with friends is more important.
Run and be happy and run in the country and become great.

Class 4 English Unit 3 Chapter 1 Question Answers

What does the poem tell us to do?

The poem tells us to Run.

Write about the places where the poet wants us to run?

The poet wants us to run down the hillside, the meadow, the lane.

4th English Unit 3 Chapter 1 Word Meaning

Word Meaning
RaindropsRainwater drops
‘neathBeneath, Under
HillsideNear or on hills
MeadowsOpen grassland
MerryJoy, Happy

Class 4 English Unit 3 Chapter 2 Question Answers

What did Nasruddin boast about?

The Nasruddin was boasting about His Aim that none can match his skill of archery.

Why did Nasruddin take someone else’s name each time he missed the target?

Nasruddin took someone else’s name to defend himself

Why did Nasruddin say, “It was my aim.” The third time?

Nasruddin said, “It was my aim.” The third time because the arrow hit the target.

Do you think Nasruddin was good at archery?

The Nasruddin was good at archery as he shot the target a third time.

Class 4 English Unit 3 Chapter 2 Nasruddin’s Aim – Summary

This is the story of a man named Nasruddin. Who was talking to his friends praising his skills in Archery and how nobody can match his skill. So one of the friends went and bought a bow and arrows and asked him to prove the point. Nasruddin accepted the challenge and took the string of the bow and take the aim and shot the arrow. But this time it didn’t struck the target and instead fell somewhere near to it.

Jokingly, His friends mocked him but he replied that this is how Azad shoot the arrow. Then he picked another arrow and string the bow and took the aim and shot 2nd time also it flew past the first arrow but did hit the target. Laughing friends at his shot asked if it was his best shot but defending himself he said no this is how the chief Guards shoot arrows. Friends started to laugh at him and asked who is next on the list doubting as he can’t shoot.

This time again picked the arrow and took aim and shot the arrow but this time it reached and Bang hit the target! Victoriously! Nasruddin said to his friends this is how I shoot.
In this story, we see Nasruddin didn’t stop even after different failures.

4th English Unit 3 Chapter 2 Word Meaning
ArcheryBow and arrow sports
StringThe rope or wire
BangThe sound of hitting
TargetWhere one has to shoot

Do you think the Poem “Run” from Class 4, unit 3 chapter 1 shares the importance Running for Child’s life?

Running is really good type of exercise and it help to make the children grow stronger and active. Also encourages the children to play outdoor activities more that sitting in one place. This also helps to well growth for their mind and concentration.

What type of Poem is “Run” from Class 4, unit 3 Chapter 1?

The poem is Run written by Mary Daunt in which with the help of beautiful picture she tried to show how kids and make friend and play together and but strong in same time. I would prefer this to played in the modern classrooms.

In the Story Nasruddin Aim story from Class 4, unit 3 Chapter 2 Marigold, do you think Nasruddin was skillful or he was just bragging with his friends?

Nasruddin was skillful in sport archery but he was also bragging about the skills more than he was. He missed the shot but he didn’t gave up and when he finally shot the target he showed his friend like he was a champion.

How do you think the character from the story in Marigold class 4 unit 3 chapter 2, was? What you think about the story?

The character Nasruddin was funny and the way he defended himself by taking others name was really funny and even his friends were laughing at him when he missed the target. So I think it was a comedy story.

NCERT Solutions for Class 4 English Unit 3 Chapter 1 Run
NCERT Solutions for Class 4 English Unit 3 Chapter 1
NCERT Solutions for Class 4 English Unit 3
NCERT Solutions for Class 4 English Unit 3 Chapter 1 question answers
NCERT Solutions for Class 4 English Unit 3 Chapter 2
NCERT Solutions for Class 4 English Unit 3 answers
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Class 4 English Unit 3 NCERT Solutions in PDF
Last Edited: September 26, 2023