NCERT Solutions for Class 3 Science Chapter 16 Light, Sound, and Force with worksheets. All the chapters of Science in standard 3 are suitable for CBSE and State board students. It is given here in updated format for the 2024-25 curriculum. Students find it as the best study material for learning Science in standard 3. It is free to use and follows the educational guidelines.

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Light is a form of energy. It removes darkness. It helps us to see. The sun is the main source of light on the earth. But it can give light only during the day. We use electric bulbs, candles, lamps, etc. during the night to get light.


Sound is also a form of energy. It can travel in all directions. It helps us to hear.

How Does Sound Get Produced?

When we strike two objects, sound is produced.

Pleasant and Unpleasant Sounds

We hear various types of sound. Some sounds are pleasant while some sounds are unpleasant. A sweet song is a pleasant sound. But the sound of horns is unpleasant. Unpleasant sound is irritating. Unpleasant sound is called noise. The sound of music is pleasant. But a loud music is unpleasant.


Force is referred to as push and pull. Force can move an object.

Push and pull

Push and pull is called force. When we push an object, we apply force. When we pull an object, we also apply force.

Important Points

1. Light is a form of energy. It helps us to see.
2. Sound helps us to hear.
3. Force is referred to as push and pull.
4. Sun is the main source of light on the earth.
5. Some objects that give us light are called luminous objects.
6. The objects which do not give light are called non-luminous objects.
7. Light travels in a straight line.
8. Unpleasant sound is called noise.

select correct option for given questions:


Which of the following is a luminous object?

[A]. Brick
[B]. Soil
[C]. Stone
[D]. Candle

A shadow is ____________.

[A]. Red
[B]. Black
[C]. Green
[D]. None of these

Which of the following is a pleasant sound?

[A]. Beating of a tin
[B]. Honking
[C]. Sound of a flute
[D]. Moving vehicles

What force can do?

[A]. Move an object
[B]. Change the direction of a moving object
[C]. Stop a moving object
[D]. All of these

Listening music at high volume can make us

[A]. Dumb
[B]. Weak
[C]. Deaf
[D]. Strong

Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statements:

1. Light can remove darkness.
2. Sound travels in only one direction.
3. In solar eclipse the sun becomes invisible.
4. Pleasant sound is irritating.
5. Force can change the shape of an object.

1. T
2. F
3. T
4. F
5. T

What is light?

Light is a form of energy. It removes darkness. It helps us to see.

What force can do?

Force can move an object.

When does a solar eclipse occur?

When the moon comes in between the sun and the earth, solar eclipse occurs.

Class 3 Science Chapter 16
Class 3 Science Chapter 16 Answers
NCERT Solutions for Class 3 Science Chapter 16
class 3 Science
Light, Sound, and Force