NCERT Solutions for Class 3 Maths Chapter 13 Smart Charts! in English and Hindi Medium for CBSE session 2024-25 online and offline format free download. The Smart Charts chapter deals with the visual representation of data. You will learn what smart intelligence are and how you can use them to represent any type of data. The revision book for Class 3 Maths Chapter 13 provides an extra practice for the preparation for exams.

NCERT Solutions for Class 3 Maths Chapter 13

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Class 3 Maths NCERT Chapter 13: Summary of Chapter

The chapter is about charts to record the details that you see. You have learned how to count and multiply, addition and subtraction. You have practiced enough to read and get the answer as soon as possible for you and sometimes without even pen and paper. To get this far you have to solve a number of problems that you have not counted ever.

What if someone asks you to reach to this Excellency of your how many times did you solve the problems. You might say an approximate number but that is only for one method what if you had to give the number for each methods that you had worked on?

Standard 3rd Maths NCERT Chapter 13: Accurate Numbers

Not the approximate numbers but the accurate numbers. Then what method would you use to check that? You might answer that you don’t know but the hard work is not that matters to you the results do. That could be the smart answer or you might go back and start looking for each of the solutions and start counting it but that will take a lot of time.

In this chapter, you will read about the solution to such a dilemma. By reading the name of the chapter you might understand the fact. It is as some artistic method to understand and solve the equation. It maybe drawing some landscapes but this is not the case. Class 3 Maths chapter 13 will not ask you to solve anything or to remember numbers. It just teach you to study and record the number that you have worked upon. At the end of the day when you will look into the chart you can see how much and what work you have done and answer it more accurately.

CBSE Class 3 Maths NCERT Chapter 13: Data

You don’t have to answer that you don’t know or go back to count every work that you have done. That will take away the time you can play. Making this chart will make you learn the record work and this work that you have mentioned in the chart is called the DATA. You might study about it later but this but in this chapter check how to make the date and record the work you have done.

Class 3 Maths NCERT Textbook Chapter 13: Data Handling

This chapter is an early introduction to data handling, an important area of mathematics. By the end of primary school, children need to be able to collect and record data. It is useful to present it in the form of bar charts and tables, to recognise patterns in the data and to draw inferences. Teachers can take several interesting and even funny examples from children’s own experiences. Pictures given here could also be used for different classification exercises, such as the number of petals of flowers.

What do think of charts information given in unit 13 of 3rd class Maths is about?

The chapter is about handling data. Now the data is classified and divided into pieces. To represent the information to someone it is important to sort that information or classify the information so that calculations can be done. These charts represent that method.

How do you think chapter 13 can improve the understanding of Maths class 3rd?

The method is to use the charts to present the information to someone and then use the method in calculation and get the information before that creates confusion. All the information needs to be presented in such a way so that anyone can use that information without getting confused and making charts can help doing so. One can make the chart and then divide it, multiply it and add more information to it easily.

Do you think the students of class 3 Maths can cover chapter 13 themselves?

It is hard to say whether the students of class 3 can complete chapter 13 alone or not because it completely depends on their understanding as every other student has a different understanding. However, the chapter contains numbers and charts that need to be explained that why the chart is important and how the correct chart looks like.

NCERT Solutions for Class 3 Maths Chapter 13 Smart Charts
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Last Edited: August 14, 2022