NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 9 Madhu’s Wish with Hindi Translation and Marigold Unit 9 Chapter Don’t Tell and Chapter He is My Brother updated for the new academic session 2024-25. Download Class 3 English Solutions and Grammar assignments in PDF file format fee to use offline. A practice book containing reading and writing practice material is also given to fee download. Assignments and worksheets are attached with the practice book to provide extra practice.

NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 9 Madhu’s Wish

Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 9 Madhu’s Wish – Reading

Madhu loved food. He always wanted to eat different kinds of food and snacks. He was never tired of eating. Every day, at noon, he would sit under a banyan tree and eat his lunch. One day, as he was eating, an old man came. Madhu felt sorry for him and shared his food with him. The old man was so happy that as he was leaving, he said, “My child, you have been so kind. In return, you can wish for anything from this tree and it will be granted.” Madhu felt very happy.
He thought, I can ask for different types of food, and enjoy them forever. He sat there and closing his eyes said, “Oh tree, let me have different types of food. Nothing else.”
He heard a voice from the tree. “You don’t want anything else? Think it over.” Without thinking, Madhu said, “Nothing else”. First, he asked for laddoos. At once, a basket full of laddoos appeared.

He happily started eating it. After some time, he got bored.Then he thought of colourful fruits. Immediately, fruit in basket appeared. He started eating them. There were grapes, mangoes, apples, bananas, jackfruit, melons, guavas, oranges and many more. Then he got bored eating only fruits. He asked for savouries. Immediately savouries like matri, samosas, kachori, patato chips and vada appeared in huge basket. He happily started eating them.
As he was eating, he suddenly got hiccups. He wanted water. He looked around. There was food everywhere but no water!

He asked for water but the tree said, “You wanted only food not water.”
“So what if I don’t get water I will have sharbat, kheer and badam milk for my thirst,” thought Madhu. Soon, all these appeared in jugs. Mahdu drank them all but the hiccups did not stop. They became louder. He was now desperate for water. He prayed to the tree, “May all this food disappear, and let me have water instead.”
“Are you sure?” the voice from the tree asked. “Yes, I am sure. Now I know the importance of water. No other drink can replace water. Please give me just water.”
A jug of water appeared. Thirsty, Madhu drank as though he had never seen water. His hiccups stopped. He was no longer thirsty.

Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 9 Madhu’s Wish – Story

Madhu loved food and enjoyed trying different kinds. Every day, he ate lunch under a banyan tree. One day, an old man came by, and Madhu kindly shared his food. Grateful, the old man said the tree could grant any wish. Madhu wished for endless food. He got laddoos, fruits, and savouries but soon got bored. Suddenly, he got hiccups and needed water, but the tree reminded him he only wished for food. Desperate, Madhu asked for water instead. Realizing its importance, he drank eagerly when a jug appeared. His hiccups stopped, and he understood that nothing could replace water.

Class 3 English Chapter 9 (Don’t Tell) Questions and Answers

How old is the speaker?

The speaker is not old enough means he is a child.

Who are ‘they’ and ‘them’ in the poem?

They and them in the poem are the parents of the little boy. Who is not old enough.

What is the secret the speaker is hiding?

The speaker is hiding the truth that he is big enough.

Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 9 Madhu’s Wish – Summary

Madhu loved food and wished for endless varieties from a magical tree. He received laddoos, fruits, and savouries but got bored. When he needed water for his hiccups, the tree reminded him he only wished for food. Realizing the importance of water, he wished for it instead. A jug appeared, he drank eagerly, and his hiccups stopped. Madhu learned that water is irreplaceable.

Using the letters of the given word, make three words. One is done for you. (mother, vegetable, thousand, helicopter)

Mother: Her, Them, Other
Vegetable: Eatable, Table, Able
Thousand: Sand, hand, Handouts
Helicopter: Heliport, Chipotle, Cop

Class 3 English Chapter 9 (He is my brother) Questions and Answers

Where were the people going?

People are going to uphill to a holy place.

What did the man say to Meena?

The man felt sorry for Meen and asked why she is carrying the child on her back? Don’t you feel the load?

Why do you think Meena was carrying her brother?

Meena was carrying her baby brother because he was too young to walk uphill.

What went up the hill? (a) a path, (b) a street, (c) a road, (d) a rail line

(a) a path

What is the name of the girl in the story? (a) Seema, (b) Beena, (c) Meena, (d) Nina

(c) Meena,

How old was Meena? (a) Ten, (b) Twelve, (c) Nine, (d) Eight

(b) Twelve

How old was Meena’s brother? (a) Five, (b) Four, (c) Six, (d) Seven

(b) Four

Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 9 Madhu’s Wish – Important Questions

What did Madhu love?
Madhu loved food and enjoyed eating different kinds of food and snacks.

Where did Madhu eat his lunch every day?
Madhu ate his lunch under a banyan tree every day.

What did the old man offer Madhu in return for his kindness?
The old man offered that the tree could grant Madhu any wish he desired.

What did Madhu initially wish for from the tree?
Madhu wished for different types of food.

What important lesson did Madhu learn by the end of the story?
Madhu learned that water is irreplaceable and essential, unlike other drinks.

Write the full form of given words in the poem.

1. Don’t,
2. I’m,
3. I’ll
4. Can’t,
5. It’s,
6. Isn’t,
7. What’s,
8. That’s

1. Do not
2. I am
3. I will
4. cannot
5. It is
6. Is not it
7. What is
8. That is

Make sentences using the following (He’s, She’s, You’re, We’re)

1. He’s going to school.
2. She’s an innocent and beautiful girl.
3. You’re going to buy the sandwich. From the store.
4. We’re going to play in the park

Fill in the blanks using the correct given words: (rat, sip, box, rug, cot, den, pit)

1. The boy fell in the ____________.
2. I ____________ hot milk.
3. The kid is in the ____________.
4. My toy is in the ____________.
5. The lion is in the _________________.
6. The cat runs after the _________________.
7. I sit on the _________________.

1. pit
2. sip
3. cot
4. box
5. den
6. rat
7. rug

Fill in the blanks with the opposite of the bold word given in the sentence

i. The rat ran in when the cat ran ____________.
ii. The lion is big but the ant is ____________.
iii. The giraffe has a long neck but owls are ____________.
iv. The sun appears in the day and the moon at ___________.
v. The tea is hot but the water is ____________.
vi. Trees are tall but the bushes are ____________.
vii. Ram was sad but Radha was ____________.

i. out
ii. small
iii. short
iv. night
v. cold
vi. tiny
vii. happy

What does this poem unit 9 chapter 1 from class 4th Marigold tells us about the boy?

The poem tells about how all the boys in childhood want to do the things the elder people want to do.

What do you think about the poem unit 9 chapter 1 from class 4th Marigold?

The poem shows the curiosity of a boy who wishes to do the things that his elders do but his mother denies. So he is looking for a chance to prove to them that he is grown enough.

Do you think this poem unit 9 chapter 1 from class 4th Marigold is fun?

I think the way the boy keeps the secret that he is grown enough is a fun part and looking for a chance to prove to everyone that he is old enough to do things.

What do you think the Meena in the story unit 9 chapter 2 from class 4th Marigold was thinking when she answered the guy while she was going uphill?

Meena answered her brother is not load but her brother she knew her brother is too small to walk uphill and she loved him so that is why she answered the guy who questioned her.

Do you think the story unit 9 chapter 2 from class 4th Marigold is long?

I think the story deals with the love and care Meena does to her brother. The story shows almost all the points but still, it is short.

Do you think the story unit 9 chapter 2 from class 4th Marigold is difficult?

The language used by the author is not difficult at all.

What do you think the story unit 9 chapter 2 from class 4th Marigold was all about?

The story is all about the elder sister’s love and happiness towards her younger brother.

NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 9
Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 9
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Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 9 Solutions
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Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 9 Solutions
Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 9 Hindi Translation
Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 9 Hindi Medium
Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 9 in Hindi
Class 3 English Chapter 9 Hindi Translation
Class 3 English Chapter 9 in Hindi
NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Marigold Unit 9 Don’t Tell
NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Marigold Unit 9
NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Unit 9
Class 3 English Unit 9
Class 3 NCERT English Book Unit 9
Class 3 NCERT English Book Unit 9 Solutions
Class 3 NCERT English Book Unit 9 Question Answers
Class 3 English Chapter 9 Practice Book
Class 3 English Chapter 9 Practice Material
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Class 3 English Chapter 9 Worksheet
Class 3 English Chapter 9 Practice Poem
Last Edited: May 29, 2024