NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 4 Out in the Garden with Hindi Translation and Marigold Unit 4 Chapter Sea Song and Chapter A Little Fish Story for new academic session based on latest CBSE Syllabus 2024-25. All the solutions are free to use online or download to use it offline. No login or password is required to access the contents of the website Tiwari Academy or App also. Just visit the website and use the contents without any formalities.

NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 4 NCERT Solutions

Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 4 Out in the Garden – Reading

Each fine day.
With my ball,
I like to play.
I bounce my ball,
I throw my ball.
I catch my ball,
On each fine day.
Out in the garden,
Each fine day.

With my kite,
I like to play.
I tug my kite,
I pull my kite.
I fly my kite,
On each fine day.
Out in the garden,
Each fine day.
With my friends,
I like to play.
We run and skip,
We jump and sway.
We slide and swing,
On each fine day.

Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 4 Out in the Garden – Important Questions

What activities does he enjoy doing on a fine day?
He enjoys playing with a ball, flying a kite, and playing with friends in the garden.

Where does he like to play?
He likes to play out in the garden.

What does he do with the ball?
He bounces the ball, throws it, and catches it.

How does he play with the kite?
He tugs and pulls the kite and enjoys flying it high in the sky.

What kinds of games do he and his friends play together?
They run and skip, jump and sway, and also enjoy sliding and swinging.

Class 3 English Chapter 4 (Sea Song) Questions and Answers

Where did the child find the sea shell?

Child found the sea shell at the beach.

What did the child do with the shell?

The child took the sea shell to his mother.

What did the child hear?

The child heard the sea song coming from the sea shell.

Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 4 Out in the Garden – Story

On every beautiful sunny day, I have so much fun playing outside in the garden. I start with my favorite red ball. I bounce it high, throw it far, and catch it as it comes back down. It’s so much fun!
After playing with my ball, I grab my colorful kite. Holding the string tightly, I run across the grass, feeling the wind help lift the kite into the sky. I pull and tug on the string, watching my kite dance above the trees. It feels like I’m flying it right up to the clouds!

Then, it’s time to play with my friends. We all meet in the garden and play together. We run around, skip happily, and jump high. We sway on the swings and slide down the slide, laughing and shouting in delight. Every sunny day spent in the garden is a wonderful adventure.

Class 3 English Chapter 4 (A Little Fish story) Questions and Answers

How many fish are there in the sea?

There are millions of fish in the sea.

Why was the little fish unhappy?

Fish was unhappy because it was tiny.

What happened to the fish one day?

All the fish got stuck in the net but tiny fish came out without any harm.

Why was the fish thankful to be a little fish?

The fish was happy because it was tiny so she can easily come out of the net.

Rhyming Words

WordRhyming Word
Cold Bold
. Hand Sand
Fill in the blanks with the opposite word:
WordOpposite Word
Hard Soft
Inside Outside
Took gave
Big small
Came went
Pick Lost
Cold hot
True False
Sweet bitter
Curly Straight
Tall short
Fill in the blank choose the right word from given in bracket.

1. The sea is very, very ___________________ (big/far).
2. You cannot ___________________ (hear/see) the other side.
3. You ___________________ (can/cannot) cross the sea.
4. You can cross it in a ___________________ (bus/ship)

    • 1. big
    • 2. see
    • 3. cannot
    • 4. ship
Look at the pattern and fill in the blanks: (look – looked)
WordPast form
Pick picked
Bark barked
Want wanted
Talk Talked
Wish Wished
Pull Pulled
Help Helped
Fill in the blanks with the right word from the box. (paper, flowers, water, matches, cows, wolves)

1. a glass of ____________
2. a bunch of ____________
3. a box of ____________
4. a herd of ____________
5. a sheet of ____________
6. a pack of ____________

1. Water
2. Flowers
3. matches
4. cows
5. Paper
6. wolves

Make sentences using the words in the box. (taller, thinner, smaller, cleverer, younger, older)

1. . If I were only ______, How much happier I could be.
2. If I were only __________, I could play chess.
3. If I were only _______, I could eat a lot without worry.
4. If I were only _______,I could get fit in anywhere.
5. If I were only ______, I didn’t have to go to school.
6. If I were only _______, I can drive a car.

1. Taller
2. Cleverer
3. Thinner
4. Smaller
5. younger
6. Older

Complete the sentences choose the right words from bracket.

1. Mahesh sings a __________ (long/little) song.
2. Venkatesh __________ (looks/shouts) at him.
3. Venkatesh thinks Mahesh is __________ (crying/laughing).
4. Mahesh is __________ (singing/saying) a song.
5. The song is in __________ (Telugu/English).

1. Little
2. Looks
3. Crying.
4. Singing
5. English

Where did the kid find the seashell in poem unit 4 chapter 1 of class 4th Marigold?

The kid found the seashell on the beach while playing there.

Do you think Kid in poem unit 4 chapter 1 from class 4th Marigold was a good kid that he took the seashell from the beach?

The kid was playing on the beach and found the seashell and it was beautiful so he took it to his mom to show. So, I think the kid in the poem was a good kid.

What do you understand by this poem in unit 4 chapter 1 from class 4th Marigold?

I understand that if a kid plays outdoor games he can observe and find various beautiful things from nature.

Do you think the poem in unit 4 chapter 1 from class 4th Marigold was good and sharing some message?

I think the poem shared the message for the kid to try to find things that nature gives us and try to listen and nature’s own music like from the seashell kid can hear sea song.

Do you think the fish in the story unit 4 chapter 2 from class 4th Marigold was happy being small?

In starting the story fish was not happy at all but later he was happy to be small as he saw how all the big fish get caught in the net and he escaped easily.

Do you think the story unit 4 chapter 3 from class 4th Marigold shared some moral message?

The poem shared the moral message of love ourselves even though doesn’t matter how your appearance is. Everyone has flaws and qualities.

The story unit 4 chapter 2 from class 4th Marigold was easy to understand?

The story is easy to understand as the language is very easy and the length of the story is not long.

NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 4 Out in the Garden
NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 4 Out in the Garden Answers
NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 4 Out in the Garden Question solutions
NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 4 Out in the Garden Solutions
NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 4
NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 4 Question Answers
NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 4 Answers
Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 4 Hindi Translation
Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 4 in Hindi
NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Marigold 3 Unit 4 Chapter Sea Song
NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Marigold 3 Unit 4
NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Unit 4
Class 3 English Unit 4
Class 3 English Unit 4 Question Answers
Class 3 English Unit 4 NCERT Solutions
Class 3 English Unit 4 Q and A
Class 3 English Unit 4 Answers guide free
Class 3 English Chapter 4 Practice Book
Class 3 English Chapter 4 Story Book
Class 3 English Chapter 4 Story
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Class 3 English Chapter 4 Poem
Last Edited: May 29, 2024