NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 3 Best Friends with Hindi Translation and Marigold 3 Unit 3 Chapter 1 Little by Little and Chapter 2 The Enormous Turnip based on the latest CBSE Syllabus 2024-25. All the solutions are updated for new academic sessions for CBSE and State Board students. The Hindi translation of the chapters and poems is also available to help the students. Download all the contents in PDF file format free to use offline.

NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 3 Best Friends

Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 3 Best Friends Reading

There were four friends — Circle, Square, Triangle and Rectangle. One day there began a fight between the friends. Each of them said they were the best.
Circle said, “I am the best! I am round and beautiful. I have no sharp edges. Children
use me to draw a smiling face. There are so many beautiful things in my shape. I am the best!”
The other shapes refused to agree with the circle. Square then said, “I am the best!
I have four sides and all of them are equal in size. Children eat many sweets which are square in shape. I look very beautiful and so I am the best.”

After listening to this, Triangle said in a loud voice, “I am the best! Just look at me! I am so beautiful. I have three sides. Children use me to draw mountains. They enjoy many yummy snacks in my shape. So, I am the best!”
Listening to the other three friends, Rectangle laughed aloud. “Of course not. No one can be better than me. I have four sides. Two are equally long and two are equally short. I look so beautiful. Children enjoy biscuits and chocolates in rectangle shape. They also use so many things in my shape. I am the best!” said the rectangle.
The friends could not decide who was the best among them. They decided to ask the first person they meet.

After some time, they met a star. They stopped her and told her their fight. They asked her to decide who was the best among them. The star was wise. She looked at all of them. She thought for a while. Then she said, “All of you are friends. then why should you fight? Let me tell you something very important. Do you know what you could do if you were together? You could create the most beautiful pictures and patterns! Just look around. We find amazing designs and things in all shapes. So, stop fighting. Together we all can create wonders.”
The friends realised their mistake and promised each other that they would never fight again. They remained best friends forever.

Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 3 Best Friends Important Questions

Who were the four friends in the story?
The four friends were Circle, Square, Triangle, and Rectangle.

Why did the four friends start arguing?
The four friends started arguing because each of them believed they were the best shape.

Who did the friends decide to ask to resolve their argument?
The friends decided to ask the first person they met to resolve their argument, who turned out to be a wise star.

What examples did each shape give to support their claim of being the best?
Circle mentioned being used to draw smiling faces, Square talked about children eating sweets shaped like it, Triangle mentioned being used to draw mountains and its shape in snacks, and Rectangle pointed out its use in drawing and as the shape of biscuits and chocolates.

What important lesson did the star teach the shapes?
The star taught the shapes that they should not fight over who is the best. Instead, by collaborating, they could combine their unique attributes to create even more beautiful and diverse patterns and designs, highlighting the value of teamwork and unity.

Class 3 English Chapter 3 (Little by Little) Questions and Answers

Name the tree that the acorn grows into.

Oak Tree.

What things does a seed need to grow?

Threat like root and tiny shoot.

How many describing words can you find in this poem?

Little by little, mossy bed, thread-like, tiny, slender, mighty

Write three sentences on what the trees give us?

1. Tree gives us fruits,
2. Tree given us fresh oxygen,
3. Tree gives us medicine

Write three sentences on how we harm the trees?

1. We burned its branches
2. We throw garbage on it
3. We cut wood to use.

Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 3 Best Friends Story

Four friends, Circle, Square, Triangle, and Rectangle, were arguing about who was the best. Circle boasted about being round and edgeless, perfect for drawing happy faces. Square bragged about its equal sides, like many tasty sweets. Triangle shouted about its three sides, great for drawing mountains and eating snacks. Rectangle laughed, proud of its long and short sides, seen in yummy biscuits and chocolates.

They met a wise star who advised them to work together instead of fighting, as together they could create beautiful pictures and patterns. Realizing their mistake, the friends promised to never fight again and remained best friends forever.

Class 3 English Chapter 3 (The Enormous Turnip) Questions and Answers

What did the old man plant?

The old man planted a turnip

Why was it difficult for the old man to pull up the turnip?

The turnip was enormous in size and heavy to pull up.

Who helped him to pull up the enormous turnip?

The old lady, the boy and the girl helped to pull up the turning.

Who ate the enormous turnip?

The old man, Old lady, the little girl and little boy.

A game of opposite:

Word Opposite Word
Pull push
Black white
True false
Right Left
What did each friend claim about themselves?

Circle claimed it was the best because it was round and didn’t have sharp edges. Square said it was the best because its sides were equal. Triangle thought it was the best because it had three sides, useful for drawing mountains and for yummy snacks. Rectangle believed it was superior because its sides were perfectly proportioned, useful for drawing and for chocolates and biscuits.

What advice did the star give to the friends, and what was the outcome of their argument?

The star advised the friends that instead of arguing, they should work together because they could create beautiful pictures and patterns together. Realizing their mistake, the friends promised never to fight again and remained best friends forever.

What do you think the poem unit 3 chapter 1 from class 3rd Marigold tells us about?

The poem tells about fruit from the tree that goes underground and becomes a really big wide tree.

Why do you think the poet is said “Mighty oak is the forest’s pride” in the poem unit 3 chapter from class 3rd marigold?

The poet said might oak the oak tree as oak wood is considered very strong and expensive as well as beautiful.

DO you think the children would be able to understand the seed’s life from this poem unit 3 chapter 1 from class 3rd marigold?

The child would be able to understand the seed life circle as the poem has simple words that tell us about the seed and growth how it consumes water and grew out of the ground.

Do you think the story unit 3 chapter 2 from the class 3rd Marigold is telling us about the importance of teamwork?

Yes, I think the story tells us about the value of teamwork as Old man, Old lady, little boy, and little girl all came together to pull this enormous turnip out of the ground.

Is there any other teachings in this storied unit 3 chapter 2 from class 3rd Marigold.

I think the other teachings are:
a) Firstly, help everyone who requires help. Like Old lady, little girl, and the little boy did.
b) Secondly, do not forget who helped you and if you get a chance thank them. Like old man did by making all the people eat the enormous turnip.

Do you think the author of the story unit 3 chapter 2 from class 3rd marigold is successful in sharing the message?

I think the author made the teachings of the story very clear even with the beautifully drawn pictures.

Do you think the teacher would be able to find it easy to teach this story of unit 3, chapter 2 from class 3rd Marigold?

The chapter is made with very simple and easy language and explanation is also very least required and then the picture along with the story make it more clear for anyone to understand the story.

NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 3 Best Friends Answers
NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 3 Answers
NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 3 Questions
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NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 3 Best Friends Question Answers
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Class 3 English Chapter 3 Hindi Translation
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Last Edited: May 29, 2024