NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 2 Badal and Moti with Hindi Translation
and Marigold Unit 2 Chapter 1 Bird Talk and Chapter 2 Nina and the Baby Sparrows updated for academic session 2024-25. All the question answers, chapter-end exercises, and practice questions with answers are given here for revision. A revision book is also given for more practice in reading and writing. Students can download these study materials to learn offline.

Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 2 Badal and Moti Solutions

Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 2 Badal and Moti Reading

There was a boy called Badal. He lived with his mother in a village and they were very happy. One evening, when Badal was returning from school, he saw a puppy shivering in the cold. Badal brought him home. “Can this puppy stay with us, Maa?” asked Badal. “Yes beta, but only if you promise to take care of the puppy”, said his mother with a smile. Badal and his mother named the puppy Moti. As days went by, Moti grew up and loved Badal. They became best friends. They ate and played together.

Moti followed Badal wherever he went. They played their favourite games together. One rainy day, while Badal was on his way home from school, he slipped on the muddy lane and fell into a deep pit. He tried hard, but could not come out of the pit. Badal’s mother was worried when he did not come home in time. Moti too was waiting at the gate. Badal’s mother gathered the neighbours to help search for him. Moti too accompanied them.
Moti caught Badal’s scent. He followed the scent and went near the pit and started barking. This alerted the neighbours who were searching for Badal. They used a rope to pull Badal out of the pit. Everyone was relieved. Badal hugged and thanked Moti.

Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 2 Badal and Moti Story

In a quaint village, young Badal and his mother shared a happy life. One chilly evening, as Badal returned from school, he found a shivering puppy. With a hopeful gaze, he asked his mother if they could keep it. With a warm smile, she agreed, setting a condition that Badal must care for the puppy, which he eagerly accepted. They named the little one Moti.
As time passed, Moti grew and developed a deep bond with Badal, becoming inseparable companions. They shared meals and adventures, with Moti shadowing Badal everywhere.

One stormy day, disaster struck. Badal slipped and tumbled into a deep pit while walking home. Unable to climb out, he grew anxious as time passed. His mother, alarmed by his delay, rallied the villagers to search. Moti, sensing something amiss, traced Badal’s scent to the pit and barked vigorously, guiding the search party to him. Using a rope, the villagers rescued Badal. Overwhelmed with relief, Badal embraced Moti, grateful for his loyal friend’s heroic act.

Class 3 English Chapter 2 (Bird Talk) Questions and Answers

Name the two birds in the poem.

Robin and Jay.

What are the three things that people can’t do?

People can sit on wires, people can’t eat beetles, people can grow feathers.

What do birds think of people?

Birds think the people are funny

Write four sentences on birds using the followings words. (Nest, Sky, Wings)

1. Birds lives in their nest on trees.
2. Birds fly together and alone in the sky.
3. They spread the wings and fly sky high.
4. Baby birds makes chirp sounds when they want sound.

Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 2 Badal and Moti Important Questions

What did Badal find on his way home from school one evening?
Badal found a shivering puppy.

How did Moti help when Badal fell into a pit?
Moti barked near the pit where Badal had fallen, alerting the neighbours and guiding them to Badal’s location.

What happened to Badal after the neighbours found him in the pit?
The neighbours used a rope to pull Badal out of the pit, and after being rescued, he hugged and thanked Moti for saving him.

Class 3 English Chapter 2 (Nina and the baby Sparrows) Questions and Answers

Why was there great joy in Nina’s house?

There was great joy because Nina’s aunt was getting married.

Why was Nina worried?

Nina was worried because there is nest in behind the book shelf and if the they close the house then mother and father of baby bird can’t come in to feed them.

What did mother suggest?

Mother suggested to keep the window open and then remove all the things from that room.

What did Nina find when she came back from the wedding?

Nina saw the two plump birds are flying inside the room.

How do baby sparrows eat?

Mother birds feed the baby sparrows with their mouth.

Write words that rhyme with the words given below:

Day bay hay
Think Blink shrink
Funny sunnyhoney
Eat beat neat
Word Building:
    • A Fat woman
    • A Red rose
    • A Happy boy
    • A Beautiful peacock
    • A Black board
    • A Tall man
What condition did Badal’s mother set before allowing the puppy to stay?

Badal’s mother allowed the puppy to stay on the condition that Badal would take care of it.

What name did Badal and his mother give to the puppy?
They named the puppy Moti.

Aileen fisher wrote this poem unit 2 chapter 1 from class 3rd Marigold depicting the conversation about what matters?

The poet Aileen fisher shared the conversation between Jay and Robin bird about the humans grow and live.

Do you think the poem unit 2 chapter 1 from the class 3rd marigold is easy to understand and memorize?

The poem is easy as one of Aileen fisher’s poems with rhyming and easy words.

Why do you think the birds were talking about the humans in the poem unit 2 chapter 1 from class 3rd Marigold?

Birds were talking about the humans because for them the humans are different as we don’t fly and we eat beetle.

What does the story unit 2 chapter 2 from the class 3rd Marigold tell us about Nina’s Character?

Nina’s character is very careful about the birds and little sparrows.

Do you think the author wrote Nina’s character with qualities in the story unit 2 chapter 2 from class 3rd Marigold?

The author wrote the little girl Nina’s character with great empathy and emotion.

Is this storied unit 2 chapter 2 from class 3rd Marigold is easy for the children?

The story doesn’t have a tough or complicated writing style and children and self-read this story and can understand it on their own.

Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 2 Badal and Moti Answers
Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 2 Badal and Moti Solutions
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Last Edited: May 29, 2024