NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 12 Chandrayaan with Hindi Translation revised and updated for new academic session 2024-25. Students of class 3 can use the summary given here to understand the chapter. To prepare for exam, they can take the help of important questions based on chapter.

NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 12

Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 12 Chandrayaan – Reading

There was a girl named Rani who lived in a village. She was very curious and used to ask many questions to her family, teachers and friends.
“Why is the sky blue?”
“Where does the Sun go at night?”
One evening, Rani heard her mother singing, “Chanda Mama door ke …” Hearing this, Rani asked her mother, “Amma, how far is the Moon?” Amma said, “Rani, the Moon is very far in the sky.”
Rani kept on thinking about the moon and fell asleep.
The next morning Rani woke up hearing the loud voice of her elder brother, Pratik. He was pointing to the TV and shouting in excitement, “Look Rani, India is on the Moon!”
Rani looked at the TV. She could see photos of some machines on the Moon.
She heard a few people talking about the landing on the Moon. She was confused and asked Pratik, “How did Chandrayaan reach the Moon?”
Pratik replied that his friend Vivaan’s mother, Aunt Nandini, is a scientist. “Shall we go and talk to her?” asked Pratik. Rani happily agreed. Both Rani and Pratik decided to visit Vivaan’s house.

Vivaan and his mother welcomed them. Rani could see many models and photographs of rockets in their house. Nandini Aunty offered sharbat to the children and said, “Rani, what do you want to know?”
Rani replied, “People say India is on the Moon. Can you please tell us more about this?” Aunty said, “Yes, of course. Do you know which vehicle is used to go to the Moon? Pratik immediately said, “I know Aunty, it is a rocket. I had seen on the TV.”
Rani pointed to the models and photos of rockets in the room.
Nandini said, “Very good. Yes, a rocket is used to reach the Moon.” Rani asked, “What does Chandrayaan mean?” Nandini replied, ” Chandra means Moon and Yaan means vehicle. On 14 July, 2023, India became the first country to land on the far side of the Moon.”
Rani jumbed with excitement and said, “Can I go to the Moon, too?” Nandini smiled, “May be, one day.”

Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 12 Chandrayaan – Story

In a quaint village, there lived a curious girl named Rani. She had an insatiable thirst for knowledge and would constantly pepper her family, teachers, and friends with questions. “Why is the sky blue?” she would ask, or “Where does the Sun go at night?”
One evening, Rani heard her mother singing a lullaby, “Chanda Mama door ke…” Intrigued, Rani asked, “Amma, how far is the Moon?” Her mother gently replied, “Rani, the Moon is very far in the sky.” Pondering this, Rani drifted off to sleep, her thoughts filled with the Moon.

The next morning, Rani was awakened by the excited shouts of her elder brother, Pratik. “Look, Rani, India is on the Moon!” he exclaimed, pointing at the television. Rani saw images of machines on the lunar surface and heard people discussing the Moon landing. Confused, she turned to Pratik and asked, “How did Chandrayaan reach the Moon?”
Pratik explained that his friend Vivaan’s mother, Aunt Nandini, was a scientist. “Shall we go and talk to her?” he suggested. Rani eagerly agreed, and the siblings set off for Vivaan’s house.
Upon arriving, Vivaan and his mother warmly welcomed them. Rani marveled at the models and photographs of rockets that adorned the house. After offering them sharbat, Aunt Nandini asked, “Rani, what would you like to know?”

Rani, her curiosity bubbling over, replied, “People say India is on the Moon. Can you please tell us more about this?” Aunt Nandini smiled and said, “Of course. Do you know what vehicle is used to go to the Moon?”
Pratik quickly answered, “I know, Aunty, it’s a rocket. I saw it on TV.”
Rani pointed to the various rocket models in the room. Aunt Nandini nodded, “That’s right. A rocket is used to reach the Moon.”

Rani then asked, “What does Chandrayaan mean?”
Nandini explained, “Chandra means Moon, and Yaan means vehicle. On July 14, 2023, India became the first country to land on the far side of the Moon.”
Rani jumped with excitement, “Can I go to the Moon, too?”
Nandini smiled warmly and said, “Maybe, one day.”

Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 12 Chandrayaan – Summary

Rani, a curious girl from a village, constantly asked questions about the world around her. One evening, she asked her mother how far the Moon was after hearing a lullaby. The next morning, her brother Pratik excitedly told her that India had landed on the Moon, which he saw on TV. Curious about the Moon landing, Rani and Pratik visited their friend Vivaan’s house, where his mother, Aunt Nandini, a scientist, explained the Chandrayaan mission. She told them that a rocket was used to reach the Moon and that “Chandrayaan” means “Moon vehicle.” Rani expressed her dream of going to the Moon one day, to which Aunt Nandini replied that it might be possible.

Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 12 Chandrayaan – Important Questions

What kind of questions did Rani frequently ask her family, teachers, and friends?
Rani frequently asked questions like, “Why is the sky blue?” and “Where does the Sun go at night?”

What did Rani’s mother sing that made Rani curious about the Moon, and what was her mother’s response to her question?
Rani’s mother sang “Chanda Mama door ke…” which made Rani curious about the Moon. Her mother responded that the Moon is very far in the sky.

What exciting news did Rani’s brother, Pratik, share the next morning, and what was Rani’s reaction?
Pratik shared the exciting news that India had landed on the Moon, which he saw on TV. Rani was confused and curious, asking Pratik how Chandrayaan reached the Moon.

Who did Rani and Pratik visit to learn more about the Moon landing, and what did they see at her house?
Rani and Pratik visited Vivaan’s mother, Aunt Nandini, who is a scientist. At her house, they saw many models and photographs of rockets.

What did Aunt Nandini explain about the Chandrayaan mission, and what was Rani’s dream after hearing this?
Aunt Nandini explained that “Chandrayaan” means “Moon vehicle” and that India became the first country to land on the far side of the Moon on July 14, 2023. After hearing this, Rani dreamed of going to the Moon one day, to which Aunt Nandini responded that it might be possible.

Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 12 Chandrayaan
Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 12 Solutions
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Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 12 Answers
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Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 12
Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 12 Hindi Translation
Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 12 Translation
Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 12 in Hindi
Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 12 Hindi Medium
Last Edited: May 29, 2024