NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Science Chapter 6 Our Food with questions answers and assignments updated for academic session 2024-25 free to use online or download for offline use. All the contents given on Tiwari Academy is free to use without any login or password.

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Our Food

We all need food every day. Good food helps us to keep healthy and strong. It gives us energy to work and play. Most of our food comes from plants and animals.

Different Kinds of Food

Different kinds of food help us in different ways.

Energy-Giving Food

Some foods give us energy. We need energy to work and play. Energy-giving foods are rice, chapatis, sugar, butter and ghee.

Note: We should not eat too much of sugar.

Body-Building Foods

Some foods help our body to grow. These food items are called body-building foods. Some body-building foods are milk, dal and eggs.

Protective Foods

Some foods keep us healthy. They protect our body from diseases. Fruits and vegetables are protective foods.

Healthy Eating Habits

We should wash our hands and mouth before and after eating. Dirty hands contain germs. They make us ill. Brush your teeth twice daily. When you eat, food particles stick to your teeth. They attract germs. These germs cause toothache. Do not eat too much chocolates and sweets. We should not eat uncovered food. Uncovered food attracts flies. It may have dust, dirt or germs. It can make us sick. We must We must eat slowly. We must chew food properly. We should not talk while eating. We must take our breakfast, lunch and dinner on time. Burgers, pizzas and wafers are junk food. We should avoid eating junk food. They are not good for health. We must drink plenty of water every day. We must not waste food. We cannot live without food.

Important points:

1. Food gives us energy to work and play.
2. It helps our body grow.
3. It keeps us healthy.
4. We get food from plants and animals.
5. Rice, chapatis, sugar, butter and ghee are energy-giving foods.
6. Milk, dal and eggs are body-building foods.
7. Fruits and vegetables are protective foods.
8. All of us need food to live.
9. There are different types of food groups.
10 We must eat the right amount of food components from all the food groups. This is called a balanced diet.

Choose the correct option for questions given below:


Which of the following foods is obtained from animals?

[A]. milk
[B]. vegetables
[C]. fruits

Which of the following is an energy-giving food?

[A]. fruits
[B]. eggs
[C]. rice

Which of the following is a protective food?

[A]. fruits
[B]. arhar dal
[C]. meat

We need food to

[A]. stay alive
[B]. stay healthy
[C]. stay fit
[D]. all of these

Energy-giving food are

[A]. bread
[B]. rice
[C]. potato
[D]. all of these

We should take food at

[A]. any time
[B]. three times a day
[C]. the right time
[D]. two times a day

Why do we need food?

food helps us to keep healthy and strong. It gives us energy to work and play.

What does help our body grow?

Protein rich food like pulses, meat, egg help our body growth.

Name any four food items we get from plants.

The food items we get from plants are rice, wheat, fruits and vegetables.

Name any two items of protective food.

protective food items are fruits and vegetables.

Write any two healthy eating habits.

1. We should wash our hands and mouth before and after eating.
2. Brush your teeth twice daily. When you eat, food particles stick to your teeth.

Fill in the blanks. Choose the right word from the box: (dinner, health, morning, energy, food)

1. Food gives us _______.
2. We have ________ at night.
3. No one can live without ______.
4. Fresh food is good for _______.
5. We have breakfast in the ______.

1. energy
2. dinner
3. food
4. health
5. morning

Match the following columns to complete sentences.
Column 1column 2
Chew your food(a) plenty of water
Do not eat(b) regularly
We must drink(c) well
Visit your dentist(d) uncovered food.

1. c
2. d
3. a
4. b

NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Science Chapter 6 Our Food
Study Material for Class 2 Science Chapter 6 Our Food
Class 2 Science Chapter 6 Our Food
Class 2 Science Chapter 6
Class 2 Science Chapter 6 Assignments
Class 2 Science Chapter 6 Worksheets