NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Science Chapter 2 How Plants Help Us with extra practice questions and answers, assignments updated for session 2024-25 free to use. In Class 2 Science Chapter 2, we learn about the material we get from the plants. Here we get the ideas that how human and nature can grow together helping each other.

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How Plants Help Us

Plants are useful in different ways. We get many things from them. We get food, medicine, perfume, oil, wood, paper, rubber and many other things from plants. Let us learn about the things that we get from plants.


Most of our food comes from plants. Plants give us pulses like moong, pea, urad, rajma, gram and arhar.
Plants give us fruits. Some fruits are juicy and some are dry. Fruits are good for health. Plants give us nuts also.
Plants give us vegetables. Vegetables are good for health. We eat the stems, roots and leaves of some plants.

Plants give us Fibre

Plants give us fibre for making cloth sacks, ropes and mats. We get cotton fibre from cotton plant. We get jute fibre from jute plant.

Plants give us Wood

Plants give us wood. The trunks and branches of some trees are used as wood. Wood is used to make things like bed, doors, window, chair, table and pencil.

Spices and Other Things

Plants give us spices. Spices make our food tasty. Plants give us tea, coffee and sugar.

Plants give us Paper, Gum and Rubber

Paper is made from bamboo. Rubber is made from the juice of the rubber tree. Gum is made from the juice of the keekar tree.

Plants give us Medicines

Plants give us medicines like quinine and penicilin. Tulsi leaves are used to cure cold and cough. Certain parts of plants like amla, haldi and aloevera too are used as medicines.

Plants Give us Perfume

Some sweet-smelling flower like the rose and jasmine give us perfumes.

Some more uses of Plants

Dried leaves and stems of plants are used for manure. Dried wood from trees is used as fuel. We must take good care of the plants and tree around us. Plants give us oxygen. Animals and human beings need oxygen to breathe in. Hence without plants life would not be possible on earth. We must water plants every day, in the morning and in the evening. We should plant more trees. We should not cut down trees.

Important points:

1. Plants give us food like cereals, pulses, fruits, vegetables, spices and vegetable oil.
2. Plants give us fibre, oil, medicines and perfume.
3. Plants give us wood, paper, gum and rubber.
4. Plants clean the air and keep it fresh and pure.

Pick the correct answer from given options:


We get oil from.

[A]. apple
[B]. jute
[C]. brinjal
[D]. coconut

Which of the following plants give us fibre?

[A]. cotton
[B]. rose
[C]. tulsi
[D]. maize

Which of the following plants serve as medicine?

[A]. neem
[B]. tulsi
[C]. clove
[D]. all of these

Which flower’s juice is used to make perfumes?

[A]. rose
[B]. lotus
[C]. daisy
[D]. sunflower

Fill in the blanks. Choose the right word from the box: (fleshy and juicy, raw, grains, tulsi, flavor)

1. Fruits are the ____ parts of a plant.
2. Spices add _____ to our food.
3. We eat some vegetable in their ____from.
4. Cereals and pulses are _____.
5. ________ is a medicinal plant.

1. fleshy and juicy
2. flavor
3. raw
4. grains
5. tulsi

Match the following:

Column AA Column B
Barley(a) Paper
Bamboo(b) Timber
Sugarcane (c) Gum
Sal(d) Cereal grain
5. Keekar tree(e) Sugar

1. d
2. a
3. e
4. b
5. c

What do plants give us?

We get food, medicine, perfume, oil, wood, paper, rubber and many other things from plants.

How do we get tea and coffee from plants?

We get tea from the tea plant in the form of leaves dried them and process. Coffee is obtained from the fruits of coco tree.

Name any three things made from rubber.

Mostly rubber used for making tires. Some other thigs which are made from rubber are pencil erasers, Gum erasers, Rubber bands etc.

Class 2 Science Chapter 2 How Plants Help Us
NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Science Chapter 2
How Plants Help Us
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