NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Science Chapter 1 Plants Around Us with practice question answers, fill in the blanks, MCQ and other questions updated for academic session 2024-25 free to download. In Class 2 chapter 1, we will study about the different types of plants, we see in daily life. We also learn here about how to divide these plants in categories.

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Plants Around Us

We see various types of plants around us. Most plants are green in colour. They are of different shapes and sizes. On the basis of their size and shape, we can categorise them as:
1. Trees
2. Shrubs
3. Herbs
4. Climbers
5. Creepers


Big and tall plants are called trees. They have hard woody stems. They also have many branches but these branches grow high. Many animals such as squirrel, bird, monkey etc. live on these branches. Example Neem, Mango, Banyan, Palm etc.


Shrubs are much smaller than trees. They have many branches. These branches grow close to the ground. Some plants like rose, cotton, sunflower and hibiscus are shrubs.


Herbs are very small plants. They have soft and small stem. They are smaller than shrubs. Herbs live for a season only. Coriander, radish, spinach, wheat and mint are herbs.


Some plants have weak stems. They cannot grow straight. They need support to stand and grow straight. Such plants are called climbers. Money plant, pea and grapevine are climbers.


Creepers are plants that grow along the ground. The weak stems of creepers lie on the ground and give out thin branches, leaves and usually big fruits. Watermelon, bottle gourd and pumpkin are examples of creepers.

Life of Plants

Most trees and shrubs live for many years. A banyan tree and the neem tree can live for hundreds of years. Plants such as pea, cauliflower, brinjal and rice live for a few months.

Important Points:

1. Plants have different shapes and sizes.
2. Big and tall plants are called trees.
3. Small and bushy plants are called shrubs.
4. Very small and weak plants are called herbs.
5. Climbers have weak stems. They need support to stand and grow straight.
6. Creepers grow along the ground.

Pick the correct answer from given options:


Plants that grow and spread along the ground are called:

[A]. creepers
[B]. climbers
[C]. herbs

These have hard stems.

[A]. trees
[B]. shrubs
[C]. herbs

Pumpkin is a creeper

[A]. creeper
[B]. herb
[C]. shrub

These need the support to grow straight:

[A]. shrubs
[B]. herbs
[C]. climbers

Match the following:

Column 1Column 2
Banyan(a) Shrub
Pumpkin(b) Herb
Money plant(c) Tree
Jasmine(d) Creeper
Mustard(e) Climber

1. c
2. d
3. e
4. a
5. b

Fill in the blanks with the correct words given in the box: (rice, hard, soft, climbers, many)

1. Trees have _______ stems.
2. Shrubs have _____ branches.
3. ______ have weak stems.
4. Herbs have ________ stems.
5. The _____ live only for few months.

1. hard
2. many
3. climbers
4. soft
5. rice

Name any two trees.

1. Mango tree
2. Banyan tree

Name any three climbers.

Watermelon, bottle gourd and pumpkin

What is shrub?

Shrubs are much smaller than trees. They have many branches.

What type of plants are coriander and spinach?

coriander and spinach are shrub plant.

Class 2 Science Chapter 1 Plants Around Us
NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Science Chapter 1
Class 2 Science Chapter 1
NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Science Chapter 1 assignments
Study Material for Class 2 Science Chapter 1 Plants Around Us