NCERT Solutions for Class 2 EVS Chapter 1 Growing Up updated for CBSE session 2024-25. Get here the complete explanation of Grade 2 Environmental Studies chapter 2 question answers and assignments. It also provides worksheets and test papers.

Growing Up

All living things grow. Baby animals grow into big adult animals, little plants grow into big plants and trees. A new born is called a baby. All of us were babies when we were born. We cannot eat and walk ourselves. As the time passes babies grow up. They start learning to eat, walk, talk, play etc. They are called the young children. Young children grow up to adults and became old.

Class 2 EVS Chapter 1 MCQ


Everyone grows old after some

[A]. Days
[B]. Years
[C]. Hours
[D]. Weeks

Cow’s baby is

[A]. Kitten
[B]. Cub
[C]. Calf
[D]. Kid

A new born is called

[A]. Baby
[B]. Girl
[C]. Boy
[D]. Adult

A boy grows up to be a man. A girl also grows up to be a woman. After many years, everybody grows old. The color of hair turns white. Our looks and voice change when we enter into different stages of life. Same as for plants. The plants also grow. Small plants become big plants or trees after some time.

Same as with animals. Animals also grow. Small babies of animals grow and become big. Animals, plants and all of us are living things in the earth. All of these born, grow in size and age. All living things breathe, take food and water and grow.

Class 2 EVS Chapter 1 Multiple Choice Questions

We cannot walk ourselves when we are

[A]. Adult
[B]. Girl
[C]. Boy
[D]. Baby

When we are born we were

[A]. Adults
[B]. Babies

All living things

[A]. Grow
[B]. Don’t grow

Little plants become big

[A]. Animals
[B]. Plants
Fill in the Blanks
    1. A boy grow up to be a ________.
    2. Hair colour turns ________ in old age.
    3. Big plants become ________ after some time.
    4. After many years everybody ________ old.
    5. ________ is a baby of dog.


    1. Man
    2. White
    3. Trees
    4. Grows
    5. Puppy
Write T for true and F for false statement
    1. A girl grows up to be a woman.
    2. Adults grow up and become children.
    3. The baby of a lion is called a kitten.
    4. Everyone grows old after some years.
    5. The big plants become small after some time.


    1. T
    2. F
    3. F
    4. T
    5. F
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