NCERT Solutions for class 2 English Mridang new addition Unit 4 Life Around Us Chapter 1 A Show of Clouds, Chapter 2 My Name, Chapter 3 The Crow and Chapter 4 The Smart Monkey. Question answers of all four chapters of unit 4 are explained in simple manner here.

Class 2 English Unit IV Chapter 1 A Show of Clouds

As I lie on my back,
Looking up at the sky.
I see a big white bear,
Looking down at me.
As I lie on my back,
Looking up at the sky.
I see a ship sailing,
On a white sea.
As I lie on my back,
Looking up at the sky.
I see an elephant,
Waving it’s trunk at me.
As I lie on my back,
Looking up at the sky.
Oh! It’s fun, it’s fun to me,
To see whatever I want to see.

Class 2 English Mridang Unit 4 Life Around Us Chapter 1 A Show of Clouds, Chapter 2 My Name, Chapter 3 The Crow and Chapter 4 The Smart Monkey.

Class 2 English Unit IV Chapter 1 Summary

The poem, A Show of Clouds, describes a person’s imaginative experience while lying on their back and looking up at the sky. They see various shapes in the clouds, including a big white bear, a ship sailing on a white sea, and an elephant waving its trunk. The poem emphasizes the joy and fun of letting one’s imagination transform the clouds into whatever they want to see.

Class 2 English Unit IV Chapter 1 Important Questions

What does the person see first in the sky?
The person sees a big white bear.

What does the person see after the bear?
The person sees a ship sailing on a white sea.

What animal does the person see last?
The person sees an elephant waving its trunk.

What is the person doing while seeing these shapes?
The person is lying on their back and looking up at the sky.

How does the person feel about this experience?
The person feels that it is fun to see whatever they want to see in the sky.

Class 2 English Unit IV Chapter 2 My Name

Once there was a little fly. One day, he could not remember his name! He tried and tried to remember it, but it was no of use.
He had forgotten his name. He asked an ant, “Ant, do you know my name?”
The ant said, “I don’t know You may ask the tree I climb.”
The fly said, “Dear tree, do you know my name?” The tree said, “I don’t know. You may ask the cow sleeping in my shade.”
The fly went near the cow and asked, “Dear cow, do you know my name?” The cow said, “I don’t know. You may ask the grass I eat.”
The fly went to the grass and asked, “Dear grass, do you know my name?” The grass said, “I don’t know. You may ask the leaves fallen on me.”
The fly asked a leaf fallen on the grass, “Dear leaf, do you know my name?” The leaf was about to answer, when the wind blew. The leaf began to fly. Seeing this, the fly remembered his name! “My name is Fly! My name is Fly!” he said happily.

Class 2 English Unit IV Chapter 2 Summary

A little fly couldn’t remember his name. He asked an ant, a tree, a cow, the grass, and a fallen leaf if they knew his name. None of them knew. Just as the leaf was about to answer, the wind blew it away, making the fly remember his name. He happily exclaimed, “My name is Fly!”

Class 2 English Unit IV Chapter 2 Important Questions

Why couldn’t the fly remember his name?
The fly just forgot his name one day.

Who did the fly ask first for his name?
The fly asked an ant first.

What did the tree suggest to the fly?
The tree suggested the fly ask the cow sleeping in its shade.

How did the fly finally remember his name?
The fly remembered his name when he saw a leaf flying in the wind.

What was the fly’s name?
The fly’s name was Fly.

Class 2 English Unit IV Chapter 3 The Crow

There once was a crow.
He was black, as you know.
How to be beautiful,
he wanted to know.
Colourful feathers,
he wanted to grow.
He found one peacock feather.
He stuck it in his tail.
Then he found another,
He picked up all without fail.
He stuck them
in his wings,
Put one on his head.
I am now beautiful,
He danced and said.
The other crows
laughed at him.
“Oh, what a fool you are!
You are beautiful in black.
We love you for
what you are.”

Class 2 English Unit IV Chapter 3 Summary

The poem, The Crow, tells the story of a crow who wants to be beautiful. He collects peacock feathers and sticks them in his tail, wings, and head, thinking they make him beautiful. However, the other crows laugh at him and tell him he’s already beautiful in his natural black color and that they love him for who he is.

Class 2 English Unit IV Chapter 3 Important Questions

Why did the crow want to change his appearance?
The crow wanted to be beautiful.

What did the crow use to try to become beautiful?
He used peacock feathers.

Where did the crow put the peacock feathers?
He stuck them in his tail, wings, and on his head.

How did the other crows react to the crow’s new look?
They laughed at him.

What did the other crows tell the crow about his appearance?
They told him he is already beautiful in black and they love him for who he is.

Class 2 English Unit IV Chapter 4 The Smart Monkey

One day Anju and Farida went to the market. Anju bought a bag and Farida bought a water bottle. Later, they went to a shop and bought a packet of groundnuts and a bottle of juice. They felt tired. They sat on a bench under a tree to rest. There was a monkey on the branch of the tree above them.
Farida and Anju did not see the monkey. They took out their food from the bag and began to eat. The monkey had a banana. He peeled the banana and ate it. Farida and Anju took out the groundnuts and started eating. They threw the packet down. Then they drank the juice and threw down the bottle.
Just then, the monkey climbed down the tree with the banana peel. There was a dustbin nearby. The monkey threw the banana peel into the dustbin.
Farida and Anju saw this and felt ashamed. They picked up the packet and the empty bottle and threw them into the dustbin.

Class 2 English Unit IV Chapter 4 Summary

One day, Anju and Farida went to the market. Anju bought a bag, and Farida bought a water bottle. Later, they bought groundnuts and juice from a shop. Feeling tired, they sat under a tree to rest. There was a monkey in the tree above them. Anju and Farida didn’t notice the monkey.
They started eating their groundnuts and drinking their juice, throwing the empty packet and bottle on the ground. The monkey ate a banana and threw the peel in the dustbin nearby. Seeing this, Anju and Farida felt ashamed. They picked up their trash and threw it in the dustbin too.

Class 2 English Unit IV Chapter 4 Important Questions

Where did Anju and Farida go?
Anju and Farida went to the market.

What did Anju and Farida buy from the market?
Anju bought a bag, and Farida bought a water bottle.

What did they do after feeling tired?
They sat on a bench under a tree to rest.

What did the monkey do with the banana peel?
The monkey threw the banana peel into the dustbin.

How did Anju and Farida react after seeing the monkey?
They felt ashamed and threw their trash into the dustbin.

NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Mridang Unit 4 Life Around Us Chapter 1 A Show of Clouds
Class 2 English Mridang Unit 4 Life Around Us Chapter 1 A Show of Clouds
Class 2 English Mridang Unit 4 Life Around Us Chapter 1
Class 2 English Mridang Unit 4 Life Around Us Chapter 1 Solutions
Class 2 English Mridang Unit 4 Life Around Us Chapter 1 Question answers
NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Mridang Unit 4 Life Around Us Chapter 2 My Name
NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Mridang Unit 4 Life Around Us Chapter 2 My Name Answers
Class 2 English Mridang Unit 4 Life Around Us Chapter 2 My Name
Class 2 English Mridang Unit 4 Life Around Us Chapter 2
Class 2 English Mridang Unit 4 Life Around Us Chapter 2 Solutions
Class 2 English Mridang Unit 4 Life Around Us Chapter 2 Question Answers
NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Mridang Unit 4 Life Around Us Chapter 3 The Crow
NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Mridang Unit 4 Life Around Us Chapter 3 The Crow Answers
Class 2 English Mridang Unit 4 Life Around Us Chapter 3 The Crow
Class 2 English Mridang Unit 4 Life Around Us Chapter 3 The Crow Match the following
Class 2 English Mridang Unit 4 Life Around Us Chapter 3 The Crow Solutions
Class 2 English Mridang Unit 4 Life Around Us Chapter 3 The Crow Question Answers
NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Mridang Unit 4 Life Around Us Chapter 4 The Smart Monkey.
NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Mridang Unit 4 Life Around Us Chapter 4 The Smart Monkey Solutions
NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Mridang Unit 4 Life Around Us Chapter 4 The Smart Monkey Question Answers
NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Mridang Unit 4 Life Around Us Chapter 4
NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Mridang Unit 4 Life Around Us Chapter 4 Answers
Class 2 English Mridang Unit 4 Life Around Us Chapter 4
Class 2 English Mridang Unit 4 Life Around Us Chapter 4 Solutions
Class 2 English Mridang Unit 4 Life Around Us Chapter 4 Question Answers
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