NCERT Solutions for class 2 English Mridang new addition Unit 2 Welcome to My World Chapter 1 It is Fun and Chapter 2 Seeing without Seeing updated for academic session 2024-25. There are only two chapters in unit 2 of class 2 English textbook Mridang. Get here exercises question answers and intext solutions.

Class 2 English Unit II Chapter 1 It is Fun

It’s fun to be this,
It’s fun to be that,
To leap like a lamb,
To climb like a cat.
To hop like a frog,
To swim like a fish,
To trot like a horse,
To fly like a bird.
I can act
Just like them all,
It’s fun to be this,
It’s fun to be that.

Class 2 English Mridang Unit 2 Welcome to My World Chapter 1 It is Fun and Chapter 2 Seeing without Seeing

Class 2 English Unit II Chapter 1 Summary

The poem celebrates the joy of imagination and mimicry, expressing the fun of pretending to be various animals. It highlights the playful act of imitating the movements and behaviors of creatures like lambs, cats, frogs, fish, horses, and birds. The poet conveys a sense of delight in transforming into different animals and experiencing their unique ways of moving. Overall, the poem captures the whimsical and enjoyable nature of pretending to be something different.

Class 2 English Unit II Chapter 1 Important Questions

Which animals are in the poem?
Lamb, cat, frog, fish, horse, and bird.

What does the poem say cats do?
The poem says cats climb.

Which animal hops in the poem?
The frog hops.

What is the poem about?
The poem is about having fun pretending to be different animals.

How does the poem end?
The poem ends by saying it’s fun to act like different animals.

Class 2 English Unit II Chapter 2 Seeing without Seeing

Little Onshangla returned from the school. She opened the door quietly. She kept her bag on the table
quietly. Her mother looked at her. “Onshangla you are very quiet today,” said Ava. “Did anything happen in the school?”
“Yes Ava,” said Onshangla. “A new boy came to our school. He sits in our class.” “Yes?” said Ava, listening
to Onshangla, and placing biscuits and milk on the table. “The teacher helped him sit in the front desk,”
said Onshangla. “He wears black glasses. He cannot see.
He will come every day. How will he do things?” “Finish your biscuits and milk,” said Ava. “Then we will play a new game.”
“Yes, let us play,” said Onshangla. She tied a scarf over Onshangla’s eyes. “Now tell me what do I hold in my hand?” said Ava. “How can 1?” asked Onshangla. “My eyes are closed. I can’t see.” “You can find out,” said Ava. “Try it.” Ava had a rose in her hand. “What do I hold?” she asked. Onshangla touched it.
“It is something soft… a flower!” she said. “Yes,” said Ava. “But what flower is it? Smell it!” Onshangla bent forward and sniffed at it. “It is a rose!” she cried.
“Good!” said Ava. “Now try another thing What do I hold?” She held a small bell in her hand. She shook it. Trin…Trin… “I know,” said Onshangla, with joy. “It is the bell. The small bell that gives such a musical sound. I can hear it, Ava!” Onshangla took the bell and shook it herself.

“Smart girl!” said Ava. Then Ava took a glass in her hand. “What is it? What do I hold now? Do you know?” she asked. Onshangla touched it. “It is a glass,” she said. She put one finger slightly into the glass.
“A glass of water!” “Are you sure?” asked Ava. “It could be milk or juice.” Onshangla tasted it. “Oh!” she cried, “It is not water, it is orange juice.” Ava laughed. “Good girl!” she said.
“Now I will remove the scarf. You must tell what is in front of you!” she said. She took off the scarf. Onshangla blinked and looked at her. “It is you, Ava,” she shouted with joy. “I see you!” “That was a wonderful game, Ava,” said Onshangla. “So, Onshangla” said Ava. “If a child cannot see, there are other ways of finding out things. But the child may have some difficulties. I hope all of you will be friends with the new boy.” “Yes, Ava,” said Onshangla.

Class 2 English Unit II Chapter 2 Summary

Little Onshangla came home from school and was unusually quiet. Her mother, Ava, noticed and asked if anything happened at school. Onshangla explained that a new boy joined their class who wears black glasses and cannot see. She wondered how he would manage daily activities.
Ava then decided to play a game with Onshangla to help her understand how the new boy might experience things. She blindfolded Onshangla and asked her to identify objects by touch, smell, and sound. Onshangla successfully identified a rose, a bell, and a glass of orange juice.
Through this game, Ava showed Onshangla that there are other ways to understand the world without sight. She encouraged Onshangla to befriend the new boy and help him. Onshangla agreed, understanding the lesson her mother taught her.

Class 2 English Unit II Chapter 2 Important Questions

Why was Onshangla quiet when she came home?
Onshangla was quiet because she was thinking about a new boy in her class who cannot see.

What did Onshangla’s mother, Ava, do to help Onshangla understand the new boy’s situation?
Ava played a game with Onshangla where she blindfolded her and asked her to identify objects using touch, smell, and sound.

What did Onshangla learn during the game with Ava?
Onshangla learned that people who cannot see can use their other senses, like touch, smell, and sound, to understand the world.

How did Onshangla feel after playing the game?
Onshangla felt happy and understood that the new boy could still find out things in different ways.

What did Ava hope Onshangla and her classmates would do for the new boy?
Ava hoped that Onshangla and her classmates would be friends with the new boy and help him.

NCERT Solutions for class 2 English Mridang Unit 2 Welcome to My World Chapter 1 It is Fun
NCERT Solutions for class 2 English Mridang Unit 2 Welcome to My World Chapter 1 It is Fun Answers
NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Mridang Unit 2 Welcome to My World Chapter 2 Seeing without Seeing all Answers
NCERT Class 2 English Mridang Unit 2 Welcome to My World Chapter 2 Seeing without Seeing
New Additiona Class 2 English Mridang Unit 2 Welcome to My World Chapter 2 Seeing without Seeing
Class 2 English Mridang Unit 2 Welcome to My World Chapter 2 Seeing without Seeing Question Answers
NCERT Solutions for class 2 English Mridang Unit 2 Welcome to My World Chapter 1 It is Fun Question answers
NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Mridang Unit 2 Welcome to My World Chapter 2 Seeing without Seeing
NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Mridang Unit 2 Welcome to My World Chapter 2 Seeing without Seeing Question Answers
NCERT Class 2 English Mridang Unit 2 Welcome to My World Chapter 2 Seeing without Seeing
Class 2 English Mridang Unit 2 Welcome to My World Chapter 2 Seeing without Seeing
NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Mridang Unit 2 Welcome to My World Chapter 2 Seeing without Seeing Answers
Class 2 English Mridang Unit 2 Chapter 1 Translation
Class 2 English Mridang Unit 2 Chapter 1 Hindi Translation
Class 2 English Mridang Unit 2 Chapter 2 Translation
Class 2 English Mridang Unit 2 Chapter 2 Hindi Translation
Class 2 English Mridang Unit 2 Chapter 2 in Hindi