NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Marigold Unit 9 Chapter 1 Granny Granny Please Comb my Hair and Chapter 2 The Magic Porridge Pot in PDF file format free to download. Answers of the questions given in exercises are provided in simplified format so that student can easily access the contents without any difficulty.

NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Marigold Unit 9

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Summary of the Poem “Granny Granny Please Comb My Hair”

This poem moves around a young girl and her grandmother. The young girl tells her grandmother to comb her hair. She talks about how her grandmother takes care of her. The young girl further talks about how her grandmother sits and rubs coconut oil in her hair. The young girl also tells how her grandmother praises her after finishing combing her hair.

Class 2 English Marigold Chapter 9 (Granny Granny Please Comb My Hair) Question and Answers

Can you find some new words from the poem “Granny Granny Please Comb My Hair”?

Yes, I can find new words from the poem “Granny Granny Please Comb My Hair”. These new words are:
1. Care
2. Cushion
3. Knees
4. Gentle
5. Breeze
6. World
7. Nice

Write the name of the author of the poem “Granny Granny Please Comb My Hair”.

The name of the author of the poem “Granny Granny Please Comb My Hair” is Grace Nichols.

Using the words cushions, Nice, knees make sentences

1. These cushions are very beautiful.
2. This girl is nice and cute.
3. My grandmother has pain in her knees.

What does the little girl want her Granny to do in the poem “Granny Granny Please Comb My Hair”?

In the poem “Granny Granny Please Comb My Hair”, the little girl wants her Granny to comb her hair.

What does Granny rub on her hair in the poem “Granny Granny Please Comb My Hair”?

In the poem “Granny Granny Please Comb My Hair”, Granny rubs coconut oil on her hair.

Does the little girl love her ‘Granny’ in the poem “Granny Granny Please Comb My Hair”?

Yes, the little girl loves her granny in the poem “Granny Granny Please Comb My Hair”.

Do your grandparents live with you?

Yes, my grandparents live with me.

Do you spend some time with them?

Yes, I spend 2-3 hours daily with them.

How do you help them?

I help them by doing their works.

What do you call ‘Grandmother’ in your language?

I call my grandmother amma in my language.

What do you call ‘Grandfather’ in your language?

I call my grandfather dadaji in my language.

Do you know any old people? Can you name them?

Yes, I know old people. Their names are Mr. Suresh and Mrs. Kamla.

How can you make them happy?

I can make them happy by giving them care and love and by helping them in their work.

Have you ever gone out with your grandparents?

Yes, many times I have gone out with my grandparents.

Make new words using letters from the word GRANDPARENTS. You may use the letters in any order.

1. Rent
2. Grand
3. Parents
4. And
5. End
6. Ants
7. Ran
8. Pan
9. Gap
10. Ten

11. Grapes
12. great
13. Parade
14. Rate
15. Gate
16. Stare
17. Rat
18. Pant
19. Get
20. Date

Sometimes we replace the names of people with another word, instead of repeating the name. Replace the names in the sentences using a word from the bracket. (It, I, He, She, My, You)
1. Meena is playing with a doll. ____ is a girl.
2. Ram is climbing a tree. ______ is a boy.
3. Do not eat that mango. ______ is not ripe.

1. She
2. He
3. It

summary of the story “The magic porridge pot”

This is the story about a poor girl, Tara, and her mother. One day in a forest an old woman gave Tara a magic pot. The old woman told tara that “the pot will cook porridge for you when you say ‘Cook-Pot-Cook’ and the pot stops making porridge when you say ‘Stop-Pot-Stop’.” Tara took that pot to her home.

One day Tara was not at her home. Her mother was very hungry. Tara’s mother said to the pot ‘Cook-Pot-Cook’ and porridge started coming out of the pot. But tara’s mother did not know how to stop that pot. She became scared as her home was filled with porridge. Soon there was porridge everywhere. The whole village was filled with porridge. Suddenly, Tara came back she saw porridge everywhere on the roads. Tara ran quickly towards her home and said to the pot ‘Stop-Pot-Stop’. The pot stopped cooking porridge rapidly.

Class 2 English Marigold Chapter 9 (The magic porridge pot) Question and Answers

What are the new words in the story “The magic porridge pot”?

The new words in the story “The magic porridge pot” are:
1. Magic
2. Cook
3. Porridge
4. Spilling
5. Whole
6. Village

Make sentences using the words magic, cook, and village.

1. She can do magic.
2. I can cook food.
3. My village is very beautiful.

1. Where did Tara go one day?

One day Tara went to the forest.

2. What did the old woman give Tara?

The old woman gave the magic pot to Tara.

3. What did the magic pot cook?

The magic pot cooked the porridge.

4. Who said, “Do not cook Pot”?

Tara’s mother said, “Do not cook pot”.

5. Why was there so much porridge on the road?

There was so much porridge on the road because Tara’s mother did not know how to stop the pot from cooking the porridge.

What do you eat for your breakfast?

I eat a sandwich and drink a glass of milk in my breakfast.

Would you like to eat wheat porridge?

Yes, I like to eat wheat porridge.

Have you seen any magic? Tell us about it.

No, I haven’t seen any magic.

What do you call magic in your own language?

I call magic jaadu in my own language.

Read the story “Loving Grandfather” and fill in the blanks.

1. Grandfather sprained his ____.
2. Grandfather loved ______.
3. Grandfather missed his…exercise ____.

1. arm
2. walking
3. exercise

Do you think the poem unit 9 chapter 1 from class 2nd Marigold is easy to learn?

The chapter is easy to learn if given time as the poet used normal English language so that the children can understand.

What does the poem unit 9 chapter 1 from class 2nd Marigold tells us about?

The poem tells us about the granny who loves their grandchildren and the little girl who is receiving all the grandmother’s love.

The story unit 9 Chapter 2 from class 2nd Marigold tells us about the little girl named Tara. What it is?

The story tells us about the little girl named Tara and her mother who were very poor and she’s been gifted a magic pot by an old lady in the forest who can cook food magically.

What you do understand by reading this story unit 9 chapter 2 from class 2nd Marigold?

The story tells about the little girl named Tara who used the pot to give her mother and herself porridge to eat and when the problem happened she came and solved it.

In story unit, 9 chapter 2 from class 2nd Marigold the problem was a solution for others. How?

When the magic pot didn’t stop cooking the porridge overflowed and followed the mother till outside the house. People from the village saw it and came to eat it. Due to this the porridge didn’t waste.

What is the moral of the story unit 9 chapter 2 from class 2nd Marigold?

The Moral of the story does not to use things without asking permission or without knowledge about the use of the thing.

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Last Edited: June 8, 2024