NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Marigold Unit 8 Chapter 1 I am the Music Man and Chapter 2 The Mumbai Musicians free to download in PDF or use as it online without downloading. All the solutions are free to use without any login or permission. We have updated the contents of Class 2 English chapter 8 for session 2024-25.

NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Marigold Unit 8

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Summary of the Poem “I am the Music Man”

This is the poem of a boy who can play various musical instruments. The boy told a girl that he came from far away. The boy also told her that he can play both Drums and piano.

Class 2 English Marigold Chapter 8 (I am the Music Man) Question and Answers

What are the new words in the poem “I am the music man” that students can learn?

The new words in the poem “I am the music man” that students can learn are:
1. Music man
2. Far away
3. Play
4. Piano
5. Drum
6. Boom

Make sentences using the words music man, play, piano, and drum.

1. He is a music man.
2. Radhika can play the piano.
3. She can play the drum.

What are the two instruments that the music man can play?

Piano and drum are the two instruments that the music man can play.

Where does the music man come from?

The music man comes from far away.

If the music man comes to you, what would you ask him to play for you.

I would ask him to play flute for me.

What would you like to learn music, dance or karate?

I would like to learn dance.

Make sentences using words from the table.
A farmeractsongs
A Soldierfliesin the field
A singer playsa uniform
An electricianwearslights
A pilotsignsmusic
An actorrepairsa plane
A misicianworksin films

1. A farmer works in the field.
2. A soldier wears a uniform.
3. A singer sings songs.
4. An electrician repairs lights.
5. A pilot flies a plane.
6. An actor acts in films.
7. A musician plays music.

Change these words from singular to plural:
Bench Benches
Brush Brushes
Glass Glasses
Box Boxes
Bus Buses
Tomato Tomatoes
Deer Deer
Sheep Sheep
Singular Plural
Tooth Teeth
Goose Geese
Woman Women
Mouse Mice
Ox Oxen
Child Children
Man Men
Class Classes
Summary of the story “The Mumbai Musician”

This is the story of a donkey named Goopu. Goopu had worked for many years in the house of a farmer. One day the farmer said to goopu “Take the sack of corn and go to see the world before you become too old”. Goopu, the donkey liked the music a lot and wanted to become a musician. So, he decided to go to Mumbai to become a musician. On his way, goopu met a dog, a cat, and a cock. They (dog, cat, cock) all joined goopu. They (dog, cat, cock) all wanted to become musicians. On their way to Mumbai, all the animals became tired and hungry. They saw a house. They (donkey, dog, cat, cock) all started singing to tell the people in the house that they are singers. People got afraid of their voices and ran away. Finally, all the animals ate the food calmly.

Class 2 English Marigold Chapter 8 (The Mumbai Musician) Question and Answers

Which new words do students study in the story “The Mumbai musician”?

The new words that students study in the story “The Mumbai musician” are:
1. Tired
2. Musicians
3. Peeped
4. Delicious
5. Ghosts
6. Scare

Make sentences using the words Tired, Musicians, Delicious.

1. I am very tired.
2. These musicians are very great.
3. The food was very delicious.

Why did the farmer tell Goopu to see the world?

The farmer told goopu to see the world because goopu had become old and could not carry load.

Why did Goopu, Doopu, and Furry want to go to Mumbai?

Goopu, Doopu, and Furry wanted to go to Mumbai because they wanted to become musicians.

Why did the people in the house run away?

All the people in the house ran away because all people thought that the ghosts had come to scare them.

Who was doopu in the story?

Doopu was a dog in the story.

Who was furry in the story?

Furry was a cat in the story.

Who was cuckooin the story?

Cuckoo was a cock in the story.

Do you play any musical instrument?

No, I don’t play any musical instrument.

If not, which instrument do you want to learn?

I want to learn guitar.

Add the Word of the Opposite Gender in the Given Sentences.
    1. Anju’s mother and father came to the school.
    2. My uncle and aunt came to visit us on Monday.
    3. The lion and lioness looked lovingly at their cub.
    4. The King and Queen sat on beautiful thrones.
    5. The man is running and the woman is walking.
    6. My grandfather and grandmother went to the market.

1. father
2. aunt
3. lioness
4. Queen
5. woman
6. grandmother

The word “jaltarang’ is made up of two words Jal-water, Tarang-music. Now, make new words by joining the two words.

1. News + Paper = Newspaper
2. School + Bag = School bag
3. Tooth + Paste = Tooth paste
4. Neck + Lace = Necklace
5. Some + One = Someone
6. Bath + Room = Bathroom
7. Time +Table = Timetable
8. Foot + Ball = Football
9. Car + Pet = Carpet

Unit 8 (Marigold book) of class 2nd English encourages the children to learn/hear music or musical instruments. Children can be asked to sing the poem aloud with the class orchestra-where children clap, and drum their tiffin boxes, etc to make sounds of musical instruments. The teachers can inculcate in children a love for the weak and the old. Students can learn many things from this unit. Many skills like listening skills, vocabulary, reading skills, etc develop from this unit. Students enjoy doing this unit a lot. The poem and story in this unit are very interesting.

What is the Music man plays in the poem unit 8 chapter 1 from class 2nd Marigold?

The Music man plays Piano and Drum in the poem.

Do you think the poem unit 8 chapter 1 from class 2nd Marigold children would like it?

Yes, I think the children will like this poem the reason is that the poem has musical instruments and all the children like some kind of instrumental music.

Do you think the poem unit 8 chapter 1 from class 2nd Marigold is easy to understand?

The children may like the poem as it is about the music but certain music expression words require attention.

The story unit 8 chapter 2 from class 2nd Marigold can be cover in one day?

The story is easy to understand and teachers can cover it in one day but exercise may take time.

Do you think the story unit 8 chapter 2 from the class 2nd Marigold is comedy and entertaining?

The story is good and the author made the musical band with the animals and in the end, the band got the food what they wanted also thought their band is successful.

Do you think the language is complicated and story unit 8 chapter from class 2nd Marigold is complex?

The story is not complex and easy to understand language moreover these animal’s voice is most unusual for the singing.

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Class 2 English Unit 8 Practice Poem
Last Edited: June 8, 2024