NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Marigold Unit 3 Chapter 1 A Smile and Chapter 2 The Wind and the Sun updated for CBSE session 2024-25. Download Class 2 English Marigold chapter 2 in PDF file format free to use offline. Answers are given in simple format so that students can understand easily.

NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Marigold Unit 3

Summary of a poem “A Smile”

This poem is about a smile. A smile is quite a funny thing. A smile brings small-small wrinkles on the face. But nobody knows where it hides. The essential feature of a smile is that if one smiles then the other smiles, too, and one smile creates two smiles.

Class 2 English Marigold Chapter 3 (A Smile) Question and Answers

Write the new words from the poem “A Smile”?

The new words from the poem “A Smile” are:
1. Wrinkles
2. secret
3. Hiding place

Make sentences using the words wrinkles and secret.

1. My grandfather has wrinkles on his face.
2. I have a secret.

Why is a smile a funny thing?

A Smile is a funny thing because it wrinkles up the face and when the smile went you will never find its secret hiding place.

What happens when you smile at someone?

When we smile at someone he/she also smiles at us in return and so, one smile makes two.

Riddle: Which is the longest word in the world?

“Smiles” is the longest word because there is a mile between two Ss.

Summary of the Story “The wind and the Sun”

In this story, the two main characters are the wind and the sun. They both want to show their power. A man walking down the road. The man was wearing a coat. Wind claims that it is more powerful than the sun and makes that man remove his coat more quickly than the sun. To prove that, the wind started blowing at a very fast pace but the man holds his coat very tightly. At last, the wind was not able to get off the man’s coat. On the other hand, the sun begins to shine harder and suddenly it begins to grow very hot. The man was not able to bear the heat and removed his coat rapidly and at last, the sun wins.

Class 2 English Marigold Chapter 3 (The Wind and the Sun) Question and Answers

Can you write new words from the story “The wind and the sun”?

Yes, I can write new words from the story “The wind and the sun”?
1. Road
2. Coat
3. Quickly
4. Stronger
5. Cheeks
6. Won

Can you make sentences using the words road, quickly, coat, and cheeks?

Yes, I can make sentences using the words road, quickly, coat, and cheeks.
1. This road is very smooth and plane.
2. This coat is very beautiful.
3. Don’t pull her cheeks.
4. She does her work quickly.

What did the wind do to get the man’s coat off?

The wind blew very hard to get the man’s coat off.

What did the sun do to get the man’s coat off?

The sun shines very hard to get the man’s coat off.

Who won in the end?

The sun won in the end.

Question: Who said this to whom?

    • a. I can get his coat off more quickly than you can.
    • b. I will let you try first.
    • c. How cold it is!
    • d. I give up. I cannot get his coat off.
    • e. I have won.

a. Wind to the sun.
b. Sun to the wind.
c. Man to himself.
d. Wind to the sun.
e. Sun to the wind.

Rohan tries to snatch Gita’s new book from her. What do you think is the best thing to do?
(i) Gita runs away with her book.
(ii) Gita fights with Rohan.
(iii) Gita talks to Rohan.
(iv) Gita cries in a corner.
Now share with the class why you feel so?

“(iii) Gita talks to Rohan” is the best thing to do because all the other ways are not considered as good manners.

Question: Find a rhyming word from the story “The wind and the sun” for each of these words: bun, hold, boat, fan, sunny, pot.

Rhyming words of:

    1. The bun is the sun.
    2. The hold is cold.
    3. The boat is coat.
    4. The fan is the man.
    5. Sunny is funny.
    6. The pot is hot.

Question: Here are some doing words in the story “The wind and the sun”: (Walking, smiling, blowing, pulling)
Find two more ‘doing words’ in the story that ends in ‘ing’ and then write them.

The two more ‘doing words’ in the story that ends in ‘ing’ are:
1. Shining
2. Wiping

Question: Choose the right word from below and fill in the blanks: (Pulled, took, blew, felt, wanted, started)
One day the wind and the sun had a competition. They _____ to make a man take off his coat. First, the wind _____ hard. The man ______ his coat tightly round himself. Then the sun _____ shining hard. The man ______ hot and he ____ off his coat.


Question: Write the opposites of:
1. Good
2. Tall
3. Hard
4. Black

The opposites of:
1. Good is bad.
2. Tall is short.
3. Hard is soft.
4. Black is white.

Question: Read the poem “A big wind” and tell which sentence is right and which is wrong.
1. The wind can blow down a house.
2. The wind can blow down a field.
3. The wind can blow down a child.
4. The wind can blow down a tree.
5. The wind can blow down a river.

1. Right
2. Wrong
3. Wrong
4. Right
5. Wrong

Unit 3 (Marigold) of class 2nd English was very nice and interesting. Students learn many things from this unit. Many skills like listening skills, learning skills, speaking skills, etc develop from this unit.

What is the moral of the story Unit 3 chapter 1 from class 2nd class Marigold?

The moral of the story is to smile and make others smile too.

What do you think the poem unit 3 chapter 1 from class 2nd Marigold is easy to understand?

The poem is easy to understand and also short in length so children and read it with ease.

How the poet in the poem unit 3 chapter 1 does from class 2nd Marigold says the smile can be two?

Once someone smiles the other people will smile back and that makes it two people smiling.

This rhyme unit 3 chapter 2 from class 2nd Marigold is easy to memorize?

The rhyme is easy to memorize and even can be used as a fun activity.

What do you think about the rhyme unit 3 chapter 2 from class 2nd Marigold?

The rhyme is very easy and can become the favorite rhyme for the kids with all the action it asks to do along with the singing.

What is the moral of the story unit 3 chapter 3 from class 2nd Marigold?

The moral of the story is one cannot force a person to do everything as the wind did but sometimes smiling at someone can make a difference like a sun smile at the person.

Do you think the author used easy words in the story unit 3 chapter 3 from class 2nd Marigold? Taken from Aesop’s Fables?

The actual fable is long but for the children, the author made it short and easy to understand.

What the person felt in the story unit 3 chapter 3 from class 2nd Marigold when the wind blew strong and then Sun shines over the person.

The person felt cold as the wind blew strong and then felt so hot so he took off his coat.

Is this story unit 3 chapter 3 from class 2nd Marigold can be cover in one day?

The story is easy to understand and not long so yes it is easy and short to cover in one day.

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Last Edited: June 8, 2024