NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Sociology Part 2 Chapter 4 MCQ Change and Development in Rural Society with solutions of exercises questions for session 2024-25. Students of 12th Sociology can learn here with Social Change and Development in India chapter 4 multiple choice questions.

Class 12 Sociology Part 2 Chapter 4 MCQ Explanation


During land rule, the Zamindari system caused……to stagnate & decline.

[A]. Agricultural Production
[B]. Industrial Production
[C]. Government Land
[D]. None of these

Now’s the only most vital resource & variety of property in rural society.

[A]. Personal Land
[B]. Agricultural Land
[C]. Panchayat Land
[D]. Government Land

……………imposed the upper limit on the number of land that may be owned by a selected family.

[A]. Land Ceiling Laws
[B]. Agrarian Laws
[C]. Raiyatwari system
[D]. Zamindari System

Land reforms introduced after independence

[A]. Abolition of Zamindari System
[B]. Tenancy Abolition and Regulation Acts
[C]. Both [A] and [B]
[D]. Royatwari Abolition Act

With regard system of land settlement actual cultivators’ and not zamindars were liable for paying the tax.
[A] Zamindari System
[B] Iqta System
[C] Mahalwari System
[D] Royatwari System
[D] Royatwari System
This system of land revenue was instituted within the late 18th century by Sir Thomas Munro, Governor of Madras in 1820. This was practised within the Madras and Bombay areas, also as Assam and Coorg provinces. During this system, the peasants or cultivators were considered the owners of the land.They had ownership rights, could sell, mortgage or gift the land.The taxes were directly collected by the govt from the peasants.
The rates were 50% in dryland and 60% within the wetland.The rates were high and in contrast to the Permanent System, they were hospitable being increased.If they did not pay the taxes, they were evicted by the govt. Ryot means peasant cultivators.

Class 12 Sociology Part 2 Chapter 4 MCQ with Answers


The …………… was the time within which agricultural production increased significantly as a results of new inventions.

[A]. Globalization
[B]. Revolution
[C]. Modernization
[D]. Land Reforms

Which of the subsequent is/are the characteristics of the agricultural labour?

[A]. They work for others
[B]. They’re more often paid less wages I.e. below the statutory minimum wages
[C]. They own no land of their own
[D]. All the above

Revolution Programmes were introduced only in areas that had ……….

[A]. Industrial location
[B]. Assured irrigation
[C]. Availability of war material
[D]. Sanitation facilities

Golden Revolution is said to

[A]. Wheat production
[B]. Horticulture
[C]. Milk production
[D]. Floriculture

The method within which the rich grew richer & many of the poor stagnated or grew poorer is thought as ….
[A] Land Reforms
[B] Differentiation
[C] Globalization
[D] Revolution
[B] Differentiation
Differentiation could be a method of finding the derivative of a function. Differentiation may be a process, in Maths, where we discover the instantaneous rate of change in function supported one in all its variables. The foremost common example is that the rate change of displacement with reference to time, called velocity. The other of finding a derivative is anti-differentiation.

Class 12 Sociology Part 2 Chapter 4 Multiple Choice Questions

Father of white revolution in India

[A]. Mahatma Gandhi
[B]. Dr. Vehgese Kurien
[C]. Tribhuvandas Patel
[D]. Anand

The laws that impose upper limit on the quantity of land which will be owned by a selected family is thought so long as

[A]. Land Ceiling Act
[B]. Rayatwari System
[C]. Abolition of Zamindari system
[D]. Tenancy Abolition & Regulation Act

Why in most regions of India, women are excluded from ownership of land?

[A]. Thanks to the patrilineal kinship system & mode of inheritance
[B]. Because they’re weak
[C]. Because they’re incapable
[D]. All of those

Which yojna was initiated by the government. Regarding the transformation of rural development?

[A]. Deen Dyal Upadhayaya Gram Jyoti Yojna
[B]. Gram Uday se Bharat Uday Abhiyaan
[C]. National Urban benefits
[D]. Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna

Women are emerging because the main source of jack. Which is usually termed as if of agricultural force?
[A] Feminisation
[B] Masculinisation
[C] Women workforce
[D] None of those
[A] Feminisation
In sociology, feminization is that the shift in gender roles and sex roles in an exceedingly society, group, or organization towards attention upon the female. It may also mean the incorporation of ladies into a gaggle or a profession that was once dominated by men. Agriculture is a crucial engine of growth and poverty reduction. But the arena is under performing in many countries partly because women, who are often a vital resource in agriculture and also the rural economy, face constraints that reduce their productivity.

Class 12 Sociology Part 2 Chapter 4 Important MCQs

Many of the working poor were tied to landowners in ‘hereditary’ labour relationships (bonded labour) such as____ System in Gujarat.

[A]. Jotdaar
[B]. Iqta
[C]. Halpati
[D]. Gahapati

In class System Headman of the village collected the tax

[A]. Mahalwari System
[B]. Zamindari System
[C]. Royatwari System
[D]. Iqta System

Which of the subsequent is/are ‘hereditary’ labour relationships (bonded labour)

[A]. Jeeta system
[B]. Halpati system
[C]. Both [A] and [B]
[D]. None of the above

In rural areas, there’s a fancy system between caste and …….

[A]. Religion
[B]. Community
[C]. Class
[D]. Family

Which statement is correct regarding Ceiling Acts?
[A] Ceiling relied on the productivity of land.
[B] Limits to be imposed on the ownership of land.
[C] Both [A] and [B]
[D] Neither [A] nor [B]

[C] Both [A] and [B]
Land ceiling laws have proved to be unsatisfactory and Identified land for distribution has not been distributed thanks to charge against it are true.