Class 12 Psychology Chapter 7 MCQ Social Influence and Group Processes in English Medium updated for CBSE session 2024-25. Class 12 Psychology chapter 7 Solutions and MCQs are the best study material for the preparation of exams. It provides the complete revision of the chapter in the form of MCQ.

Class 12 Psychology Chapter 7 MCQ

A ______, is also a collection of people who may be present at a place/situation by chance.
a) Crowd
b) Group
c) Team
d) Mob

a) Crowd
According to Kimballyoung “A crowd is a gathering of considerable number of persons around a centre or point of common attention.”

Class 12 Psychology Chapter 7 MCQ Set 1


An _______ is a collection of people who have assembled for a special purpose, may be to watch a cricket match or a movie

[A]. Team
[B]. Audience
[C]. Mob
[D]. None of the above.

_____ is a stage of intra-group conflict

[A]. Performing
[B]. Norming
[C]. Storming
[D]. Adjourning

______ refers to togetherness, binding, or mutual attraction among group members.

[A]. Cohesiveness
[B]. Proximity
[C]. Groupthink
[D]. None of the above.

____ is a reduction in individual effort when working on a collective task.

[A]. Social loafing
[B]. Team work
[C]. Competition
[D]. Groupthink

The term _______ refers to those processes whereby our attitudes and behaviours are influenced by the real or imagined presence of other people.
a) Proximity
b) Competition
c) Cooperation
d) Social influence

d) Social influence
Social influence is the process by which an individual’s attitudes, beliefs or behavior are modified by the presence or action of others.

Class 12 Psychology Chapter 7 MCQ Set 2


_____ means that people feel obliged to return what they get.

[A]. Reciprocity
[B]. Competition
[C]. Reward structure
[D]. None of the above.

When groups work together to achieve shared goals, we refer to it as

[A]. Unity
[B]. Cooperation
[C]. Team work
[D]. None of the above.

Which one of the following is the characteristic of a social group?

[A]. Personal Motive
[B]. Insecurity
[C]. Norms
[D]. Division

Membership of a club is an example of

[A]. Primary group
[B]. Secondary group
[C]. Out-group
[D]. Mob

Which of these stages is used to wrap up activities of the group and provide a sense of closure to its members?
a) Forming
b) Performing
c) Norming
d) Adjourning.

d) Adjourning
The fifth and final stage of group development—the adjourning stage—was created by Bruce Tuckman in 1977 and takes place when a group completes its work before dissolving. It is critical that team members receive proper closure and praise for the work they completed during this time.

Class 12 Psychology Chapter 7 MCQ Set 3


Group think is a consequence of extreme.

[A]. Cohesiveness
[B]. Security
[C]. Self esteem
[D]. Safety

Feeling of togetherness that keeps a group intact is called

[A]. Norms
[B]. Roles
[C]. Status
[D]. Cohesiveness

Religious group is an example of

[A]. Primary group
[B]. Secondary group
[C]. Formal group
[D]. Out-group

____ are special kinds of groups. Members of teams often have complementary skills and are committed to a common goal or purpose.

[A]. Groups
[B]. Teams
[C]. Crowd
[D]. Mob

Cohesion amongst group members can interfere with effective leadership and lead to disastrous decision. This process is called:
a) Cohesiveness
b) Groupthink
c) Polarization
d) Conflict

b) Groupthink
Groupthink is a type of thinking wherein individuals inside small, cohesive groups have a tendency to accept an idea or judgement that they perceive to represent the consensus of the group, regardless of whether they deem it to be true, accurate, or preferable.

Class 12 Psychology Chapter 7 MCQ Set 4

Collection of people assembled for a particular purpose is called an

[A]. Audience
[B]. Group
[C]. Mob
[D]. Crowd

Identify the correct sequence of the stages of group formation

[A]. Performing, norming, storming and forming
[B]. Forming, storming, norming and performing
[C]. Norming, storming, forming and performing
[D]. Storming, norming, performing and forming

Working together to achieve shared goals is called

[A]. Cooperation
[B]. Compliance
[C]. Conformity
[D]. Obedience

Membership of a club is an example of

[A]. Primary group
[B]. Secondary group
[C]. Out-group
[D]. Large group

The following are examples of a group
a) family
b) class
c) playgroup
d) all of the above.

d) all of the above
Any collection or assemblage, particularly of items or individuals. For example, in social psychology the term refers to two or more interdependent individuals who influence one another through social interactions that commonly include structures involving roles and norms, a degree of cohesiveness, and shared goals.

Class 12 Psychology Chapter 7 MCQ Set 5

A collection of people around a roadside performer is an example of a

[A]. Group
[B]. Crowd
[C]. Mob
[D]. Audience

Behaving according to the group norm is called

[A]. Compliance
[B]. Conformity
[C]. Obedience
[D]. Cooperation

The person begins by making a small request that the other person is not likely to refuse. This is the ________ technique of compliance.

[A]. The door-in-the-face technique
[B]. The deadline technique
[C]. The foot-in-the-door technique
[D]. None of the above.

Religion is an example of which type of group?

[A]. Primary group
[B]. Secondary group
[C]. Formal group
[D]. None of these.

The highest organized group is
a) Country
b) family
c) Army
d) Industrial Organization

c) Army
The members of the organised group take on various duties in respect to the shared objectives. The level of organisation can range from very loose, informal, to highly complicated, official. However, the group becomes an organisation if it has a leader.

Class 12 Psychology Chapter 7 MCQ Set 6

University is an example?

[A]. Informal group
[B]. Formal group
[C]. Contingent group
[D]. None of these.

Why do people join the group?

[A]. Security
[B]. Status
[C]. Self respect
[D]. All of these.

What is meant by group structure?

[A]. Group size
[B]. Group effectiveness
[C]. Goal of the group
[D]. All of these.

Better performance of a specific task in the presence of a person is called

[A]. Social Facilitation
[B]. Social Labor Forestry
[C]. Altruism
[D]. Obedience

What is social behavior?
a) Those who are in accordance with the social rule.
b) Those who are against the social rule.
c) Both ‘ A ‘ and ‘ B ‘
d) Those who are according to one’s own wish.

a) Those who are in accordance with the social rule.
All behaviour that affects or is influenced by other members of the same species is referred to as social behaviour.

Class 12 Psychology Chapter 7 MCQ Set 7

What is not the cause of group conflict?

[A]. Lack of communication
[B]. Relative Proverbs
[C]. Perceived inequality
[D]. Reward Structure

In which of the following do the members have complementary skills?

[A]. In a group
[B]. In the team
[C]. In a audience
[D]. None of these.

Which of the following does not contribute to group formation?

[A]. Self-esteem
[B]. Proximity
[C]. Equality
[D]. None of these.

A group made up of husband and wife be placed under?
a) Primary group
b) Secondary group
c) Temporary Group
d) all of these.

a) Primary Group
A primary group is a social group that is often small and whose members have strong, persistent primary relationships. Concern for one another, common interests and cultures, and extended amounts of time spent together characterise these groupings.