NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Geography Chapter 1 MCQ Population Distribution, Density, Growth and Composition for CBSE 2024-25. The Multiple Choice Questions of Class 12 Geography Part 2 India People and Economy unit 1 chapter 1 are given here with answers and explanation.

Which Union Territory has small proportion of workers engaged in tertiary sector?
[A] New Delhi
[B] Ladakh
[C] Chandigarh
[D] Puducherry
[B] Ladakh

Which state has the lowest population in India as per 2011 census?
[A] Sikkim
[B] New Delhi
[C] Gujarat
[D] Kerala
[A] Sikkim

Class 12 Geography Part 2 Chapter 1 MCQ with Answers


Which is the second most populous country in world?

[A]. India
[B]. China
[C]. Canada
[D]. United States of America

What puts more pressure on natural resources of a country?

[A]. Youth
[B]. Over population
[C]. Uneven density of population
[D]. Unskilled labor

In how many years a country collects its data on population?

[A]. Every year
[B]. Every five years
[C]. Every ten years
[D]. On semi-annual basis

Which of the following factors are responsible for uneven spatial distribution of population?

[A]. Historical
[B]. Climate
[C]. Water availability
[D]. All of the above

Linguistic diversity refers to
[A] Language
[B] Literacy
[C] Horizontal growth of cities
[D] Employment
[A] Language

Which of the following factors are not taken into consideration while determining ‘population composition’?
[A] Marital status
[B] Literacy
[C] Uniforms
[D] Religion
[C] Uniforms

Class 12 Geography Part 2 Chapter 1 Multiple Choice Questions


The North eastern Indian states have _____ densities of population?

[A]. High
[B]. Low
[C]. Moderate
[D]. Both [B] and [C]

Which period in India is known as period of stagnant growth of population?

[A]. 1951 to 1981
[B]. 1921 to 1951
[C]. 1901 to 1921
[D]. 2000 to 2018

In India 1951 to 1981 period is known as

[A]. Stationary phase
[B]. Population explosion
[C]. Green revolution
[D]. Economic growth

When National Youth Policy was introduces in India?

[A]. 2018
[B]. 1991
[C]. 2014
[D]. 2000

Density of population refer to
[A] Number of persons per unit area
[B] Number of religious persons living in particular area
[C] Over population of a state
[D] Sharp decline in population
[A] Number of persons per unit area.

India accounts for what percentage of world population?
[A] 20%
[B] 16.7%
[C] 2%
[D] 51%
[B] 16.7%

Class 12 Geography Part 2 Chapter 1 Important MCQs

Who are ‘Marginal Workers’?

[A]. Who works more than 6 months a year
[B]. Who works less than 6 months a year
[C]. Who depends on others for survival
[D]. Who goes abroad several times a year

The purpose of promoting campaign “Beti Bachao-Beti Padhao” was

[A]. To stop child sex ratio from declining
[B]. Women empowerment
[C]. Removal of gender inequality
[D]. All of the above

Who are ‘cultivators’ on an agricultural land?

[A]. A farmer with limited land ownership
[B]. Who work on other’s land
[C]. A person who grows something on land
[D]. Money lender

What is the percentage of population that lives in villages in India as per 2011 census?

[A]. 20.90
[B]. 31.16
[C]. 78.98
[D]. 68.80

Which Union Territory has the highest population in India as per 2011 census?
[A] Chandigarh
[B] Ladakh
[C] Lakshadweep
[D] New Delhi
[D] New Delhi

Which state has the highest population in India as per 2011 census?
[A] Haryana
[B] Uttar Pradesh
[C] Maharashtra
[D] Tamil Nadu
[B] Uttar Pradesh

The magnitude of population growth refers to
[A] Rate at which population increases
[B] Number of girls per thousand males
[C] Rate of birth
[D] Total population of an area
[D] Total population of an area