Class 11 Psychology Chapter 9 MCQ Motivation and Emotion in English Medium useful for new CBSE session 2024-25. Get here class 11 Psychology chapter 9 important questions and Multiple Choice Questions for the preparation of exams.

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Motives are never observed directly; but they’re inferred from:
[A] Stimulus
[B] Conflict
[C] Tension
[D] Behaviour
[D] Behaviour
The concept of behavior in psychology. The psychology dictionary states that the term behavior means ”the activity of an organism interacting with its. environment” (Doron and Parot, 1999). The term refers to any or all activities normally or to a given activity.

Class 11 Psychology Chapter 9 MCQ with Answers


Both the terms emotion and motivation came from the identical Latin root

[A]. Movement
[B]. Move
[C]. Moment
[D]. Movere

In step with Lewin, tensions are emotional states which accompany

[A]. Needs
[B]. Motives
[C]. Goals
[D]. Anxieties

In avoidance-avoidance conflict, the individual is compelled to settle on between

[A]. One positive and one negative alternative
[B]. Two negative alternatives
[C]. Two positive alternatives
[D]. Two negative alternatives and two positive alternatives

Individual’s life goal is:
[A] Social Motive
[B] Biological Motive
[C] Personal Motive
[D] An Instinct
[C] Personal Motive
Personal motivation also referred to as intrinsic or self-motivation will be defined as motivation arising from a personality’s internal desires for the satisfaction and fulfillment of specific needs.

When the motive features a biological or physiological basis, it’s called
[A] Drive
[B] Incentive
[C] Imprinting
[D] Libido
[A] Drive
drive, in psychology, an urgent basic need pressing for satisfaction, usually rooted in some physiological tension, deficiency, or imbalance (e.g., hunger and thirst) and impelling the organism to action.

Class 11 Psychology Chapter 9 MCQ Explanation


A releaser could be a highly specific stimulus that “triggers” or initiates

[A]. Response
[B]. Social Behaviour
[C]. Gregariousness
[D]. Species-specific behaviour

Who assumed that human motives are arranged in an exceedingly hierarchy of potency?

[A]. Neal Miller (1959)
[B]. Janis and Mann (1977)
[C]. Jerome Singer (1962)
[D]. A. H. Maslow (1970)

Endocrine and placenta of pregnant women secret the hormone

[A]. Estrogens
[B]. Androgens
[C]. Progestins
[D]. Adrenalin

Needs, drives or motives:
[A] Is directly observed
[B] Can not be directly observed
[C] Are always dormant
[D] Are same
[B] Can not be directly observed
motives are suggested because the specific motivational element that directs the consumer′s drive towards a selected response. Thus while needs generate the response tendency, motives determine the precise behavioural action.

Gregariousness is a/an:
[A] Social motive
[D] Biological motive
[C] Psychological motive
[D] Personal motive
[A] Social motive
the tendency for folks to enjoy the corporate of others and to require to go along with them in social activities. Gregariousness gives people security, companionship, acceptance, and a way of belonging. In nonhuman animals, gregariousness is seen within the tendency to congregate in herds or flocks.

Class 11 Psychology Chapter 9 Multiple Choice Questions

In line with Maslow, the self-actualizing tendency is

[A]. Instinct
[B]. Imprinting
[C]. Growth Motivation
[D]. Deficiency motivation

Need for achievement may be measured by

[A]. Binnet’s scale
[B]. Thurstone’s scale
[C]. TAT (Thematic Apperception Test)
[D]. Semantic Differential scale

The need to be with one’s own kind is termed as

[A]. Gregariousness
[B]. Consumatory behaviour
[C]. Imprinting
[D]. Coolidge Effect

Motives can be:
[A] Inferred from behaviour
[B] Observed directly
[C] Accustomed explain behaviour
[D] Wont to predict behaviour
[A] Inferred from behaviour
Inferred motives shape what an agent’s actions reveal about their character to observers, and thereby allow observers to higher predict others’ future actions.

A motivated behaviour is directed towards:
[A] Situation
[B] Object
[C] Goal
[D] Group
[C] Goal
People differ not only in their ability to try and do but also in their will to try and do, or motivation. The motivation of individuals depends on the strength of their motives. Motives are needs, Page wants, drives, or impulses within the individual. Motives are directed towards goals, which can be conscious or sub-conscious.

Class 11 Psychology Chapter 9 Important MCQs

The sort of conflict during which the goal of the individual has both positive and negative valence of approximate equal intensity is understood as

[A]. Approach-avoidance conflicts
[B]. Avoidance-avoidance confects
[C]. Approach-approach conflict
[D]. Multiple approach-avoidance conflicts

A missy who turns herself into a non secular worker includes a strong

[A]. Approach gradient
[B]. Social Motive
[C]. Hypervigilance
[D]. Encephalization

The author of the hierarchical theory of motivation is

[A]. O. H. Mowrer
[B]. McClelland
[C]. J. W. Atkinson
[D]. A. H. Maslow

When progress towards a goal is blocked and underlying tension is unresolved, we speak of:
[A] Frustration
[B] Critical Period
[C] Goal
[D] Restriction
[A] Frustration
In psychology, frustration could be a common emotional response to opposition, associated with anger, annoyance and disappointment. Frustration arises from the perceived resistance to the fulfillment of a person’s will or goal and is probably going to extend when a will or goal is denied or blocked.

Survival needs activate the organism to:
[A] Provide for physiological deficits
[B] Seek pleasure
[C] Avoid pain
[D] Gain status and recognition
[A] Provide for physiological deficits
When progress towards a goal is blocked and underlying tension is unresolved we speak of. Survival has to activate the organism to. Motives are often. A motivated behaviour is directed towards.

Last Edited: November 16, 2022