Class 11 English Snapshots Chapter 2 MCQ the Address presented by Marga Minco for new session 2024-25. Get here study material and Multiple Choice Questions of Class 11 English Supplementary Reader Chapter 2 to help in preparation during the exams.

What metal was the cutlery of Mrs S’s house made of?
[A] Brass
[B] Stainless Steel
[C] Copper
[D] Silver
[D] Silver

Class 11 English Snapshots Chapter 2 MCQ with Answers


Who was Mrs S?

[A]. One who became dishonest by taking someone’s goods
[B]. Who gave her belongings
[C]. Who went to get her family belongings
[D]. Who made the tea

What’s the meaning of the word ‘fleetingly’?

[A]. Darkness
[B]. Permanent
[C]. Momentary
[D]. Photograph

Who refused to recognize the girl who went to collect her mother’s belongings?

[A]. Mrs S
[B]. Daughter of Mrs Dorling
[C]. Marga Minco
[D]. Mrs Dorling

Whose green cardigan was it?

[A]. Mrs Dorling
[B]. Mrs S
[C]. Mrs Minco
[D]. Mrs Jonas

How does the author describe the living room of “The Address”?
[A] Lavish
[B] Muggy smell
[C] Well arranged
[D] Pathetic
[B] Muggy smell

Which of these items from her home the author did not find at Mrs Dorling’s house?
[A] Forks
[B] Service spoons
[C] Knives
[D] Spoons
[B] Service spoons

Class 11 English Snapshots Chapter 2 MCQ Explanation


What excuse did Mrs Dorling make of not meeting?

[A]. Inconvenient time of the day
[B]. She was ill
[C]. She was leaving for urgent meeting
[D]. Guests sitting at home

Who moved the curtain in this story?

[A]. Author
[B]. Spirit of Mrs S
[C]. Someone from Mrs Dorling’s house saw them talking
[D]. Mrs Dorling’s daughter

How did the author reach to collect her mother’s belongings?

[A]. By air
[B]. By train
[C]. By taxi
[D]. On foot

What change did author felt at her home in first half of the War?

[A]. Household items were scattered
[B]. Her mother was often away from home
[C]. Both [A] and [B]
[D]. Some household items were missing

What did the author ask permission before leaving Mrs Dorling’s house?
[A] She’s getting late for airport
[B] She should leave to catch train
[C] She should leave as someone waiting for her outside
[D] To take all the crockery with herself
[B] She should leave to catch train

Who is the protagonist of “The Address”?
[A] Mrs Dorling’s daughter
[B] Mrs Dorling
[C] Mrs S
[D] Mrs S’s daughter
[D] Mrs S’s daughter

Class 11 English Snapshots Chapter 2 Multiple Choice Questions

Were Mrs Dorling and Mrs S childhood friends?

[A]. No
[B]. Yes
[C]. Not mentioned

What’s the meaning of the word ‘pityingly’?

[A]. Disdain
[B]. Apathy
[C]. Empathy
[D]. Discord

What was Mrs Dorling wearing when she was introduced with Mrs S’s daughter?

[A]. Black coat
[B]. Brown coat
[C]. Blue Jeans
[D]. White coat

Name the street where Mrs Dorling had her house

[A]. Walnut Avenue
[B]. Lincoln Street
[C]. Olive Street
[D]. Marconi Street

What’s the meaning of the word ‘jingling’?
[A] Screaming sound
[B] Sound of breaking
[C] Metallic singing sound
[D] Sound of falling
[C] Metallic singing sound

Class 11 English Snapshots Chapter 2 Important MCQs

Why does the author decide to return to Mrs Dorling after her failed first meeting with her, though she was leading her normal life?

[A]. She wanted to touch and get the things that belonged to her mother
[B]. She wanted to take revenge on Mrs Dorling
[C]. This time she didn’t want to return empty handed
[D]. None of the above

Why author could not meet Mrs Dorling in her second visit to 46, Marconi Street?

[A]. Mrs Dorling refused to meet her
[B]. Mrs Dorling was out for some work
[C]. Mrs Dorling’s daughter does not call her mother
[D]. None of the above

What is Hanukkah?

[A]. Candle holder
[B]. Mirror
[C]. Festival
[D]. Crockery

How did Mrs Dorling’s daughter treat the author?

[A]. Cordial welcome
[B]. As her mother did to author
[C]. Did not respect
[D]. Greeted as elder sister

Why author want to forget her mother’s belongings after coming from Mrs Dorlings’s house?
[A] Things lost its value because Mrs Dorling treated them badly
[B] Because now there was no hope of getting them
[C] Because it was expensive to visit Mrs Dorling’s home so frequently
[D] Because Mrs Dorling’s daughter told her not to come again
[A] Things lost its value because Mrs Dorling treated them badly

Who said this “I thought that no one had come back”?
[A] Author
[B] Mrs Dorling
[C] Mrs S
[D] Mrs Dorling’s daughter
[B] Mrs Dorling

Last Edited: September 4, 2023