Class 10 Science Chapter 5 MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) test series of Life Processes updated for new academic session 2024-25. These questions are important for CBSE Board examination as it contains important questions from CBSE Sample Papers, Questions from Board Papers also. After going through the chapter 5 of Class 10 Science, students should practice these questions to cross check there level of preparation for exams. More MCQ Questions will be added as per need of the students.

Class 10 Science Chapter 5 MCQ for 2024-25

Chapter: 5Life Processes
Contents:MCQ Tests
Session:CBSE 2024-25

Class 10 Science Chapter 5 MCQ Test for Revision

The following test of MCQs contains 10 questions for practice. Considering each questions as of 1 mark, attend the test. If you are getting less than 40 percent marks means, you need to go through NCERT Books once again. Doing more than 6 or more questions correctly is satisfactory.


Select the correct statement:

[A]. Heterotrophs do not synthesize their own food
[B]. Heterotrophs utilize solar energy for photosynthesis
[C]. Heterotrophs synthesize their own food
[D]. Heterotrophs are capable of converting carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates

In which of the following groups of organisms, food material is broken down outside the body and absorbed?

[A]. Mushroom, green plants, Amoeba
[B]. Yeast, mushroom, bread mould
[C]. Paramecium, Amoeba, Cuscuta
[D]. Cuscuta, lice, tapeworm

Which is the correct sequence of parts in human alimentary canal?

[A]. Mouth → stomach → small intestine → oesophagus → large intestine.
[B]. Mouth →oesophagus → stomach → large intestine → small intestine.
[C]. Mouth → stomach → oesophagus → small intestine → large intestine.
[D]. Mouth → oesophagus → stomach → small intestine → large intestine.

Which of the following statement is or are incorrect?

[A]. All the living organisms need energy to perform various life processes.
[B]. Energy is not required by an organism during sleep.
[C]. Food is a kind of will which provides energy to all living organisms.
[D]. Our body gets longest size in in early morning in the bed.

Which of the following statement(s) is (are) correct?

[A]. Pyruvate can be converted into ethanol and carbon dioxide by yeast, and Fermentation takes place in mitochondria.
[B]. Fermentation takes place in aerobic bacteria, and Fermentation is a form of anaerobic respiration.
[C]. Pyruvate can be converted into ethanol and carbon dioxide by yeast, and Fermentation is a form of anaerobic respiration.
[D]. Fermentation takes place in aerobic bacteria, and Fermentation takes place in mitochondria.

Which of the following is an incorrect statement?

[A]. Organisms grow with time.
[B]. Organisms must repair and maintain their structure.
[C]. Movement of molecules does not take place among cells.
[D]. Energy is essential for life processes.

In a quiz competition, you are asked a question where you have to choose the statement which is/ are incorrect?

[A]. Those organisms which can make their own food from the organic substances present in the environment are called autotrophs.
[B]. Those organisms which cannot make their own food and depends on the other organisms for their food are called heterotrophs.
[C]. A nutrient can be defined as a substance which an organism obtains from its surroundings and uses it as a source of energy.
[D]. None of the above.

The opening and closing of the stomatal pore depends upon

[A]. Oxygen
[B]. Temperature
[C]. Water in guard cells
[D]. Concentration of CO2 in stomata

Which of the following equations is the summary of photosynthesis?

[A]. 6CO2 + 12H2O → C6H12O6 + 6CO2 + 6H2O
[B]. 6CO2 + H2O + Sunlight → C6H12O6 + O2 + 6H2O
[C]. 6CO2 + 12H2O + Chlorophyll + Sunlight → C6H12O6 + 6O2 + 6H2O
[D]. 6CO2 + 12H2O + Chlorophyll + Sunlight → C6H12O6 + 6CO2 + 6H2O

Which of the following statement is or are correct?

[A]. There are a large number of tiny pores called stomata on the surface of the leaves of plants.
[B]. When the plant does not need carbon dioxide and want to conserve water the stomatal pores are closed.
[C]. The stomata are also present in the green stems of a plant.
[D]. All the above.

Which is the correct sequence of air passage during inhalation?

[A]. Nostrils → larynx → pharynx → trachea → lungs
[B]. Nasal passage → trachea → pharynx → larynx → alveoli
[C]. Larynx → nostrils → pharynx → lungs
[D]. Nostrils → pharynx → larynx → trachea → alveoli

During respiration exchange of gases take place in

[A]. Trachea and larynx
[B]. Alveoli of lungs
[C]. Alveoli and throat
[D]. Throat and larynx

Oxygen liberated during photosynthesis comes from

[A]. Water
[B]. Chlorophyll
[C]. Carbon dioxide
[D]. Glucose

The inner lining of stomach is protected by one of the following from hydrochloric acid. Choose the correct one

[A]. Pepsin
[B]. Mucus
[C]. Salivary amylase
[D]. Bile

If salivary amylase is lacking in the saliva, which of the following events in the mouth cavity will be affected?

[A]. Proteins breaking down into amino acids
[B]. Starch breaking down into sugars
[C]. Fats breaking down into fatty acids and glycerol
[D]. Absorption of vitamins

Single circulation i.e., blood flows through the heart only once during one cycle of passage through the body, is exhibited by

[A]. Labeo, Chameleon, Salamander
[B]. Hippocampus, Exocoetus, Anabas
[C]. Hyla, Rana, Draco
[D]. Whale, Dolphin, Turtle

Neha is writing some sentences about living things. Choose the statements which do not shows the characteristics of living things:

[A]. Living things need air and water.
[B]. Living things can respond to changes around them.
[C]. Living things respire or release energy from food.
[D]. Living things cannot move by themselves, such as plant.

Read the following sentences carefully, and choose the incorrect one:

[A]. An aerobic respiration take place in our muscles during vigorous physical exercise when oxygen gets used up faster in the muscles cells.
[B]. The accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles cause muscle cramps.
[C]. We can get relief from cramps in muscles caused by heavy exercise by taking a hot water bath or a message.
[D]. None of the above.

During respiration exchange of gases take place in

[A]. Trachea and larynx
[B]. Alveoli of lungs
[C]. Alveoli and throat
[D]. Throat and larynx

Which of the following statement is or are incorrect?

[A]. The respiration which takes place without oxygen is called an aerobic respiration.
[B]. In an aerobic respiration the microorganisms like east break down glucose into ethanol and carbon dioxide and release energy.
[C]. The whole process of an aerobic respiration take place in the Protoplasm of cells.
[D]. None of the above

Which is the first enzyme to mix with food in the digestive tract?

[A]. Pepsin
[B]. Cellulase
[C]. Amylase
[D]. Trypsin

Which of the following statement is correct?

[A]. Pyruvate can be converted into ethanol and carbon dioxide by yeast. Fermentation takes place in mitochondria.
[B]. Fermentation takes place in aerobic bacteria. Fermentation is a form of anaerobic respiration.
[C]. Pyruvate can be converted into ethanol and carbon dioxide by yeast. Fermentation is a form of anaerobic respiration.
[D]. Fermentation takes place in aerobic bacteria. Fermentation takes place in mitochondria.

Lack of oxygen in muscles often leads to cramps among cricketers. This results due to

[A]. Conversion of pyruvate to ethanol.
[B]. Conversion of pyruvate to glucose.
[C]. Non conversion of glucose to pyruvate.
[D]. Conversion of pyruvate to lactic acid.

Which is the correct sequence of air passage during inhalation?

[A]. Nostrils → Larynx → Pharynx → Trachea → Lungs
[B]. Nasal passage → Trachea → Pharynx → Larynx → Alveoli
[C]. Larynx → Nostrils → Pharynx → Lungs
[D]. Nostrils → Pharynx →Larynx → Trachea → Alveoli

A few drops of iodine solution were added to rice water. The solution turned blue-black in colour. This indicates that rice water contains:

[A]. Complex proteins
[B]. Simple proteins
[C]. Fats
[D]. Starch
Class 10 Science Chapter 5 MCQ Tests

Class 10 Science Chapter 5 MCQ Tests are given for the practice of topic LIFE PROCESSES. The questions are picked up from NCERT Books, Some popular publisher’s books and NCERT Exemplar Problems books. These are a complete sets of questions for knowledge testing as well as preparation of CBSE Board Exams.

Are MCQs of chapter 5 important for class 10 Board exams?

As per the latest syllabus MCQs are compulsory in board exams. There will be very short questions including MCQ. It may be case study based questions or direct multiple choice questions.

Is the explanation of MCQ required in Board Exams for full score?

You may give only the correct option as answer but if you know the correct explanation, please give in brief.

What are the maximum number of MCQs in Class 10 Science Boards?

The maximum marks of MCQ depends on weightage of the chapter in class 10th science.

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Last Edited: April 26, 2023