The sky appears dark instead of blue to an astronaut because of the absence of Earth’s atmosphere in space. The blue colour of the sky on Earth is due to Rayleigh scattering, where molecules in the atmosphere scatter sunlight, especially the shorter blue wavelengths. In space, without an atmosphere to scatter sunlight, the sky lacks this blue coloration and appears dark, revealing the vast, unlit expanse of outer space.

Let’s discuss in detail

The Dark Sky in Space: An Astronaut’s Perspective

Earth’s Blue Sky: A Result of Atmospheric Scattering
On Earth, the sky appears blue due to a phenomenon called Rayleigh scattering. This occurs when molecules in the Earth’s atmosphere scatter sunlight. Shorter wavelengths of light, particularly blue, are scattered more efficiently, giving the sky its characteristic blue colour.

The Role of Earth’s Atmosphere

The atmosphere plays a crucial role in determining the colour of the sky. It acts as a medium through which sunlight is scattered, affecting how we perceive light and colour in the sky.

Absence of Atmosphere in Space

In space, where astronauts orbit, there is no atmosphere. The absence of an atmospheric layer means there are no air molecules to scatter sunlight.

Why the Sky Appears Dark in Space

Without atmospheric scattering, the sunlight does not get dispersed into its component colors. As a result, the sky does not exhibit the blue hue that is observed from Earth’s surface. Instead, it appears dark.

Visibility of Stars and Other Celestial Bodies

This darkness in space allows astronauts to see stars and other celestial bodies more clearly. Unlike on Earth, where the atmosphere can obscure or dim celestial objects, in space, these objects are more vivid against the dark backdrop.

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The Contrast between Earth and Space
Thus, the dark sky seen by astronauts is a direct consequence of the absence of an atmosphere in space. It starkly contrasts with the blue sky seen from Earth, highlighting the significant role our atmosphere plays in shaping our visual experience of the sky.

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Questions of 10th Science Chapter 10 in Detail

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A person with a myopic eye cannot see objects beyond 1.2 m distinctly. What should be the type of the corrective lens used to restore proper vision?
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Why does the sky appear dark instead of blue to an astronaut?