Class 10 Maths Chapter 2 MCQ based on Case Study with answers and explanation for the first term exams 2024-25. All the questions including CBSE MCQ set of questions are answered with complete explanation. Class 10 Maths Chapter 2 Case study based MCQ of Polynomials helps the students to understand the pattern of CBSE question papers and way of answering.

Class 10 Maths Chapter 2 MCQ – Case Study

10th Maths Chapter 2 Case Study – 1

During the skipping through skipping rope, its look like the in the form of parabola. It is a natural examples of parabolic shape which is represented by a quadratic polynomial. Similarly, we can observe in many other cases forming a in a variety of forms of different parabolas.

10th Maths Chapter 2 Case Study – 1

In the standard form of quadratic polynomial, ax² + bx + c, the condition between a, b and c are

[A]. a may be 0, but b and c must be non-zero.
[B]. a, b and c all may be zero.
[C]. ‘a’ is a non-zero real number and b and c are any real numbers.
[D]. All are integers.

If the roots of the quadratic polynomial are unequal, where the discriminant D = b² – 4ac, then

[A]. D > 0
[B]. D < 0
[C]. D ≥ 0
[D]. D = 0

If α and -α are the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial 2x² – 3(k – 4)x – 8, then k is

[A]. 4
[B]. 1/4
[C]. -1/4
[D]. 2

The graph of x² – 1 = 0

[A]. Intersects x‐axis at two distinct points.
[B]. Touches x‐axis at a point.
[C]. Neither touches nor intersects x‐axis.
[D]. Either touches or intersects x‐ axis at one point.

If the sum of the roots is p and product of the roots is -p, then the quadratic polynomial is

[A]. k(px² + p + P)
[B]. k(px² – x/p – 1)
[C]. k(x² – px – p)
[D]. k(x² – px + p)

10th Maths Chapter 2 Case Study – 2

The below picture are few natural examples of parabolic shape which is represented by a quadratic polynomial. A parabolic arch is an arch in the shape of a parabola. In structures, their curve represents an efficient method of load, and so can be found in bridges and in architecture in a variety of forms.

10th Maths Chapter 2 Case Study – 2

In the standard form of quadratic polynomial, ax² + bx + c, a, b and c are

[A]. All are real numbers.
[B]. All are rational numbers.
[C]. ‘a’ is a non-zero real number and b and c are any real numbers.
[D]. All are integers.

If the roots of the quadratic polynomial are equal, where the discriminant D = b² – 4ac, then

[A]. D > 0
[B]. D < 0
[C]. D ≥ 0
[D]. D = 0

If α and 1/ α are the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial 2x² – x + 8k, then k is

[A]. 4
[B]. 1/4
[C]. -1/4
[D]. 2

The graph of x² + 1 = 0

[A]. Intersects x‐axis at two distinct points.
[B]. Touches x‐axis at a point.
[C]. Neither touches nor intersects x‐axis.
[D]. Either touches or intersects x‐ axis.

If the sum of the roots is –p and product of the roots is -1/p, then the quadratic polynomial is

[A]. k(-px² + x/p + 1)
[B]. k(px² – x/p – 1)
[C]. k(x² + px – 1/p)
[D]. k(x² – px + 1/p)

10th Maths Chapter 2 Case Study – 3

Observe the position of the athlete taking long jump. He use to follow every time a particular shape of path. In the figure, a student can observe that the different positions can be related to representation of quadratic polynomial.

10th Maths Chapter 2 Case Study – 3

The path of the different positions form a

[A]. Spiral
[B]. Ellipse
[C]. Linear
[D]. Parabola

If the above case is represented by quadratic polynomial ax² + bx + c, then

[A]. a ≥ 0
[B]. a = 0
[C]. a < 0
[D]. a > 0

If the sum of zeros of quadratic polynomial ax² + bx + c is equal to product of zero, then

[A]. b + c = 0
[B]. c + a = 0
[C]. a + b = 0
[D]. None of the above

Observe the graph given below.

Class 10 Maths Chapter 2 MCQ

In the above graph, how many zeroes are there for the polynomial?

[A]. 1
[B]. 2
[C]. 3
[D]. 4

The four zeroes in the above shown graph are

[A]. -4, -2, 1, 3
[B]. 4, 2, -1, -3
[C]. -4, 2, -1, 3
[D]. 1, 2, 3, 4
10th Maths Chapter 2 Case Study – 4

An asana is a body posture, originally and still a general term for a sitting meditation pose, and later extended in hatha yoga and modern yoga as exercise, to any type of pose or position, adding reclining, standing, inverted, twisting, and balancing poses. In the figure, one can observe that poses can be related to representation of quadratic polynomial.

10th Maths Chapter 2 Case Study – 4

The shape of the poses shown is

[A]. Spiral
[B]. Ellipse
[C]. Linear
[D]. Parabola

The graph of parabola opens downwards, if

[A]. a ≥ 0
[B]. a = 0
[C]. a < 0
[D]. a > 0

The zeroes of the quadratic polynomial 4√3 x² + 5x – 2√3 are

[A]. 2/√3, √3/4
[B]. -2/√3, √3/4
[C]. 2/√3, -√3/4
[D]. -2/√3, -√3/4

Observe the following graph:

Class 10 Maths Chapter 2 MCQ Case study

In the graph, how many zeroes are there for the polynomial?

[A]. 0
[B]. 1
[C]. 2
[D]. 3

The two zeroes in the above shown graph are

[A]. 2, 4
[B]. -2, 4
[C]. -8, 4
[D]. 2, -8
10th Maths Chapter 2 Case Study – 5

Basketball and soccer are played with a spherical ball. Even though an athlete dribbles the ball in both sports, a basketball player uses his hands and a soccer player uses his feet. Usually, soccer is played outdoors on a large field and basketball is played indoor on a court made out of wood. The projectile (path traced) of soccer ball and basketball are in the form of parabola representing quadratic polynomial.

10th Maths Chapter 2 Case Study – 5

The shape of the path traced shown is

[A]. Spiral
[B]. Ellipse
[C]. Linear
[D]. Parabola

The graph of parabola opens upwards, if

[A]. a = 0
[B]. a < 0
[C]. a > 0
[D]. a ≥ 0

Observe the following graph and answer:

Class 10 Maths Chapter 2 MCQ based on Case Study

In the above graph, how many zeroes are there for the polynomial?

[A]. 0
[B]. 1
[C]. 2
[D]. 3

The three zeroes in the above shown graph are

[A]. 2, 3, -1
[B]. -2, 3, 1
[C]. -3, -1, 2
[D]. -2, -3, -1

What will be the expression of the polynomial?

[A]. x³ + 2x² – 5x – 6
[B]. x³ + 2x² – 5x + 6
[C]. x³ + 2x² + 5x – 6
[D]. x³ + 2x² – 5x + 6
Last Edited: January 27, 2022