Get NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Footprints without feet Chapter 1. Grade 10 English Footprints without feet chapter 1 a Triumph of Surgery. 10th English book answers of chapter 1 in Hindi at Tiwari Academy. The Class 10 English Supplementary book Footprints without Feet is not a part of the CBSE syllabus and is not directly tested in the CBSE exams. However, it can still be helpful for students who want to improve their English skills. All the answers and translation is in updated format for new session. Get here Extra questions and Exercises answers for CBSE 2024-25. Answers are simple to learn and write. Contents are free to use online or download.

Class 10 English Chapter 1

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Meeting Inflatable Sausage

Mr. Herriot stopped the car as he saw Tricky with his mistress looking thick like an inflatable sausage, He was worried. One foot in each corner. His eyes, covered in blood and water, looked straight. In front, and the tongue protruded from the mouth. Mrs. Pumpfrey explained, He was very lethargic, Mr. Harriet.

I thought he would suffer Malnutrition. That is why I gave him some supplements in between food to feed him, some malt and fish oil and a bowl. To put her to sleep at night – nothing special. But he seemed so sick that I had to give up. He loved cream pie and chocolate. I can’t stand to deny that.” Mr. Harriot looked at the dog again problem was greed. He never refused to eat; “Do you give him a lot of exercise?” – As you can see, he’s going with me, but Hodgkin Gardener got sick so no play with sticks. He is seriously ill and His mistress goes to the vet.

Sympathy for Dog

Mr. Harriot conveyed “Now I really mean it, if you don’t cut it. Eat straight and give him more exercise, he’ll get really sick. Mrs. Pumpfrey shook hands. “Oh, I do, Mr. Harriet. I’m sure. You are right, but it is very, very difficult to Practice now. I watched his progress with increasing concern. Tricky had a whole wardrobe of coats He thought He’d hear soon from Mrs. Pumpfrey.

Class 10 English Chapter 1 A Triumph of Surgery

A few days later an incoming call was received. She was Mrs. Pumprey Mad. Chanchal did not eat anything. In addition, he vomited, breathing heavily. I had made my plan in advance. Tricky’s only way out to rescue him I offered to hospitalize him for approx. Two weeks under observation. The poor woman almost fainted. In fact, I thought it would be better to take it immediately.

Back to Old Self Tricky.

He started leaving. While I was leaving, Mrs. With a desperate cry everyone was in tears. On the way, He saw the pathetic animal suffocating. In the seat next to me. He puts his head and Tricky was brave to Attempt to wave the torso. “Poor old man,” He said. “You don’t kick yourself but He knew Tricky’s cure.” During the operation, He was surrounded by domestic dogs tricky late on the noisy flock with dull eyes and when he was put down he lay motionless on the carpet. The rest of the dogs smell it for a few seconds, decided it was not an interesting topic, and ignored it.

For two days He followed him giving him plenty of water. On the second day, he started to show some interest in his surroundings, and third, he started crying when he hears dogs in the yard. Tricky rolled a bit with his extra fat. He saw Tristan Put food in the bowl. Every dog knew that and was inclined to compete for the last part of their meal.

Happy Tricky, Happy Staff

Since then, Tricky’s progress has been rapid. He didn’t get any medicine anyway, but throughout the day he would run with the dogs and take part in the fight for their friendship. He found the joy of being confused, crushed, and crushed every few minutes. He becomes a member of an adopted gang,

Mrs. Pumpfrey calling dozens of times a day asking questions but I could tell her that the little man was out of danger and made a quick recovery. Mrs. Pumpfrey started bringing two dozen fresh eggs at a time. The couple and I ate two eggs for breakfast, but as soon as the bottles of wine began to arrive, the family began to realize the true potential of the situation. This was done to enrich the blood of the triad. Lunch turned into a ceremony with two glasses of wine and a few glasses of food before the meal.

Final Meeting

Tricky jumped out of his arms in one big jump and swam Mrs. Pumprey cried out in panic, “Oh!” and then he hit her, licked her face, and started barking. When the car left, Mrs. Pumprey leaning out the window. Tears spilled in her eyes. His lips started trembling. “Oh, Mr. Harriet,” she cried, “how can I thank you? This Surgery wins!

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Footprints without feet Chapter 1 Question Answers
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Footprints without feet Chapter 1 Guide
Class 10 English Footprints without feet Chapter 1
a Triumph of Surgery
Class 10 English Supplementary Chapter 1 a Triumph of Surgery
Class 10 English Supplementary Chapter 1 a Triumph of Surgery in Hindi
Class 10 English Supplementary Chapter 1 a Triumph of Surgery Hindi Medium
Class 10 English Supplementary Chapter 1 Hindi Translation
Class 10 English Supplementary Chapter 1 a Triumph of Surgery Hindi Translation
Class 10 English Supplementary Chapter 1 in Hindi Medium
Last Edited: September 22, 2023