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NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 5 Glimpses of India (A Baker from Goa, Coorg and Tea from Assam) and poem The Trees in Hindi Medium (Hindi Translation) with Summery in Hindi and English of Lesson & Poem in PDF format updated for new academic session 2024-25. The 10th English solutions explain the concepts in the textbook in a clear and concise manner. This helps students to develop a deep understanding of the subject, which is essential for success in their exams. The questions answers are modified according to new NCERT books published for 2024-25 exams.

Class: 10English
Textbook:First Flight
Chapter 5:Glimpses of India – A Baker from Goa, Coorg and Tea from Assam.
Content:Question Answers, Summary, Hindi Translation
Session:Academic Year 2024-25
Content Mode:Text, Videos and PDF

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 5

10th English chapter 5 includes all answers of oral comprehension check – 1, 2, 3, working with the text, working with language, speaking & writing skills, etc. Visit to Discussion Forum to share your knowledge and ask your doubts.

10th English First Flight Chapter 5 Question – Answers

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 5 Glimpses of India is given below in PDF format free download for session 2024-25. Download NCERT Solutions Offline Apps which work without internet once downloaded.

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Passages for Comprehension

During our childhood in Goa, the baker used to be our friend, companion and guide. He used to come at least twice a day. Once, when he set out in the morning on his selling round, and then again, when he returned after emptying his huge basket. The jingling thud of his bamboo woke us up from sleep and we ran to meet and greet him. Why was it so? Was it for the love of the loaf? Not at all. The loaves were bought by some Paskine or Bastine, the maid-servant of the house! What we longed for were those bread-bangles which we chose carefully. Sometimes it was sweet bread of special make.
1. How did the children regard a baker in their childhood?
2. What made the children wake up from sleep?
3. Which word in the passage means the same as ‘wished for very much/desired earnestly’?

Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 5 Glimpses of India

He would greet the lady of the house with “Good morning” and then place his basket on the vertical bamboo. We kids would be pushed aside with a mild rebuke and the loaves would be delivered to the servant. But we would not give up. We would climb a bench or the parapet and peep into the basket, somehow. I can still recall the typical fragrance of those loaves. Loaves for the elders and the bangles for the children. Then we did not even care to brush our teeth or wash our mouths properly.
1. Why were the kids pushed aside?
2. Who is ‘he’ in the passage?
3. Choose a word from the passage which means ‘scold’.

They sipped the steaming hot liquid. Almost everyone in their compartment was drinking tea too. “Do you know that over eighty crore cups of tea are drunk every day throughout the world?” Rajvir said.
“Whew!” exclaimed Pranjol. “Tea really is very popular.”
The train pulled out of the station. Pranjol buried his nose in his detective book again.
1. Who are they?
2. What did Pranjol do after the train started?
3. Which word in the passage means the same as ‘drank very small quantity at a time’?

Suggested Answers of Passages

Comprehension Passage I – Answers
1. In their childhood, the children regarded a baker as their friend, companion and guide.
2. The jingling thud of the baker’s bamboo made the children wake up from sleep.
3. Longed for.

Comprehension Passage II – Answers
1. Kids caused trouble by surrounding the baker.
2. He refers to pader.
3. Rebuke.

Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 5 – Important Questions

What are the elders in Goa nostalgic about?

The elders in Goa were heard reminiscing nostalgically about the good Old Portuguese days and their famous loaves of bread.

Is bread-making still popular in Goa? How do you know?

The author mentioned that the eaters of the famous bread loaves might have vanished but the makers were still there. He mentions the age-old time-tested furnaces existed and their fire had still not extinguished. Hence we can say that bread-making is still popular in Goa.

When would the baker come everyday? Why did the children run to meet him?

The author said that baker used to be their friend, companion and guide. The baker came at least twice a day. Once when he set out in the morning on his selling round, and then again, when he returned after emptying his huge basket. The jingling thud of his bamboo worked as an alarm for the children. They ran to meet him and greet him not because of their love of the loaf, which was bought by the maid-servant of the house. They actually longed for the bread-bangles, which they chose carefully. Sometimes, it was a sweet bread of special make.

What did the bakers wear: (i) in the Portuguese days? (ii) when the author was young?

(i) In the Portuguese days, the bakers had a peculiar dress known as the kabai. It was a single-piece long frock reaching down to the knees. (ii) When the author was young, he saw the bakers wearing a shirt and trousers, which were shorter than full-length ones and longer than half pants.

Who invites the comment — “he is dressed like a pader”? Why?

Anyone who wears a half-pant which reaches just below the knees invites the comment that “he is dressed like a pader”. This was so because the bakers were known as pader and they wore such half pants.

Where were the monthly accounts of the baker recorded?

The bakers usually collected the bills at the end of the month. The monthly accounts of the baker were recorded on some wall in pencil. It was profitable profession in the old days.

What does a ‘jackfruit -like appearance’ mean?

The plump physique was referred as a ‘jackfruit-like appearance’. This physique was linked to the bakers because they never starved. Baking was a profitable profession back then. The baker, his family, and his servants always looked happy and prosperous and had a ‘jackfruit-like appearance’.

Is bread an important part of Goan life? How do you know this?

Bread is an integral part of Goan life. Marriage gifts are meaningless without the sweet bread known as the bol. It is difficult to say how important a baker can be for the village. For occasion of daughter’s engagement the lady of the house prepares sandwiches. Cakes and bolinhas are a must for Christmas. The author says that everybody loves the fragrance of loaves. The elders were given loaves and the children were given bread-bangles, which they longed for. Bakery is a profitable profession shows that the love for bread is enormous in Goa.

Where is Coorg?

Coorg is situated in the midway between Mysore and the coastal town of Mangalore. It is the paradise on the Earth.

What is the story about the Kodavu people’s descent?

There are many stories about the Kodavu people’s descent. One of the story tells that the fiercely independent people of Kodavu are of Greek or Arabic origin. It is said that, a part of Alexander’s army men moved to south and settled there. Their costume, martial practices and marriage rituals also point to the fact that they are from Arabic origin.

What do you know about the people of Coorg?

The people of Coorg are fiercely independent. They are of Greek or Arabic descent. Coorgi homes have a tradition of hospitality. They are more than willing to recount numerous tales of valour related to their sons and fathers. Kodavus are the only people in India permitted to carry firearms without a license.

Comprehension Passage III – Answers
1. ‘They’ here refers to Rajvir and Pranjol.
2. Pranjol started studying his detective again after the train started.
3. Sipped.

What does this story of a baker from Goa in unit 5 from class 10th first flight is tells us about?

This chapter 5 tells us about the baking techniques and how the professional bakers from Goa were used to sell the bread and living with prosperously. Also how the traditional Indian seller was selling their products.

Do you think the chapter is successful to show us a glimpse of India in chapter 5 from class 10th English book?

India is a big country and every place have their own culture but this chapter shared one of the many traditional techniques and way of living in the village of one the most popular city Goa.

What is this chapter 5 from class 10th first flight is all about?

I think the entire chapter tells us about how beautiful the place Coorg is and its biodiversity. They are descendants of great Alexander and courageous people surrounded by nature and forest.

What was the part about this chapter 5 from class 10th first flight you like the most?

I think the part I like the most is about the Coorg is surrounded by the forest and wild animals and how the people there are preserving the culture and nature.

Did you find this chapter 5 from the first flight of 10th standard interesting?

I think the chapter is interesting as the author told us about the main and important thing about the Coorg and what makes the Coorg so special place from Southern India.

In this part of the story of chapter 5, what was the most amazing this shared in 10th class first flight?

The chapter 5 shares the two beautiful origin stories of tea and also shares a few of the most amazing facts for the tea plantation.

Do you think this chapter is successfully showing the glimpse of India in class 10th first flights English book chapter 5?

I think this chapter showed us the Northeastern part of India which is not much explored or known by people and unlike north India but the northeast part is one of the most beautifully cultured states which is also fulfilling the needs of the population craving for the refreshing hot beverage.

How do you think characters were in chapter 5 in the English book of class 10th?

I think the character Rajvir from North of the India part was curiously excited about the facts and view of Tea plantations. However, On the other side being and raised in Northeast Pranjol was not much of excited as he saw this since childhood. Their father was impressed to meet Rajvir when he shared the information about the months of the tea plantation

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 5 Glimpses of India
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 5 Glimpses of India Question Answers
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 5 Glimpses of India Guide
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 5 Glimpses of India Explanation
Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 5 Glimpses of India
Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 5 Glimpses of India Solutions
Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 5 Glimpses of India updated for new session
Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 5 Glimpses of India Solutions guide
Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 5 Glimpses of India answers guide
Class 10 English Chapter 5 Poem The Trees
Class 10 English Chapter 5 Poem The Trees answers
Class 10 English Chapter 5 Summery in English
Class 10 English Chapter 5 Summery in Hindi
Class 10 English Chapter 5 Summery English Medium
Class 10 English Chapter 5 Summery in Hindi Medium
Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 5 Hindi Translation
Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 5 English to Hindi Translation
Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 5 Hindi Medium
Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 5 Hindi Medium translation
Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 5 Hindi Version
Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 5 Hindi English medium
Class 10 English Chapter 5 Hindi
Class 10 English Chapter 5 Hindi Translation
Last Edited: May 3, 2024