Class 10 English Chapter 2 MCQ topic Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom and poem given in the chapter for term 1 exams academic session 2024-25. There are a lots of questions given for practice in CBSE first term exams. There are separate multiple choice questions as well as case based MCQs. Answers of each MCQ is also given just below the questions to help the students.

Class 10 English Chapter 2 MCQ

Class 10 English Chapter 2 MCQ Set 1


What learning do we get from life of Nelson Mandela?

[A]. Keep the fighting spirit On
[B]. Greed for Name & Fame
[C]. Provoke common people
[D]. Believe in live & let live policy

Full name of Nelson Mandela was _______.

[A]. Nelson Morken Mandela
[B]. Nelson Herchelle Mandela
[C]. Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela
[D]. Nelson Butcher Mandela

On which day Nelson Mandela took oath as President of South Africa?

[A]. 10th March
[B]. 10th May
[C]. 10th June
[D]. 10th January

Why other Nations discontinued relations with South Africa before Nelson struggle for apartheid?

[A]. Home war
[B]. Racial discrimination
[C]. Political instability
[D]. Colonial Rule

Class 10 English Chapter 2 MCQ Set 2


What was Mandela’s view on courage post release from prison?

[A]. Triumph over fear
[B]. Freedom
[C]. Racism
[D]. Fighting spirit

Number of deputy presidents elected are _______.

[A]. Four
[B]. Five
[C]. One
[D]. Two

Here people are compared with _______.

[A]. Minerals and Gems
[B]. Money
[C]. Animals
[D]. Jewels

What brought international leaders to South Africa?

[A]. Racism
[B]. Trade
[C]. Love
[D]. End of Apartheid

Class 10 English Chapter 2 MCQ Set 3


A prisoner of hatred takes away ___________.

[A]. Money
[B]. Freedom of man
[C]. Love
[D]. All of the above

“Curtailed” means _________.

[A]. Hatred
[B]. Enlarged
[C]. Reduced
[D]. Increased

Which flame can be hidden but not extinguished as per Mandela?

[A]. Goodness
[B]. Love
[C]. Humanity
[D]. Mankind

Depths of oppression create _________.

[A]. Poverty
[B]. Heights of character
[C]. Freedom
[D]. Revolution

Class 10 English Chapter 2 MCQ Set 4


In his long speech, what does Nelson Mandela said about decades old brutality on blacks of Africa?

[A]. Isolated Africa from West
[B]. Came closer to starvation
[C]. Flame of revolution rose
[D]. Created super natural courage, wisdom & generosity

What oppressed and oppressor were robbing?

[A]. Money
[B]. Humanity
[C]. Peace
[D]. Weapons

In whom Nelson Mandela had seen glimpse of humanity?

[A]. Guard
[B]. Relative
[C]. Towns people
[D]. God

Choose the name who faught with Mandela against Racism?

[A]. Chief Luthuli
[B]. Bram Fischer
[C]. Robert Sobukwe
[D]. All of the above

Class 10 English Chapter 2 MCQ Set 5


What is “Apartheid”?

[A]. Racial discrimination in political system
[B]. Freedom movement in S. Africa
[C]. Oath ceremony of Nelson Mandela
[D]. None of the above.

What does “White Supremacy” mean by author?

[A]. White Amphitheatre
[B]. Domination of white people in Society
[C]. Domination of white people in Politics
[D]. Treat every color people the same

What rare privilege was given to South Africa in 1994?

[A]. To be host to other nations
[B]. Won war against apartheid
[C]. Became UN member
[D]. None of the above

What diplomatic things did Mandela say in his speech on the Western Countries?

[A]. Racial policies framed by white people on dark skinned people
[B]. Physical harassment by white people in entire Africa
[C]. Keeping South African people away from their own democratic rights
[D]. All of the above

To whom Nelson Mandela wanted to say “Special thanks” in his speech but could not do?

[A]. African Patriots
[B]. African Army
[C]. African Politicians
[D]. Western Nations for giving special status to S. Africa

Class 10 English Chapter 2 MCQ Passage 1

“The ceremonies took place in the lovely sandstone amphitheatre formed by the Union Buildings in Pretoria. For decades this had been the seat of white supremacy, and it was the site of a rainbow gathering of different colours and nations for the installation of South Africa’s first democratic non-racial government. On that lovely autumn day, I was accompanied by my daughter Zenani. On the podium, Mr. de Klerk was first sworn in as second deputy president. Then Thalia Mheki was sworn in as first deputy president. When it was my turn I pledged to obey and uphold the Constitution and to devote myself to the well-being of the Republic and its people. To the assembled guests and the watching world.


Name the place of white supremacy where the ceremony took place?

[A]. The big white theatre
[B]. The podium
[C]. The amphitheatre
[D]. The Constitution Club

Choose the option from below that is NOT TRUE according to the given extract.

[A]. The whites had been ruling South Africa.
[B]. The previous rulers were nonracial.
[C]. The whites were racial.
[D]. The previous rulers did not believe in Democracy.

Which word does ‘supremacy’ not correspond to?

[A]. Power over others
[B]. Dominant
[C]. Most superior
[D]. Minor

Choose the characteristic displayed by the speaker when he addressed the audience.

[A]. Dominating
[B]. Devoted
[C]. Disturbed
[D]. Dismayed

Class 10 English Chapter 2 MCQ Passage 2

We who were outlaws not so long ago, have today been given the rare privilege to be host to the nations of the world on our own soil. We thank all of our country distinguished international guests for having come to take possession with the people of our country of what is, after all a common victory for justice, for peace, for human dignity. We have, at last, achieved our political emancipation. We pledge ourselves to liberate all our people from the continuing bondage of poverty, deprivation, suffering, gender and other discrimination.


Choose the option that lists the set of statements that are NOT TRUE according to the given extract

[A]. The victory being talked about in the passage is a victory over discrimination.
[B]. The victory is about the change of laws.
[C]. The victory here is about the victory over poverty.
[D]. The victory is over bondage of suffering.

When the writer says, we have at last, achieved our political emancipation’, he means that the victims of apartheid had.

[A]. started a course on politics
[B]. been in politics for long
[C]. got back their social and political rights
[D]. Started feeling excited

The statement that is TRUE about the state of the outlaws as described in the passage is:

[A]. They lived in a slum
[B]. They suffered from disease and malnutrition
[C]. They lived in poverty and did not enjoy equal rights
[D]. They could not buy medicines

The word ‘liberate’ does NOT correspond to’?

[A]. Being out of slavery
[B]. Being unconscious
[C]. Being free from imprisonment
[D]. Being free from bondage

Class 10 English Chapter 2 MCQ Passage 3

My country is rich in the minerals and gems that lie beneath its soil, but I have always known that its greatest wealth is its people, finer and truer than the purest diamonds It is from these comrades in the struggle that I learned the meaning of courage. Time and again, I have seen men stand up to attack and torture without breaking, showing a strength and resilience. That defies the imagination. I learned that courage is not the absence of fear, but triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.


What are the feelings of the speaker of these lines?

[A]. He feels proud about his countrymen
[B]. He feels pity for them
[C]. He is not sure about their future
[D]. He feels depressed

Choose the option that is NOT TRUE according to the given extract.

[A]. The people of Africa had been brave and courageous.
[B]. they withstood torture without any complaint.
[C]. they sacrificed their lives for their country.
[D]. they cried in shame.

Which word does ‘triumph’ not correspond to?

[A]. Notable success
[B]. Togetherness
[C]. Victory
[D]. Conquest

The speaker uses the phrase “time and again’ when he talks about how his countrymen risked their lives. Which of the following is NOT the correct meaning of this phrase?

[A]. Something that happens every time
[B]. Something that happens often
[C]. As a routine
[D]. Something that happens from time to time.

Class 10 English Chapter 2 MCQ Passage 4

It was almost impossible for a man of my birth and colour to fulfill both of these obligations. In South Africa, a man of colour who attempted to live as a human being was punished and isolated. In South Africa, a man who tried to fulfill his duty to his people was inevitably ripped from his family and his home and was forced to live a life apart, a twilight existence of secrecy and rebellion. I did not in the beginning choose to place my people above my family, but in attempting to serve my people, I found that I was pervented from fulfilling my obligations as a son, a brother, a father and a husband.


When the writer says he could not fulfill both of these obligations, he means that

[A]. He could not look after his family and his countrymen at the same time.
[B]. He could not travel because of family responsibilities.
[C]. He had to lead a secret life.
[D]. He felt greatly obliged.

A twilight existence. Which one of the following DOES NOT convey the meaning of this phrase?

[A]. A life in isolation
[B]. A life in secrecy
[C]. A life in prison, away from one’s family
[D]. A life near a lighthouse

Which one of the following is NOT a meaning of ‘inevitable’?

[A]. Impossible
[B]. Unavoidable
[C]. Cannot be prevented
[D]. Predictable

Which one of the following summarises the idea expressed in this paragraph perfectly?

[A]. Devotion to county results in an estrangement from family.
[B]. Leaders are very secretive.
[C]. Leaders usually lead a life of pleasure.
[D]. A son has to respect his country just like his own mother.

Class 10 English Chapter 2 Fire and Ice MCQ Stanza 1

FIRE AND ICE Some say the world will end in fire Some say in ice. From what I’ve tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate to say that for destruction ice Is also great and would suffice.


Which are the two destructive forces?

[A]. Terrorism and Corruption
[B]. Ice and Global warming
[C]. Ice and Fire
[D]. Poverty and Greed

What does ‘it’ refer to?

[A]. ‘it’ refers to the ice
[B]. ‘it’ refers to the fire
[C]. ‘it’ refers to the poem
[D]. ‘it refers to the world

Find the antonym of ‘creation in the above lines.

[A]. Desire
[B]. Suffice
[C]. Great
[D]. Destruction

From the above lines, write any two words which rhyme with the word ‘price’:

[A]. twice, suffice
[B]. ice, surface
[C]. I, ice
[D]. Fire, ice

The poet has nicely expressed his message in a total of _ _lines only.

[A]. 4 lines
[B]. 7 lines
[C]. 9 lines
[D]. 11 lines
Last Edited: June 9, 2023