NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English Grammar Chapter 5 A, An and The – Articles and their uses for CBSE Session 2024-25. Know here about how to place an article in the sentence and the use of article to enhance the quality of sentence. In Class 1 English Grammar Chapter 5, the types of articles with examples are given in simplified form of sentences. Students can easily understand almost all the sentences.

Use of Articles – A, An and The

The words a, an and the are called articles.

    1. a girl
    2. a duck
    3. a box
    4. a tree

All the words begin with ‘g’, ‘d’, ‘b’ and ‘t’ which are called consonant.

    • 1. an apple
    • 2. an ox
    • 3. an orange
    • 4. an umbrella
    • 5. an inkpot
    • 6. an owl

The naming words begin with ‘a’, ‘e’, ‘I’, ‘o’ and ‘u’ which are vowels.
Note: the article ‘an’ is used before a singular noun beginning with a vowel: a, e, I, o, u.
‘A’ and ‘An’ are called indefinite articles.

Check Yourself-1

A. Write ‘a’ or ‘an’ before the following naming words.

Naming Word Article + Naming Word
Lion a lion
Orange an orange
Peacock a peacock
Tailor a tailor
Eye an eye
Fish a fish
Naming Word Article + Naming Word
Doctor a doctor
Engine an engine
Ball a ball
Egg an egg
Balloon a balloon
Ant an ant

B. Fill in the blank with ‘a’ and ‘an’.

Rohit wants ….. packet of biscuit.

Rohit wants a packet of biscuits.

My friend is taking …… cold drink.

My friend is taking a cold drink.

He is ….. artist. He has painted …… elephant.

He is an artist. He has painted an elephant.

Do you want to take ……… cup of milk?

Do you want to take a cup of milk?

There is …… aeroplne flying in the sky.

There is an aeroplane flying in the sky.

The carpenter is making ……. chair.

The carpenter is making a chair.

The girls are sitting on …. bench.

The girls are sitting on a bench.

‘The’ Article

‘The’ is a definite article. It is used before a particular person or thing.
1. The Moon
2. The Cloud
3. The Red Fort
4. The Earth
5. The Sun
6. The Tajmahal

Class 1 English Grammar Chapter 5 Articles
Class 1 English Grammar Articles
Class 1 English Grammar Articles revision
Class 1 English Grammar Articles exercises
Class 1 English Grammar Chapter 5 Articles notes
Class 1 English Grammar Chapter 5 Articles Revision book
Last Edited: June 16, 2023