NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English Marigold Unit 4 Chapter 1 Once I Saw a Little Bird and Chapter 2 Mittu and the Yellow Mango with grammar and practice exercises along with NCERT back exercises. All the solutions are updated for CBSE session 2024-25 not only of CBSE board but other board also. Simple and easy language is being used for answering the questions.

NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English Marigold Unit 4

Class 1 English Unit 4 Chapter 1 Once I saw a Little bird – Summary

This poem is about a boy and a bird. In this poem, a boy sees a little bird sitting at his room’s window. He goes near the bird to talk to him. But the bird quickly flew away.

New words used in the poem “Once I saw a little Bird” are:

1. Bird
2. Hop
3. Stop
4. Tail
5. Window

Make sentences using the words: Bird, stop, and window.
birdThis bird is very small.
stopDon’t stop that girl. Let her go.
windowThis window is very dirty.

Class 1 English Unit 4 Chapter 1 Question Answer set 1

What did the child see in the poem “Once I saw a little Bird”?

In the poem “Once I saw a little Bird”, the child saw the little bird.

What was the little bird doing in the poem “Once I saw a little Bird”?

The little bird was sitting on a room’s window.

Do you see any birds around your school or your house?

Yes, I have seen birds around my school and house.

Have you tried talking to them?

No, I never tried talking to them.

Mittu and the Yellow Mango

Class 1 English Unit 4 Chapter 2 Mittu and the Yellow Mango – Summary

This story is about a parrot named Mittu. One day while flying he saw a yellow mango on the tree. He wanted to eat that mango. But a crow lived on that mango tree. The crow shouted at Mittu and said “Caw, caw, go away. This is my tree”. Mittu got frightened and went away.

But he came back with an idea. He brought a red balloon with help of his beak carefully. He burst that balloon behind the tree. The balloon made a loud noise. After hearing that noise the crow flew away in fear and Mittu ate the yellow mango.

New words used in the story “Mittu and the Yellow Mango” are:

1. Black
2. Crow
3. Mango
4. Parrot

Make sentences using the words: Black, Crow, Mango, Parrot
blackI have a black dress.
crowI like feeding a crow.
mangoThis mango is fresh.
parrotThe parrots have a red-colored beak.

Class 1 English Unit 4 Chapter 2 Question Answer set 1

Who wrote the story “Mittu and the Yellow Mango”?

Chitra Narendran wrote the story “Mittu and the Yellow Mango”.

What did Mittu see on the tree?

Mittu saw a mango on the tree.

What did the big black crow say?

The black crow said, “Caw, caw, go away. This is my tree,”.

What did Mittu see under the tree?

Mittu saw a red-colored balloon under the tree.

What was the name of the parrot?

The name of the parrot was “Mittu”.

Do you like eating mangoes?

Yes, I like eating Mangoes.

Do you like green mangoes? Why?

No, I don’t like green mangoes because I don’t like their flavor.

Do you like yellow mangoes? Why?

Yes, I like yellow mango because its flavor is sweet.

Choose a letter (a, e, i, o, u) and complete the words below.

Choose a letter (a, e, i, o, u) and complete the words below:


i (sit)


i (pig)


a (bag)


o (dot)


u (sun)


a (fan)


e (leg)


a (sat)


e (let)


u (bun)

The poem in unit 4 chapter 1 from class 1st Marigold was made fun of?

The poem is made with easy words and made fun. It is not long so it is easy to memorize.

Is the poem in unit 4 chapter 1 and class 1st Marigold serving a purpose?

The poem ‘Once I saw a little bird’ highlighting a fun activity that children do when they see any bird.

The story in unit 4 chapter 2 from the Marigold of class 1st was showing the quality of Mittu the parrot. What was that quality?

The story Mittu and the yellow mango showing the clever and happy Mittu who wanted to eat the mango.

What did the Mitthu do to scare the Crow in the story in unit 4 chapter 2 from class 1st Marigold?

Mittu the parrot picked the red big balloon and went behind the crow and pop it. The loud sound scared the crow and he fell from the tree.

Do you think the story in unit 4 chapter 2 from class1st Marigold is easy to understand?

The story in “ Mittu and the yellow mango” is made easy to understand with a fun motive which shows the clever nature of Mittu.

Last Edited: June 19, 2024