NCERT Solutions App, APK for Android and iOS Apps for iPhone and iPad session 2024-25 to download (use Online or Offline) for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 all subjects. All Exercises Solution apps are revised and modified according to new textbooks issued by textbooks for academic year 2024-25.

Learning Apps in Hindi and English

Periodic Table App for Android
Periodic Table App for iOS
MCQ Online Test App for Android
MCQ Online Test App for iOS
NCERT Solutions App Class 1
NCERT Solutions App Class 2
NCERT Solutions App Class 3
NCERT Solutions App Class 4
NCERT Solutions App Class 5
NCERT Solutions App Class 6
NCERT Solutions App Class 7
NCERT Solutions App Class 8
NCERT Solutions App Class 9
NCERT Solutions App Class 10
NCERT Solutions App Class 11
NCERT Solutions App Class 12

NCERT Textbook Solutions iOS App for iPhone and iPad in Hindi and English medium online and offline mode to use updated for academic session 2024-25. For the current academic year this is a specific iOS app called NCERT Solutions iOS App. Here, I can provide some information based on common practices related to NCERT solutions and educational iOS apps.

Class:1 to 12 and Nursery, KG
App Platform:App Store and Play Store
Contents:Offline and Online Apps
Oprating System:Android and iOS
Content Type:Books and Solutions
Academic Session:Year 2024-25
Medium:Hindi and English medium

NCERT (National Council of Educational Research and Training) is an autonomous organization in Bharat that publishes textbooks and educational materials for school students. NCERT textbooks are widely used in the Indian education system. These iOS apps focus these textbooks to provide solutions.

Educational app developers often create apps that provide solutions and resources based on NCERT textbooks. These apps (iOS and Android) are designed to help students understand and solve problems from NCERT textbooks, which are commonly used in schools in Bharat. These solutions can be for subjects like mathematics, science, social studies and more.

NCERT Solutions App for iOS, iPad, iPhone

Class 1 to 12 Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Science, English, Hindi, Social Science, Ganit, Vigyan app to use offline. Download NCERT Solutions, share as well as use APK of solutions in offline or online mode. Ask Your Questions and Reply to your friends through Discussion Forum. UP Board Class 9, 10, 11 and 12 students are also using NCERT Textbooks.

So, the students of High School and Intermediate can use these Offline and Online apps to find the solutions of their course books. Download here the UP Board Solutions Apps for Class 9 Maths, Science, English and Social science. High School Class 10 UP Board apps for Math, Science and sst are also given to free download. For intermediate, download UP Board Solutions app for 11 and 12 Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Biology.

NCERT Solutions Offline App (APK)

NCERT Book Solutions App 2024-25 for all classes (works online – internet required) and all subjects in English Medium and Hindi Medium is given below. It also contains NCERT Books along with the solutions. For the academic session 2024-25, UP Board Students are also using NCERT Textbooks in High School and Intermediate. So, students of UP Board can also take benefits of these NCERT Solutions offline apps without any fee.

Class 1 Solution Apps
Get here Class 1 Android and iOS Apps for iPhone and iPad. Here’s what you will find in an NCERT solutions iOS and Android apps. The NCERT Solutions app typically offers chapter-wise solutions for NCERT textbooks, including step-by-step explanations for problems and questions in each chapter.

Class 1 English: Mridang App for Android
Class 1 Hindi: Sarangi App for Android
Class 1 Ganit: Aananddayak App for Android
Class 1 Maths: Joyful App for Android
Class 1 Hindi Vyakaran App for Android
Class 1 English Grammar App for Android
Class 1 All Subjects Solutions for Android
Class 1 NCERT Books App for Android
Class 1 All Subjects iOS App for iPad & iPhone

Class 2 Solution Apps
Class 2 iOS Apps for iPhone and iPad with Android app are given here. These apps provide additional practice questions and exercises to help students reinforce their understanding of the subject matter.

Class 2 English: Mridang App for Android
Class 2 Hindi: Sarangi App for Android
Class 2 Maths: Joyful App for Android
Class 2 Ganit: Aanandmay App for Android
Class 2 Hindi Vyakaran App for Android
Class 2 English Grammar App for Android
Class 2 All Subjects Solutions for Android
Class 2 NCERT Books App for Android
Class 2 All Subjects iOS App for iPad & iPhone

Class 3 Solution Apps
Class 3 all subjects Android and iOS Apps for iPhone and iPad are given here. Educational iOS apps include interactive elements such as quizzes, videos, animations and other multimedia resources to enhance learning.

Class 3 Maths: Maths Mela App for Android
Class 3 Maths: Ganit Mela App for Android
Class 3 English: Santoor App for Android
Class 3 Hindi: Veena App for Android
Class 3 EVS: Our Wondrous World App
Class 3 Hindi Vyakaran App for Android
Class 3 English Grammar App for Android
Class 3 All Subjects Solutions for Android
Class 3 NCERT Books App for Android
Class 3 All Subjects iOS App for iPad & iPhone

Class 4 Solution Apps
Class 4 Android and iOS Learning Apps for iPhone and iPad are available to download. These apps allow users to download content for offline access, which can be useful for students with limited internet connectivity. These apps are usually designed to be user-friendly and accessible to students of various age groups.

Class 4 Hindi Vyakaran App for Android
Class 4 English Grammar App for Android
Class 4 All Subjects Solutions for Android
Class 4 NCERT Books App for Android
Class 4 All Subjects iOS App for iPad & iPhone

Class 5 Solution Apps
Class 5 iOS Apps for iPhone and iPad are given here. Android and iOS apps are given separately do download accordingly. Tiwari Academy apps cover NCERT solutions for different classes, from primary school to higher secondary levels in Hindi and English both languages.

Class 5 Hindi Vyakaran App for Android
Class 5 English Grammar App for Android
Class 5 All Subjects Solutions for Android
Class 5 NCERT Books App for Android
Class 5 All Subjects iOS App for iPad & iPhone

Class 6 Apps for all Subjects

Class 6 NCERT Solutions apps includes the changes made in CBSE Syllabus for the academic session 2024-25. We have updated Class 6 Maths App in Hindi as well as English Medium according the changes made by CBSE.

Class 6 Android Apps

Class 6 Maths App for Android
Class 6 Maths in Hindi for Android
Class 6 Science App for Android
Class 6 Science in Hindi for Android
Class 6 Social Science App for Android
Class 6 Social Science in Hindi for Android
Class 6 Sanskrit App for Android
Class 6 English App for Android
Class 6 English Grammar App for Android
Class 6 Hindi App for Android
Class 6 Hindi Vyakaran App for Android
Class 6 all Subjects App for Android
Class 6 NCERT Books App for Android

Class 6 iOS Apps for iPhone and iPad

Class 6 All Subjects iOS App for iPad & iPhone

The availability and features of such apps change over time with the latest updates. If you are looking for a specific iOS app related to NCERT solutions, I recommend downloading Tiwari Academy from the Apple App Store for the most up-to-date contents, which is the best suits your needs.

NCERT Solutions App Tiwari Academy

Class 7 Apps for all Subjects

Class 7 NCERT Solutions Offline apps are given below to download free. All offline apps works without internet once download. If you find any mistake or update, please call or WhatsApp us or post through Discussion Forum, we will try to do the same as soon as possible.

Class 7 Android Apps

Class 7 Maths App for Android
Class 7 Maths in Hindi for Android
Class 7 Science App for Android
Class 7 Science in Hindi for Android
Class 7 Social Science App for Android
Class 7 Social Science in Hindi for Android
Class 7 Sanskrit App for Android
Class 7 English App for Android
Class 7 English Grammar App for Android
Class 7 Hindi App for Android
Class 7 Hindi Vyakaran App for Android
Class 7 all Subjects App for Android
Class 7 NCERT Books App for Android

Class 7 iOS Apps for iPhone and iPad

Class 7 All Subjects iOS App for iPad & iPhone

One has access to real-time information and the ability to provide personal opinions or endorsements. Therefore, everyone can specifically state that Tiwari Academy’s iPhone, iPad, or iOS apps for NCERT Solutions are the best.

Class 8 Apps for all Subjects

Download NCERT Solutions apps for class 8 in Hindi and English Medium to use it offline. If it is not working on your phone, contact us, we will definitely help you. Download NCERT Books and apps based on latest CBSE Syllabus 2024-25.

Class 8 Android Apps

Class 8 Maths App for Android
Class 8 Maths in Hindi for Android
Class 8 Science App for Android
Class 8 Science in Hindi for Android
Class 8 Social Science App for Android
Class 8 Social Science in Hindi for Android
Class 8 Sanskrit App for Android
Class 8 English App for Android
Class 8 English Grammar App for Android
Class 8 Hindi App for Android
Class 8 Hindi Vyakaran App for Android
Class 8 all Subjects App for Android
Class 8 NCERT Books App for Android

Class 8 iOS Apps for iPhone and iPad

Class 8 All Subjects iOS App for iPad & iPhone

Here, you can see some general factors that you can consider when evaluating the quality of educational apps like those offered by Tiwari Academy or any other similar service. Check if the app provides accurate and comprehensive solutions for NCERT textbooks. The quality of content and explanations should be high to help students understand and learn effectively.

Class 9 Apps for all Subjects

Class 9 NCERT Solutions Offline apps are given below updated for new academic session 2024-25 to download free and use offline. Changes in the files, present inside the apps, are made as per the suggestion of students or users. Download apps for UP Board Solutions Class 9 English, Maths, Science and Social Science for session 2024-25.

Class 9 Android Apps

Class 9 Maths App for Android
Class 9 Maths in Hindi for Android
Class 9 Science App for Android
Class 9 Science in Hindi for Android
Class 9 Social Science for Android
Class 9 Social Science in Hindi for Android
Class 9 Hindi App for Android
Class 9 English App for Android
Class 9 Sanskrit App for Android
Class 9 all Subjects App for Android
Class 9 NCERT Books App for Android

Class 9 iOS Apps for iPhone and iPad

Class 9 All Subjects iOS App for iPad & iPhone

As a good educational iOS app, Tiwari Academy have an intuitive and easy-to-navigate user interface. It is given in Hindi and English Medium. It is designed to cater to the needs of students, making it easy for them to access solutions and other educational resources.

NCERT Solutions Apps for iOS

Ultimately, the best app for your iPad or iPhone or Android may depend on your specific educational needs and preferences. It’s a good idea to try out Tiwari Academy app comparing with a few different apps, if possible, and see which one aligns most closely with your requirements and learning style.

Additionally, seek recommendations from teachers, peers, or educational professionals who may have experience with NCERT solutions apps. Consider unique features or benefits that the app offers, such as study plans, progress tracking, or customization options.

Class 10 Solutions Offline and Online Apps

Class 10 CBSE NCERT solutions apps are given below to download free and use offline updated for session 2024-25. We made the changes in PDFs of solutions, as per your suggestion. Download UP Board Solutions Apps for Class 10 Maths, Science and Social Science for session 2024-25.

Class 10 Android Apps

Class 10 Maths App for Android
Class 10 Maths in Hindi for Android
Class 10 Science App for Android
Class 10 Science in Hindi for Android
Class 10 Social Science App for Android
Class 10 Social Science in Hindi for Android
Class 10 Sanskrit App for Android
Class 10 English App for Android
Class 10 Hindi App for Android
Class 10 all Subjects App for Android
Class 10 NCERT Books App for Android

Class 10 iOS Apps for iPhone and iPad

Class 10 All Subjects iOS App for iPad & iPhone

All the subjects of all classes are available with books and solutions in apps. Look here for interactive elements like quizzes, videos, animations, and practice questions that can make learning more engaging and effective.

Class 11 Solutions Offline and Online Apps

Get here all subjects offline and online apps of class 11 subjects. The NCERT Solutions apps related to class 11 Maths in Hindi and English, Physics in Hindi and English Medium, Chemistry in Hindi and English, etc. are given here to download.

Class 11 Android Apps

Class 11 Maths App for Android
Class 11 Maths in Hindi for Android
Class 11 Physics App for Android
Class 11 Physics in Hindi for Android
Class 11 Chemistry App for Android
Class 11 Chemistry in Hindi for Android
Class 11 Biology App for Android
Class 11 Biology in Hindi for Android
Class 11 Physical Education for Android
Class 11 English App for Android
Class 11 all Subjects App for Android
Class 11 NCERT Books App for Android

Class 11 iOS Apps for iPhone and iPad

Class 11 All Subjects iOS App for iPad & iPhone

An app that allows users to download content for offline access can be particularly useful, especially in areas with limited internet connectivity. Tiwari Academy’s iOS apps are built to function online as well as online mode. Once downloaded, there is no need of internet to work with it.

NCERT Solution App
Class 12 Solutions Offline and Online Apps

Students of grade 12th Science stream can get offline and online apps based on all subjects of class 12. The NCERT Solutions apps related to class 12 Maths in Hindi and English Medium, Physics in Hindi and English Medium, Chemistry in Hindi and English, etc. are given below to download.

Class 12 Android Apps

Class 12 English App for Android
Class 12 Maths App for Android
Class 12 Maths in Hindi for Android
Class 12 Physics App for Android
Class 12 Physics in Hindi for Android
Class 12 Chemistry App for Android
Class 12 Chemistry in Hindi for Android
Class 12 Biology App for Android
Class 12 Biology in Hindi for Android
Class 12 Physical Education for Android
Class 12 History in Hindi for Android
Class 12 Geography App for Android
Class 12 Geography in Hindi for Android
Class 12 Political Science App for Android
Class 12 Political Science in Hindi for Android
Class 12 all Subjects App for Android
Class 12 NCERT Books App for Android

Class 12 iOS Apps for iPhone and iPad

Class 12 All Subjects iOS App for iPad & iPhone

We ensure that the app is regularly updated to align with changes in the NCERT curriculum or to fix bugs and improve user experience. We provide good customer support, which is also important in case you encounter any issues or have questions.

Feeback & Suggestions

Read reviews and ratings from other users on the App Store to get a sense of the app’s performance and user satisfaction. Check if the Tiwari Academy app is compatible with your specific iOS device (iPhone, iPad, etc.) and operating system version. For any inconvenience, please call us for assistance. Evaluate the pricing model of the app. Our apps offer free content, neither in-app purchases nor subscriptions for premium features. We ensure that the app respects your privacy and doesn’t collect unnecessary personal information.

We are working for both Hindi Medium as well English Medium for all most all subjects from class 1st to class 12th for session 2024-25. This page will provide the links of best NCERT Solutions apps (APKs) as released on Google Play Store or App Store.

Which is the best App for NCERT Solutions?

There are so many apps available on Play Store and App Store. Just visit and check review to download. Apps are available in Hindi Medium, English Medium, etc. Its upon your need, select and download. Tiwari Academy App provides English Medium and Hindi Medium contents in the same app. The App you like most is the best for you.

Are there NCERT Solution apps which works without internet?

Offline apps are made for this purpose. Once it is downloaded, there is no need of internet at all.

Are Tiwari Academy Apps free of cost?

Not only Apps but all the contents of Tiwari Academy also are free to use. There is no login or password required to access the contents and apps. We never call or message to our users for our product promotion and always try to help the students make the education easy.

Is Login required to download Tiwari Academy Apps?

Some apps have made it compulsory. In Tiwari Academy Apps, there is no need to login at all. Just download and start using. It is design in such a way the student feel it as a very handy application.

Last Edited: March 19, 2025